Feature changed by: Gertjan Lettink (Knurpht) Feature #312308, revision 2 Title: make yast gtk gui more complete - openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed + openSUSE Distribution: Done Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Jean-Daniel Dodin (jdd) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: The yast2 qt interface have (at least) one very usefull function that is not found in the gtk interface: when there is a problem in an install, being able to force reinstall of all the already installed packages is very handy. In qt, it's enough to clic right and select update all the selected. so I would be fine to have the same in gtk (I just had a corrupted kde4 install and could only run gnome) -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/312308