Feature changed by: jpxviii jpxviii (jpxviii) Feature #308373, revision 5 Title: Packman Automatic Setup + Hackweek V: Unconfirmed + Priority + Requester: Important openSUSE-11.3: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important openSUSE-11.4: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Zachary Klein (zak89) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: Automate the enablement of the Packman repository (and installation common codecs) as part of the first system update (similar to "pullin- msfonts"), either by using a "pullin" pseudo-package or by simpling auto-enabling the repo in Yast. Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: It appears that openSUSE's "multimedia experience" is very dependant on the third-party Packman repository. While it's great that we have excellent repository management, and enabling third party repos is a breeze, I think it is still less than obvious to new users; even those with prior Linux experience but who are new to openSUSE. Not being able to play your music or video collections is a pretty glaring deficiency for a new user. My suggestion is reasonably simple (I think). Since adding the Packman repo and installing common codecs is the first thing most desktop users will want to do (or need to do but not know it), why not add it as part of the first system update (similar to the "pullin flash player/msfonts" packages).Either have the system "install" a package that adds the repo for the user (and pulls in common codecs), or have Yast enable the repo itself (it's already got the url information, as you can see in the "Community Repositories" dialog). I don't know what legal issues the last option might cause, but the first one (installing a "pseudo package") is already being used for the flash player and msfonts; couldn't we do something similar? The user could always opt out of it by unchecking the "pullin-packman" patch when updateing. If this feature could be added, then the first system update the user performs (and most users I think will not be put off by the idea of an OS update) will take care one of the biggest newbie complaints about Linux ("I can't play my mp3s!"). I don't know what hurdles this may pose, but it seems relatively straightforward to me. I should note that I am aware of the opensuse-community.org One-Click Install that would take care of this same problem. However, my concern is that even this is not obvious to the new (or even not-so-new) user. I used openSUSE for several years before I even heard of the opensuse- community site or it's packages. I still think something should be tied in to the inital system update so that the user doesn't need to have to stumble upon the solution. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/308373