Feature changed by: Satoru Matsumoto (HeliosReds) Feature #310478, revision 2 Title: SoftwareCenter openSUSE-11.4: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Diogo Piçarra (xpetept) Description: One of the biggest usability problems in opensuse is it's package management system and Qt update apple. The update apple rarely works and keeps blocking the YaST package manager. It's pointeless to have an Qt and an GTK app to do the same thing when none of them are good. So my proposal is to create a SoftwareCenter from scratch like the ubuntu SoftwareCenter(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter). I really hate ubuntu but this is one of the few good things ubuntu have. I think the openSuse team should start by doing a specification wiki page like in ubuntu. Some things i think that should be added to that specification are: - ONE Qt based application(no GTK application) - update applet integrated with the kde notification system. - no instalation blocking. The user only need to click in an intall button to install the application. if the user orders another instalation the instalation will be queued. - One search to search everywhere(packages, webpin and http://software.opensuse.org) even if the repositories is not instaled or add had an option on a preferences dialog to search on non-official repositories. Sorry for my bad english. + Discussion: + #1: Satoru Matsumoto (heliosreds) (2010-09-03 16:04:43) + I suppose this is a duplicate of Feature #310379: SUSE Application + Center + https://features.opensuse.org/310379 -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/310478