Feature changed by: Wyatt Gosling (beachchairs) Feature #305550, revision 54 Title: Port of YaST Qt Control Center to Qt4 openSUSE-11.2: Candidate Priority Requester: Important Projectmanager: Important Requested by: Stephan Binner (beineri) Description: The YaST Qt Control Center is one of the few remaining parts of the desktop still requiring Qt3. It should be ported to Qt4. Discussion: #1: Armin Moradi (amoradi) (2009-01-17 20:34:42) I vote for it. Is there any way to vote for a feature here? It's quite annoying the disintegration that yast-qt brings to KDE4 desktop. #2: Michael Löffler (michl19) (2009-01-22 11:48:48) (reply to #1) Voting is not possible yet with openFate. But it is planned to implement as it is a good tool to estimate community demand for a feature. I just found an older Fate request addressing this and make it public - #302963 #3: Stephan Kulow (coolo) (2009-03-04 12:01:56) from what I understand, this is already in implementation. + #5: Wyatt Gosling (beachchairs) (2009-06-08 21:10:54) (reply to #3) + If you install a little bit of Factory, you will get a Qt4 version of + Yast. #4: jimbo bigcreed (dimble_thricefoon) (2009-06-04 16:21:18) This is one I would like to see. 11.2 should not need KDE3 for any core components or default apps. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/305550