Feature changed by: Lukas Ocilka (locilka) Feature #318196, revision 2 Title: Redesign YaST Storage Code Requested by: Arvin Schnell (aschnell) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: The structure of the target-map (holding almost all storage data in YaST) is outdated and not documented. Adding new features, e.g. use whole disk for filesystem, bcache, dm-cache or switching to and from partitions on MD RAID, is difficult and error-prone. Thus a redesign is required to be prepared for new features and make the software more robust. During hackweek I evaluated using the boost graph library for libstorage. The result was announced and is explained, see references. I consider the redesign to be mandatory but not for a specific version (although as soon as possible). Note: This feature is about a redesign, new functionality must by requested as individual feature requests. Relations: - Evaluation Project on GitHub (url: https://github.com/aschnell/libstorage-bgl-eval/wiki) - Announcment on yast-devel (url: http://lists.opensuse.org/yast-devel/2014-10/msg00045.html) + Documentation Impact: + No impact + Test Case: + Internal test cases & integration test in openQA + Business case (Partner benefit): + openSUSE.org: A must have before new features are requested by + customers. Each new feature is harder and harder to implement with the + current Yast Storage. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/318196