Feature changed by: Sven Hartrumpf (sven1999) Feature #317810, revision 3 Title: Support for the x32 ABI openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Steffen Ungruh (steffko) Requested by: Sven Hartrumpf (sven1999) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: The x32 ABI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X32_ABI offers more efficiency for many programs. Now that kernel, gcc, binutils, and libc support x32, it should be possible to provide a pattern (and/or a DVD) for x32. + Ubuntu provides these basic packages. For example, the following 7 form + a beautiful basis for developers: libc6-dev-x32 libc6-x32 libx32atomic1 + libx32gcc1 libx32gcc-4.9-dev libx32stdc++-4.9-dev libx32stdc++6 The + performance gains compared to i586 and x86_64 are sometimes + spectacular. For example memory and garbage-collector intensive + programs, can easily gain a speedup of 20%! Discussion: #1: Steffen Ungruh (steffko) (2014-07-26 19:26:12) Oh yes, please! I realize that adding another architecture to the Build Service is not exactly a small request. Especially since the ARMs have entered the arena, I imagine the present Build Service hardware already being stressed as it is. The maintainers as well for that matter. And yet. That being said. An Asus eeePC 1015PED with an Intel Atom N475 is my main rig. And as much as I would like to have my own "atom" architecture branch, I am well aware that without using Gentoo or LFS it's not gonna happen. And although the N475 is a 64 Bit CPU, there's the hardware limitation of 2GB RAM and also the general netbookiness in performance, so that the overhead between x86_64 and i586 becomes considerable! Well, here I am - like many other Low-End-Hardware user out there -, caught between a rock and a hard place. It seems sensible to some to go with the i586 architecture, but sensible is not really my style. Long story, short: Please consider an implementation! -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/317810