Feature added by: Matthias Eckermann (mge1512) Feature #317727, revision 1 Title: automatic daily fstrim for SSD Requested by: Matthias Eckermann (mge1512) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: As SSD are becoming more affordable they are also becoming more widespread on laptop and desktop computer. Modern SSD supports the TRIM functionality. This functionality delays costly erase operation to speed up performance ; these erase operations are then executed by batch (this is SSD equivalent to defragmentation). SSD can only run at their full potential if this functionality is also supported by kernel and/or userland on the OS. Sadly TRIM support by kernel is not optimal yet. Erase operation are not launched automaticaly and this impacts overall SSD performance. A cron script written at setup phase could launch fstrim program each night; this program performs the erase operation needed not to struggle the SSD. Relations: - automatic daily fstrim for SSD (feature/copiedfrom: 312476) -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/317727