Feature changed by: Andreas Jaeger (a_jaeger) Feature #305851, revision 16 Title: Include kiwi-ltsp in Factory - openSUSE-11.2: Candidate + openSUSE-11.2: Rejected by Andreas Jaeger (a_jaeger) + reject date: 2010-11-15 10:52:05 + reject reason: Not done in time for openSUSE 11.2 Priority Requester: Important Projectmanager: Desirable Requested by: Jigish Gohil (cyberorg) Developer: Jigish Gohil (cyberorg) Description: I've been maintaining KIWI-LTSP: LTSP5 implementation on openSUSE using KIWI in server:ltsp Build Service repository, now it is at the stable and production ready state. This is request to include the packages(not all of them) in openSUSE Factory, and possibly 11.3 later. Relations: - Include kiwi-ltsp in Factory (novell/bugzilla/id: 474360) https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=474360 Discussion: #1: Jigish Gohil (cyberorg) (2009-02-10 08:42:08) Should this have gone on https://features.opensuse.org/ ? #2: andrea florio (anubisg1) (2009-02-10 09:16:58) +1 for me... kiwi-ltsp is great and works fine! #3: Shrenik Bhura (sbhura) (2009-02-11 05:20:31) The inclusion will largely serve as an impetus for further development of this great project. With increased exposure, the motivation to deliver a quality project shall also increase. #4: Ken Yap (ken_yap) (2009-02-11 06:31:44) Yes, please include it in OpenSUSE, it will make OpenSUSE more attractive to people who want to build thin client clusters. #14: Praveen Kunjapur (stilo_vingyou) (2009-10-27 18:55:11) (reply to #4) I agree. "Shiny new thin-clients and legacy PCs alike can be used to browse the Web, send e-mail, create documents, and run other desktop applications." - it says from here: http://en.opensuse.org/LTSP#What_is_KIWI-LTSP.3F "one billion personal computers had been sold worldwide since mid-1970s until this time." - it says from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_computer#Market_and_sales Let's face it. Whatever PC is new today will become a legacy PC tomorrow. And it will stay like that forever. And " KIWI-LTSP utilizes ease of deployment and management provided by KIWI to bring our awesome distribution openSUSE to everyone that wishes to use thin client computing." - it says from here: http://en.opensuse.org/LTSP#What_is_KIWI-LTSP.3F IMHO, KIWI-LTSP should not only be included in the Factory, but also be included in the DVD. Would it not be nice for all those one billion computers to be run with openSUSE? #5: Stephan Kulow (coolo) (2009-02-11 06:53:23) why not Factory:Contrib? And I agree with #1 Having it in Factory means currently that someone from novell needs to review them and that's why we created contrib where everyone capable can maintain packages that go with a specific openSUSE release. And for having it on the DVD it's a bit too special use case, so it would be online repo only anyway. #11: Michael Löffler (michl19) (2009-03-25 16:18:11) (reply to #5) I agree with coolo - contrib. Any yes we should make server:ltsp repo more prominent. Support for ltsp parts in initrd needs to be verified #6: Jigish Gohil (cyberorg) (2009-02-11 07:00:00) Not on the DVD, but Factory and OSS online repo. Instead of Contrib isn't current location - server:ltsp more appropriate? Idea is to include it officially in the distribution. I am sure we can make a same kind of arrangement we have in place for compiz to maintain this as well. #8: Patrick Barber (pdjbarber) (2009-02-14 20:10:16) This is a useful package for education, busniesses and homes alike, i use it to provide a consistant environment for my kids no matter where the log on...and its continued develpoment would benfit everyone #9: Lars Vogdt (lrupp) (2009-02-19 12:58:53) Looks like we need at least the following packages in openSUSE: * kiwi-ltsp, * kiwi-desc-ltsp, * ltspfs, * ltsp-server Please give me some days to review them. #10: andrea florio (anubisg1) (2009-02-23 00:59:45) probably also kiwi-pxebootprebuilt isn't it? #12: Jigish Gohil (cyberorg) (2009-04-06 10:12:39) See it in action, get live DVD from here: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Education/images/iso/ #13: Stephan Kulow (coolo) (2009-06-24 12:14:35) factory is open now, so you can submitrequest packages -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/305851