Feature changed by: Robert Davies (robopensuse) Feature #305099, revision 10 Title: please have yast do a fsck before attempting to mount existing filesystems openSUSE-11.2: Rejected by (cthiel1) reject date: 2009-10-27 16:03:38 reject reason: postponed. Priority Requester: Important Projectmanager: Desirable openSUSE-11.3: New Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Per Jessen (pjessen) Description: I was doing a new install, but wanted to keep my /home filesystem (JFS). No problem, except that the filesystem wasn't clean and needed an fsck. As far as I can tell, yast didn't do this, so mounting of the /home filesystem failed, which caused the entirely installation process to abend and start over. Relations: - please have yast do a fsck before attempting to mount existing filesystems (novell/bugzilla/id: 361728) https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=361728 Discussion: #1: Stefan Hundhammer (sh-sh-sh) (2008-02-21 06:26:43) I'd really hate to have my 100+ GB ext3 partitions fscked. That takes forever. #2: Per Jessen (pjessen) (2008-02-21 07:15:33) Even when they're clean? It's done on every bootup anyway. See /etc/init.d/boot.localfs #3: Jozef Uhliarik (juhliarik) (2008-02-21 08:21:41) What is your opinion Thomas? #4: Thomas Fehr (fehr) (2008-02-21 08:24:13) That would need an feature request, not a bug report. #6: Stephan Kulow (coolo) (2008-02-21 12:04:27) I think it's not too uncommon that people reinstall their system _because_ the old one had a problem, so dirty file systems may not be too uncommon. #7: Thomas Fehr (fehr) (2008-02-25 03:00:03) What the customer described happens on JFS, this is an unsupported filesystem exactly for the reason that it behaves quite fundamentally different to most other filesystems. Filesystems like ext3 or reiser simply do their log reply when they are dirty and all is fine. So if you want such things to be added, please specify it as a feature request. Since there needs to be an interactive user interface to the filesystem check program this is in no way a simple change. Or would you prefer for example do a rebuild of reiserfs internal tree as default without asking the user first? Problem is that the questions the filesystem check tools ask the user are quite special and of course totally different for different filesystem types. #10: Robert Davies (robopensuse) (2009-01-16 16:51:27) (reply to #7) JFS fsck.jfs -p seems to make sense. ext2 fsck.ext2 suports that to. Validating filesystems that are not to be formatted, is a reasonable thing to do (it happens on boot after all) so is not against user expectations. You just booted to do the installation after all. As for "non trivial" UI, why is aborting earlier only when recovery is impossible, worse than failing with zero effort on the mount? #8: Duncan Mac-Vicar (dmacvicar) (2008-07-17 08:13:00) I happen to suffer from this bug too once. I think the bug is not that the installation cleans the disk, but at least say that is not clean instead of crashing (in my case it was an installation where yast thought the disk was mounted but it was not) #9: Arvin Schnell (aschnell) (2008-07-17 08:22:23) No time for 11.1. #11: Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (2009-06-18 23:55:19) Not mounting is one thing, but cancelling the installation is unacceptable. + #12: Robert Davies (robopensuse) (2009-11-12 11:33:32) + You get aborted installation similarly if an invalid mount parameter is + entered. + Can't trial existing mounts be tried after partition info is entered + (with fsck -p possibility if the mount fails in such a way to make fsck + recommended). Then the installer can be guided back to adjust + partition info & options, rather than have it fail much later when + beginning the installation. + A check box for "Perform Consistency Check" could be set, with + suggestion to use the "Do not mount at boot" option to repair it later, + if fsck-ing is unwanted. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/305099