Feature changed by: m s (miki100) Feature #310163, revision 3 Title: Remove Welcome Screen on OpenSUSE KDE openSUSE-11.4: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Andres Silva (anditosan) Description: Hey you all. I would first like to thank all of you who have visited this website and looked at the ideas I have posted. I am deeply honored that many of you too have considered these ideas worthwhile and would like to see them implemented. Well, here comes a good one I think. As I was talking to some people on the KDE IRC channel yesterday, there was a comment made about a possible way to orient new KDE users on how to use the desktop. However, I believe that users should be left clues to discover their desktop on their own. There should not be an intro popup or anything like that. Ponder about this for a moment. What can you say, for example, about paintings. Paintings are not "explained" to anyone. You look at it and you get it in your own particular way. That is enough for you and you know what it means. The clues left by the artist are clear enough to your mind that you find meaning in the painting. You intuitively "know" what the purpose of the painting is. Reflect for a moment on this Cezanne and know what it means... REMOVE KDE WELCOME POPUP SCREEN AND REPLACE IT WITH THIS (http://anditosan.blogspot.com/2010/07/revolutionary-road-to-get-around.html) + Discussion: + #1: m s (miki100) (2010-07-19 09:47:07) + I really like this idea. But why only KDE and not also GNOME? -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/310163