Feature changed by: Steven Sroka (Lin-unix) Feature #312589, revision 4 Title: Continuous button look Oxygen in hole KDE also Yast and KPackageKit openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Stefan Frank (stefanf74) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: The buttons of the KPackageKit and the buttons of Yast are in the standard installation not in the Oxygen look like the rest of KDE. This can bee solved: type in a console kdesu qtconfig under Select GUI Style: choose the option Oxygen to change the look of Yast The same for KPackageKit: type qtconfig and select the Oxygen style. But it would be very easy to have this setting in the standad installation? The Oxygen look is set by default at the hole KDE, why not in the KPackageKit and Yast? Make the look auf Suse homogen and deliver in the standard installation the Oxygen look. + Relations: + - Root user Qt4 applications not using Oxygen-style by default + (novell/bugzilla/id: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=656144) + https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=https://bugzilla.novell.com/show... Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: -Continuous button look in the hole KDE environment -no manually change of settings Discussion: #1: Steven Sroka (lin-unix) (2011-07-04 00:29:54) Unfortunately, this is necessary due to an issue with Oxygen. See Comment#21 - https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=656144 -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/312589