Feature added by: Adrian Schröter (adrianSuSE) Feature #309059, revision 1 Title: source repository cleanup mechanism Buildservice: Evaluation Priority Requester: Mandatory Projectmanager: Mandatory Requested by: Adrian Schröter (adriansuse) Description: Every ever uploaded source file is currently still part of source server. This hurts esp. when scripts upload daily new svn/git/.. snapshots as tar balls. This will more often happen when the source service mechanisms wil be more often used. We shall implement a mechanism to list and remove not anymore referenced files in any source revision files. This might be implemented in bs_admin or alike tool for the admin on the server. But it must be race free to allow working with currently running source servers. (maybe via giving the source server a signal to store .rev files on remove in an additional path. This interacts with the undelete features). We should also have a mechanism to shorten a revision log (unclear who and when should be allowed to do this). -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/309059