Feature changed by: Jiri Srain (jsrain) Feature #310516, revision 9 Title: YaST2 DNSSEC openSUSE-11.4: Evaluation by project manager Priority Requester: Important Info Provider: (Novell) Requested by: Peter Bowen (pzb) Product Manager: (Novell) Project Manager: (Novell) + Engineering Manager: (Novell) + Engineering Manager: (Novell) Technical Contact: (Novell) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: With the root zone now being signed, DNSSEC is finally seeing adoption. It would be really nice for YaST to be able to generate a signed zone. Discussion: #2: Peter Bowen (pzb) (2010-09-13 17:00:43) This is actually a couple of requests rolled into one. I didn't realize that when I initially entered it. 1) Enable DNSSEC validation in the default BIND configuration - Add root zone key to the default configuration 2) Enable easy creation of signed zones 3) Optionally add support in applications (e.g. Firefox) for displaying status The business case revolves around providing a modern security aware distribution. Until June of 2010, DNSSEC was not deployed widely, but with the root zone signed, almost all TLDs have either rolled out DNSSEC or announced plans to do so within approximately one year. I expect to see customers requesting this once .com signs their zone. #3: Konstantinos Koudaras (warlordfff) (2011-02-22 22:05:42) I proposed to look at this idea into GSOC ideas wiki page. We are looking for mentors so if anyone wants to help, please add your name in the wiki page (http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:GSOC_2011_Ideas ) -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/310516