Feature added by: andreas weber (anti43) Feature #308275, revision 1 Title: YaBS - Yet another business software Package Wishlist: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: andreas weber (anti43) Description: Yabs - Yet another Business Software Multilanguage Billing and accounting software for Linux and others, oriented to European markets (unlike GNU Cash) * manages products and contacts as basic data * generates offers, orders, invoices and reminders * writes PDF- or ODF-documents (OpenOffice-format) * uses an unique .odt template system * is a multiuser software. * is the successor of der MP Invoicing. * GPL v2+ * is developed in Java. * works on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX * uses any JDBC compliant database backend (currently Apache Derby and MySQL out-of-the-box) * works in heterogenous networks * RPMs available * Translation module inbuild for easy translations in any language Mailing list: mp-rechnungs-und-kundenverwaltung@googlegroups.com Webpage: http://openyabs.org -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/308275