Feature changed by: Michael Catanzaro (Golbats_Everywhere) Feature #314853, revision 2 Title: Remove xterm and icewm from default installation openFATE: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Jared Meidal (kahu) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: xterm and icewm are great alternatives, but seem redundant when always bundled with default installations of Gnome or KDE's terminal (gnome- terminal, konsole). Also, having the icewm session is a great fallback and useful for emergency access but really necessary by default? I have found that if I remove xterm is removed the bundle with icewm, but also xorg-X11 and other packages. When this happens GDM will not launch after a reboot without CLI commands. This does not feel intuitive for a smooth default system, or helpful for a user who is wanting to clean up their packages or menu items they do not use. + Discussion: + #1: Michael Catanzaro (golbats_everywhere) (2013-02-17 23:03:49) + At least xterm should definitely not be installed by default. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/314853