Feature changed by: Stanley Miller (stan_qaz) Feature #309838, revision 2 Title: Add a set of favourite modules in YaST control centre openSUSE-11.3: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Atri Bhattacharya (badshah400) Description: It would be nice to have a set of favourite modules in YaST either as a separate group or as part of the display (for example a list of items just below the left sidebar). I understand that many modules in YaST are a little too technical for the "average" desktop user, and that he/she usually ends up using a few of them [software management, network, users, etc.] regularly while ignoring the presence of the more advanced modules. As a result, the interface looks a little too daunting for him/her at first sight. Therefore, I suggest that YaST have a "Commonly used" group of modules [alongside the already existing groups] that should be shown at YaST startup. The commonly used group could be a hard-coded list of the usually used modules [i believe the survey could help with that] or be initially populated with a selection of simple modules and then updated with usage. For example there could be just the "Software management" and "Users" modules added to the commonly used group and when a user uses module "X" a few times it shows up there as well. This would make it useful also, for example, for a system-administrator who uses the LDAP module regularly. Filing for openSUSE 11.3, since there seems to be no way to file features for 12.0 yet. + Discussion: + #1: Stanley Miller (stan_qaz) (2010-06-13 00:43:18) + Maybe have two tabs like the "Personal Settings" program does but one + for user selected options and the second for the full set of options. + Let the user choose to hide items in the basic tab or select ones on + the advanced tab to also be shown on the basic tab. + That would let me greatly simplify Yast for a lot of folks I install + for and move the troublesom options a bit out of sight where they are + less likely to be clicked by an overly curious new user. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/309838