Feature changed by: Mário Castanheira (SpeccyMan) Feature #314840, revision 3 Title: Upgrade user configured repositories on version upgrade openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Xan VFR (evanarkisto) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: When upgrading OpenSUSE version, it would be nice to upgrade user configured repositories versions accordingly. Now, upgrading deletes all previously configured repositories and sets default version repositories Discussion: #1: vazha vandan (vazhavandan) (2013-02-24 16:05:11) How do we know that there are repos available for newer version of openSUSE and whether have the relevant packages? openSUSE maintainers can ensure that you will always have OSS,Non-Oss,OSS-Update,NonOss- update.Who will ensure that other repos are available for newer versions of openSUSE. + #2: Mário Castanheira (speccyman) (2013-02-26 14:40:16) (reply to #1) + I too agree this would be a nice addition! + Has to the problem raised by v.v., i think that if the repos contain + the release number on the URL, it would be easy for the OS to search + for that number on the string (e.g.: search for 12.2), replace it with + the one of the current version (e.g.: replace it with 12.3) and check + if the URL exists. If it does, then it should migrate the repo, if not, + deactivate it However this is just my "relatively low programing + knowledge" talking! + This also makes part of what is asked in the " Easy Upgrade " feature + request: http://features.opensuse.org/313441 + (http://features.opensuse.org/313441) -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/314840