Feature changed by: Peter Gumbrell (gumb) Feature #309320, revision 4 Title: integrate mailinglist subscription with opensuse account openSUSE.org: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: [I know Buildservice as product is wrong but there's no opensuse.org] With my novell/opensuse account I can use the build service, wiki, lizards, fate, hermes etc all with one login. In order to subscribe to mailinglists I have to confirm my mail address for each list individually though. It would be more user friendly to optionally allow to log into lists.opensuse.org with my account (reusing the cookie for the other services) and subscribe to lists via mouse click, without extra email verification. Discussion: #1: Peter Gumbrell (gumb) (2012-02-18 08:28:28) Mailing lists definitely need better integration. They seem to be one of the last remaining bits of the openSUSE service jigsaw unattended to. I think I recall reading many months back that they would be one of the last things to get a makeover. Also, most lists' RSS feeds have been broken and unfixed for a long time (I discussed that on the list and raised it as a feature/bug a long while ago). + #2: Peter Gumbrell (gumb) (2012-02-18 08:39:15) (reply to #1) + Edit: The feeds used to be patchy on/off before so maybe it's just a + lucky day, but I've just got the Features, KDE and XFCE list feeds + working properly again. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/309320