Feature changed by: Federico Lucifredi (flucifredi) Feature #305552, revision 12 Title: Support in YaST for public directories in encrypted home directories openSUSE-11.2: Rejected by Christoph Thiel (cthiel1) reject date: 2009-05-26 18:28:27 reject reason: Postponed for 11.2. Priority Requester: Important openSUSE-11.3: Evaluation Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Tim Lee (timl33) Description: A follow on feature to #301923. There should be a way in the YaST users module to specify directories to make accessable in an encrypted home directory when the user is not logged in. See bug #446317. I would suggest an editable list of directories to exclude from the encrypted image, with a reasonable set of defaults. Examples of directories to exclude ~/.vacation, ~/.procmail, ~/.forward, ~/public_html and ~/.ssh References: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=446317 Discussion: #1: Fco. Javier Nacher (xiscoj) (2010-01-28 12:23:51) hi, maybe if not in yast, it could be like in ubuntu a context menu in kde/gnome over files and folders to encrypt them, like in windows too. So while you are logged they are decrypted to you but when not they are encrypted. - Bye #2: Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (2010-01-31 20:19:16) What's wrong with having a ~/Encrypted subdirectory? You cannot possibly know in advance how many dot-files would need to be readable. To be frank, there are even non-dot-files like ~/public_html that ought to be readable. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/305552