Feature changed by: Lukas Ocilka (locilka) Feature #318951, revision 5 Title: YaST should log time like dmesg and journalctl Requested by: Arvin Schnell (aschnell) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: YaST should log the time in its log-file like 'dmesg' and 'journalctl -- output short-monotonic' so that times in the various logs can be compared and events can be synchronized. Relations: - YaST should log time like dmesg and journalctl - see the discusssion there (feature/copiedfrom: 318921) Use Case: See the other (openSUSE) feature Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: See the other (openSUSE) feature + Discussion: + #1: Lukas Ocilka (locilka) (2016-02-09 17:02:11) + Waiting for the requester to be available again. This is internal Yast + feature (unless we get a customer that actually has a real use case). -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/318951