[opensuse-factory] Closing The Leap Gap Weekly Update Meeting 17.07.2020

Closing the Leap Gap - Weekly Update All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ClosingTheLeapGap-meeting New Meeting location: https://meet.opensuse.org/ClosingTheLeapGap (Friday 11:30 CEST) Attendees (please add yourself): lkocman,GuillaumeG, behlert,maxlin,sbahling,lpechacek,jsrain,ddemaio, michel, sweiberg, fcrozat, maxlin. lpechacek Note: Lubos Kocman is on vacation until August. Gustavo Yokoyama Ribeiro (GYRibeiro AT suse.com) will back him up on next two meetings. =================================== 1.0 Project plan: https://confluence.suse.com/display/leap/Project+plan =================================== 2.0 Schedule: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap =================================== 3.0 Priority items and blockers List of features marked as "DeveloperProgram" https://jira.suse.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=34230 JUMP related work is tracked here https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/jump_152/issues Simplified Feature request for openSUSE Leap contributors https://jira.suse.com/browse/JIRA-722 =================================== 4.0 Updates from individual teams =================================== 4.1 openSUSE Leap Release Management Owner: Lubos Kocman, Gustavo Yokoyama Ribeiro First partner/customer interested in SLE to Leap migration We've received user story and partner has shown special interest in Leap on s390x. https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/opensuse-sle-to-leap-migration-call SUSE's followup questions to understand usecases even better https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/opensuse-sle-to-leap-migration-call-response New landing page https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Leap/Partners Initiated discussion with openSUSE Board (Dominique, and Max are in cc) regarding policy for "What" and "Who" can do certain Release Engineer operations in openSUSE Jump and Leap. This could provide answer to questions such as: Can a non-SUSE Employee have a right to define the build-key for entire distribution etc.? This is an action item from the Tier1 policy discussion. Looking for s390x rel-eng for Jump and later Leap. Any volunteers are welcome. We're looking for someone who can help us with s390x builds, and can resolve outstanding issues such as openQA/s390x etc. For those who don't know we have a s390x builder available in OBS. lkocman: FTO until August =================================== 4.2. openSUSE Leap Release Engineering Owner: Max Lin, Guillaume, Michel Max: according to the discussion at Rel-eng meeting. We've agreed to disable non-x86_64 architectures in Jump product build, to avoid the space issues during the ftp tree build. Some build issues need to be fixed in backports, eg. scalapack-openmpi3 has to be fixed in the backports project, for the time being Max sets ignore_missing_packages in the Jump ftp tree product to workaround this issue. Nex step: setup openQA job group and enabled openqa-obs-sync - So we can have a jump media test in openQA(x86_64 only until we've bigger enough space to support multi-arches ftp tree build). lkocman: openSUSE Leap next (15.3?) is blocked on the openSUSE Jump progress. We want to finish that first. Guillaume: will openQA job group be available to other arches as well? Max: right now only x86_64 since other arches are disabled (see paragraph above). We're blocked by larger SSDs. Michel: blocked by powerpc and arm ftp tree builds. =================================== 4.3 SLE Release Management Owner: Alex Herzig, Stefan Weiberg No active actions taken this, week, delivery of maintenance updates is progressing though. Stefan: Information for 15.3, we're currently still working on the staging setup. We have to have a proper SCC. =================================== 4.4 Autobuild Owner: Lars Vogdt, Adrian Schroeter Not present. Adrian reported that Jump is blocked on the ftp-tree-build (not enough space on builders). =================================== 4.5 Maintenance Owner: Stephan Barth Not present =================================== 4.6 Security Owner: Marcus Meissner Not present =================================== 4.7 Package Hub Owner: Wolfgang Engel, Scott Bahling We're still cleaning up remaining build issues. There is a handful of packages which are not building. This will affect openSUSE Jump. I've been working with Adrian to figure out why do we have certain unresolvables. =================================== 4.8 Beta Program Owner: Vincent Moutoussamy Not present =================================== 4.9 Engineering / Product Migration Owner: Jiri Srain Migration QA - Raised questions about SLED release package and obsoletes. The answer is that the missing obsoletes to opensuse-release package is expected. =================================== 4.10 Engineering - Kernel Owner: Libor Pechacek We're now working on the SLE 15 SP3 kernel planning. No capacity left at this time as team is busy with a specific partner request. =================================== 4.11 Engineering - Desktop Owner: Stefan Weiberg, Frederic Crozat No update =================================== 4.12 Quality Assurance Owner: Marita Werner Not present =================================== 4.13 SLE Architect Owner: Thorsten Kukuk Not present =================================== 4.14 Marketing and Community management Owner: Douglas DeMaio no update Can we clarify the schedule for Jump, October seems to be close and we're not in Beta phase. Adrian: creating images is the easy part, we'll have project at that time. The question is if contributors will accept the Jump workflow in place. We could have something regarding the timeline or talk about the image on the conference 15-17 October. Stefan: Let's try to keep that date. lkocman: we could use survey.opensuse.org for the feedback. =================================== 4.15 Gerald Owner: Gerald ;-) Not present =================================== 4.16 Product Management Owner: Stefan Behlert Usual Jira ticket evaluation, thinking about various questions around "migration";
participants (1)
Lubos Kocman