Feature changed by: Martin Seidler (pistazienfresser) Feature #309485, revision 3 Title: filter package by version on software.opensuse.org Buildservice: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: matthias sweertvaegher (mxttie) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: software.opensuse.org/search is a very handy tool to find a 1-click install for your favorite program yet often it is hard to find the latest or the correct package since no additional filtering/sorting is offered. Here are a few possible solutions: A) The low tech solution would be to support specifying the version in the query processed as a simple string, for example: if I search for k3b it returns 102 binaries, k3b-1.68.0-1.1.3.i586.rpm (http://software.opensuse.org/search/download?base=openSUSE%3A11.2&file=openSUSE% 3A%2F11.2%2Fstandard%2Fi586%2Fk3b-1.68.0-1.1.3.i586. rpm&query=k3b) being one amongst them. If I search for k3b-1.68, no results are returned.. B) Another solution would be to collect all versions during the query and while presenting the result as of now, allow the user to finetune the query by presenting a combobox containing all collected versions. C) allow sorting the results on build date. that way, I suppose the more recent versions would be listed..? Not sure if that's possible. D) allow filtering on architecture. sometimes, when you finally found the correct version, it seems it is not available in x86_64 ... + Relations: + - Software Search to arrive at most desirable options (feature/id: + 310986) -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/309485