Feature changed by: Michael Löffler (michl19) Feature #306439, revision 6 Title: Include Eucalyptus in 11.2 openSUSE-11.2: Candidate Priority Requester: Important Projectmanager: Important + Info Provider: Stephen Shaw (decriptor) Requested by: Andrew Wafaa (funkypenguin) Developer: Stephen Shaw (decriptor) Description: Please could we include Eucalyptus in the next release? For thos unaware of Eucalyptus please see their homepage (http://www.eucalyptus.com/) , and for those that are too lazy to do that - Eucalyptus is an Open Source alternative to Amazon's EC2 Cloud computing offering. This is the very product that Ubuntu are using for their " Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/cloud/UEC) ". I am not advocating a "jump on the bandwagon" or "keeping up with the jones'" attitude. I am however advocating empowering our distribution and community with the necessary tools to stay ahead of the pack. I can also see several instances where the openSUSE project could potentially benifit from implementing our own cloud - it's no secret that there are some infrastructure constraints, and going down the Utility/Grid/Cloud/$Current_Buzz_Word computing may help things. For those that question whether there is a demand for it, I will admit there may not be a huge demand at the moment. The key thing is if we can market it right (in co-operation with Eucalyptus) we can get a much bigger uptake on both products - even our darling SLE cousin can join in the fun ;-) Discussion: #1: Stephen Shaw (decriptor) (2009-05-15 18:37:18) I second this. I had actually already started packaging this a couple months back in OBS. I didn't get really far as I got distracted, but I'm planning on finishing it. home:decriptor:eucalyptus #2: Stephan Kulow (coolo) (2009-06-09 11:37:31) (reply to #1) great. I don't see us doing a big fuzz around it, but having the pieces together sounds like a neat goal - especially if we already have someone at it. + #3: Michael Löffler (michl19) (2009-07-28 11:15:50) (reply to #1) + Stephen, any progress on your side? -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/306439