Feature changed by: Johannes Meixner (jsmeix) Feature #309359, revision 3 Title: Software management idea:Missing drivers/firmware feature openSUSE-11.3: Rejected by Thomas Schmidt (digitaltomm) reject reason: Moving to 11.4 Priority Requester: Mandatory openSUSE-11.4: New Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: ryan smith (ryan1414) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: I have a feature request for OpenSUSE 11.3. In Yast's Software management, there should be a "missing drivers/firmware" section where once a user clicks on there it will scan a PC's hardware that doesn't have a driver/firmware, then it will display the missing drivers/firmware that users can download. This will save alot of time for beginners who don't even know what drivers/firmware they need for their wifi card, printer, etc. Discussion: #1: Thomas Schmidt (digitaltomm) (2010-11-15 18:00:13) Doesn't yast automatically select the needed drivers? + #2: Johannes Meixner (jsmeix) (2011-08-16 12:12:55) + Usually drivers/firmware that is not already included in the kernel or + in openSUSE software packages but that one must be downloaded from + somewhere is not sufficiently free software. In most cases it would + cause legal issues for openSUSE and its users and contributors when + something like this was implemented. + See also https://features.opensuse.org/307745 -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/309359