Feature changed by: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) Feature #313088, revision 8 Title: allow patches that uninstall packages openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: suppose security flaws are discovered in some leaf package that we cannot fix for some reason. We need a way to tell users of that package that they better uninstall the affected package. Previously we would have "solved" this by releasing a new version of the package without files. This is a rather ugly hack though. What we need is a special patch that when selected uninstalls the listed packages without causing e.g. packagekit to choke. Discussion: #1: Michael Schröder (mlschroe) (2011-12-19 15:52:44) As often, the libzypp/solver part is easy. Please propose how you want to encode such an uninstall request into updateinfo.xml. Also please ask the Fedora guys about their opinion, as we share the specification. #2: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) (2011-12-19 16:03:37) (reply to #1) please go ahead, you're the expert #3: Michael Schröder (mlschroe) (2011-12-19 16:07:23) (reply to #2) But I'm not the Architect(TM) #4: Karl Cheng (qantas94heavy) (2016-11-18 04:04:22) I wonder if you think this is still right today, Ludwig... ;) + #5: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) (2016-12-05 15:02:54) (reply to #4) + Yes I think so. It's also interesting for e.g. openSUSE:Backports -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/313088