Feature changed by: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) Feature #311163, revision 3 Title: packaging firefox add-ons Hackweek VI: Implementation Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) Developer: (Novell) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: We lack a way to be able to easily package firefox add-ons as rpm. Packages of add-ons are useful both for the distro vendor and for admins. Distro (or appliance) vendors may install some add-ons by default. Admins want all users to have certain add-ons by default. Moreover some add-ons are not noarch (like bonjourfoxy) and need to be - compiled specifically for each distro so a package is unavoidable. To - make all of that possible the firefox package needs to provide rpm + compiled specifically for each distro so a package is unavoidable. + To make all of that possible the firefox package needs to provide rpm macros so spec files for add-ons become really simple. By creating a script that downloads version, description etc from addons.mozilla.org and automatically creates spec files the task of packaging add-ons becomes a piece of cake. - See home:lnussel:firefox for current status. + See home:lnussel:firefox + (https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=home%3Alnussel% + 3Afirefox) for current status. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/311163