Feature changed by: Juergen Weigert <jw@novell.com> Feature #305081, revision 20 Title: openSUSE Testfeature openSUSE-11.1: Done Priority Requester: Neutral openSUSE-11.2: Rejected by Christoph Thiel <cthiel@novell.com> reject date: 2008-09-11 16:01:13 reject reason: bla. Priority Requester: Neutral Requested by: Christopher Hofmann (cwh) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: Feel free to play around with this feature. NDA: expiring 2042-12-24 external ID: 0815 Discussion: #1: Christopher Hofmann (cwh) (2008-07-18 14:23:08) A great feature. #2: Christopher Hofmann (cwh) (2008-07-18 14:42:17) (reply to #1) Indeed #8: Christian Boltz (cboltz) (2008-07-18 20:48:42) (reply to #1) More than that. It's like a dream becoming true - FATE is finally open : -) (however, entering new features seems to be impossible right now) BTW: Can you implement a simple newline-to-[br] conversion? It's annoying to type p tags all the time ;-) #10: Christopher Hofmann (cwh) (2008-07-30 14:20:03) (reply to #8) Typing HTML it is definitely annoying. I'll try to find a solution for that Maybe I will ad a checkbox that users can select if they want to write HTML by themselves or if they would prefer a kind of auto-formatting. Actually that would be an own FATE entry for the (non existing) product openFATE ;) #3: Christopher Hofmann (cwh) (2008-07-18 14:44:50) When you're alone, and life is making you lonely You can always use – FA-TE #4: Andre Duffeck (aduffeck) (2008-07-18 15:23:40) *cough* #9: Stephan Binner (beineri) (2008-07-21 11:53:56) (reply to #4) testing #5: Thomas Schmidt (digitaltomm) (2008-07-18 15:23:42) ěščščřčřž #6: Christopher Hofmann (cwh) (2008-07-18 15:30:04) (reply to #5) čechiš #7: Marek Stopka (m4r3k) (2008-07-18 15:30:12) Nice. :-) #11: Michal Marek (michal-m) (2008-07-30 14:45:45) ☺ #12: Juergen Weigert (jnweiger) (2009-01-08 15:36:12) Jemand zuhause? + #13: Juergen Weigert (jnweiger) (2009-01-08 15:37:48) (reply to #12) + Ja, und ich bin gleich zweimal da, auch mit dem fat client. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/?rm=feature_show&id=305081