Feature changed by: Adrian Schröter (adrianSuSE) Feature #306381, revision 11 Title: Read Only mode for anonymous users in Web Client Buildservice: Evaluation Priority Requester: Important Projectmanager: Important Requested by: Adrian Schröter (adriansuse) Description: The OBS Web Client shall offer a read only mode for not loged in users. Goals: * The current projects and packages shall become browseable * Search engines shall be able to index our content * Our sources, including the patches should be accessable. * Log files shall be accessable for developers without login. What should not be accessable: Of course no write operations and everything which is causing too much load on our servers. The system must be still usable for packagers as higher goal. This means: * No build result downloads via api * No monitor pages due to the cause load ? Discussion: #1: Adrian Schröter (adriansuse) (2009-04-22 13:09:18) Andreas, do you think it is easier to write own read-only pages or to adapt the existing developer pages for a read-only mode ? #3: Andreas Bauer (abauer12345) (2009-04-22 14:16:08) (reply to #1) What do you mean by developer pages? #4: Adrian Schröter (adriansuse) (2009-04-22 14:36:14) (reply to #3) Basically every existing page behind build.opensuse.org #2: Juergen Weigert (jnweiger) (2009-04-22 13:34:07) I also request to make build logs available. We have a streaming architecture that should be able to handle the load. #5: Adrian Schröter (adriansuse) (2009-04-22 14:36:36) (reply to #2) Log files are already mentioned in the feature description. #7: Juergen Weigert (jnweiger) (2009-04-24 13:24:53) (reply to #5) I don't understand what is meant by banning 'build results'. Neither osc result nor osc rbl then? Good. #8: Adrian Schröter (adriansuse) (2009-04-27 09:37:37) (reply to #7) The binary packages, like rpm, deb or iso files should not be downloadable without login via the API. #9: Michael Schröder (mlschroe) (2009-04-27 10:26:02) (reply to #8) Why's that? I can't think of any reason for this requirement. + #10: Adrian Schröter (adriansuse) (2009-04-27 10:39:20) (reply to #9) + I do not want to see slashdot announcements for example with download + URLs of our iso images for example, just because the publishing has + been disabled by intention of the developer of the project. + It would just kill us by bandwidth and would take away the decision + when to release from the project owners. #6: Juergen Weigert (jnweiger) (2009-04-24 13:17:25) URLs like https://api.opensuse.org/source/home:jnweiger/fat-gundel/fat-gundel.c should not come up with an extra API iChains popup. I believe everything under https://api.opensuse.org/source/ could be freely downloadable. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/306381