Feature changed by: Sławomir Lach (Lachu) Feature #309626, revision 6 Title: Yast/Zypper should create a List with last installed Packages openSUSE-11.3: Done Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Sascha Manns (saigkill) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: I´m propose that YaST and Zypper creates after installing Packages a list (just textfile), where i can see after trouble, which Package are new installed. Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: That simplifys the serach on a bad package. Discussion: #1: Richard Bos (rbos) (2010-05-28 20:42:45) The file /var/log/zypp/history is what you're looking for. #2: Stephan Kleine (bitshuffler) (2010-05-29 21:28:35) Or "rpm -qa --last". No need to reinvent the wheel. #3: Filipe Fernandes (ocefpaf) (2010-05-30 21:40:13) both "/var/log/zypp/history" and "rpm -qa --last: are interesting (I had no idea of those command/file). However, I do feel the need for an easier acess to such information. Maybe a new YAST tab with recently installed programs or a search by date... + #4: Sławomir Lach (lachu) (2011-10-02 15:23:20) (reply to #3) + I didn't knew about it. Yast module is needed in my opinion. Look also, + that KDE's interface to manage packages have this, but it works only + when using only this interface. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/309626