Feature changed by: Dejan Muhamedagic (dmuhamedagic) Feature #310455, revision 12 Title: list dependent packages that trigger rebuild Buildservice: New Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: William Brenneman (eocrates) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: I have packages that use the openSUSE_Factory repo in the Build Service, and periodically a required package (outside my project, i.e. zlib) will be updated in the repository that triggers my packages to be rebuilt. Suggestion: list what package (plus maybe have old version # => new version #) in Commit History of my package that triggered my package to rebuild. Discussion: #1: Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (2010-09-02 19:02:52) Since it was not a commit in your package that triggered the rebuild, recording a commit entry in, well, your package looks wrong too. + #2: Dejan Muhamedagic (dmuhamedagic) (2013-10-08 16:31:37) + Has this actually been implemented with osc triggerreason? -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/310455