Feature changed by: J. Daniel Schmidt (jdsn) Feature #311066, revision 18 Title: Autoconfiguration of Eucalyptus Cloud Hackweek VI: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Neutral Requested by: J. Daniel Schmidt (jdsn) Developer: (Novell) Developer: (Novell) Developer: (Novell) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: Since end of 2010 the packages for Eucalyptus Cloud have been improved in order to work out of the box on SUSE systems. Nevertheless it requires a lot of manual configuration work to setup an entire cloud. The goal of this hackweek project is to autoconfigure as much as possible (avahi/zeroconf) and maybe provide a simple configuration tool to prompt for the remaining information and set it up. If time permits we try to provide SUSE Studio images for all Eucalyptus controllers. Discussion: #1: Robert Schweikert (rjschwei) (2011-01-19 15:06:08) Work for automation is underway. * Jiri Suchomel is working on a YaST module, I am testing and reporting back to Jiri. * I have a couple of python scripts that take care of auto registration of Cloud nodes (not yet in the Virtualization:Cloud project) Problems with automation: * The biggest current problem is that Eucalyptus does not get along with openSSL 1.0 (or openSSL 0.9.8h as found in SLES). This causes the command line tools for registration of nodes etc. to fail. Registration of nodes etc. currently only works through the browser, which unfortunately makes this a manual process. I am working with the Eucalyptus folks to address the issue regarding openSSL 1.0 * A second issue is the use of DHCP. Although I figured out how to add an identification feature to the dhcp server running on the head node, I have not figured out how to enforce that the client, i.e. cloud node, only accepts an offer from the head node. This is a problem that needs resolution, thus if a DHCP expert can explain how this works as part of this hackweek project big progress would be made. Robert #2: Bernhard Wiedemann (bmwiedemann) (2011-01-19 16:44:24) (reply to #1) It would be good to have this interoperable with Ubuntu eucalyptus nodes and cloud-controllers, which IIRC use avahi mdns/zero-conf for mutual autodetection. This could even replace (some of) the DHCP magic. + #3: J. Daniel Schmidt (jdsn) (2011-01-19 16:57:04) (reply to #1) + Doing it via DHCP was just one idea. I was not aware of the fact that + there are already better solutions in place like avahi. + When using avahi it even does not matter what network type (system, + static, managed) you use for the cloud. So we really should follow the + most compatible way. We even win the interoperability with Ubuntu for + free. So in one cloud we could have mixed nodes. We should not invest + in a SUSE-only solution in this case. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/311066