openSUSE Release Engineering meeting 30.11.2022

All meeting minutes can be found here: Meeting is hosted here ## Attendees rbrown, DimStar, lkocman, guillaumeg, DocB, ddemaio, dirk, maxlin ## Leap We'll have an update early next week according to Cisco. Code submission deadline for any SLES 15 SP5 related features (does not apply for 15SP4:Update etc), as well as Leap 15.5 Beta code-drop deadline is on January 25th 2023. 15.5 Feature tracking at Ongoing: SUSE Open Source policy review, SUSE Empoyees can participate (public facing url) I'd be happy for any feedback from community in form of e.g. email, since the github project SUSE/open-source-policy is private and limited to SUSE Employees as issues might contain discussion regarding confidential topics. Leap Micro 5.4 initial setup in place ## openSUSE Tumbleweed openSUSE:Factory build fail stats: 114 failed 14 unresolvable (last week: 136 / 5) * Still daily snapshots (1124 had no announcement mail, but the snapshot did go out; there was apparently an issue on o3 when it was supposed to prepare the changelog file for that snapshot) * KDE Plasma 5.26.4 staged * Systemd 252.2 (Snapshot 1129) * Staging:G YaST is broken with new rubygem-rspec-* - * Staging:N: experiments with openssl-3 as default: main blocked are nodejs1[89], openssh and ibmtss * util-linux package layout changes remains a topic to be worked out. x86-64-v2 * openSUSE:Factory:LegacyX86 is setup and builds are in a similar state as openSUSE:Factory (slightly worse, would be the same if all pre- existing binaries in oS:F would be deleted and a full rebuild triggered) * Some bots are already up and running: ttm, pkglistgen, trigger- rebuild for rebuild=local * pkglistgen seems to have some trouble, busy debugging that one * once pkglistgen is settled, ttm config will be next, after that we can start the QA setup (possibly we need some more adjustments, as the DVDs are called the same, we have to be careful not to overwrite assets between groups) Only Jiri Slaby volunteered to maintain LegacyX86 so far; he mostly cares for x86-64-v1 in LegacyX86; x86-32 has no explicit volunteers (so it might just be tagging along, similar to what it did so far in openSUSE:Factory, where only few extra cycles are explicit to i586) lkocman: What's our recommendation to devel projects? I guess they should not all mass-enable the legacy target right? dimstar: agreed: Devel Projects are supposed to target Factory - i.e. x86-64-v2; just like most of them don't enable all the other ports ## Richard (MicroOS) now tests primarily on x86-64-v2/v3 now. New machine definitions will be reintroduced for v0/v1 testing as part of the legacy port. Desktop-GNOME: The Road to Release: transactional-update-notifier is once again WIP after great feedback about why the current approach wasn't the best idea from a security standpoint Bugs fixed Bug 1205108 New: Redundant program for system monitoring on Gnome libcontainers-common/podman was altered to 'better handle' when /home isn't the same filesystem type as the base OS (eg. XFS /home, btrfs /). Unfortunately the first version of this 'fix' caused excessive warnings on every system that was previously working. This is now also resolved. Bugs still WIP osinfo-db still doesn't recognise MicroOS as a seperate distribution - debates with upstream ongoing General MicroOS Stuff in Staging: podman 4.3.1 - broken, maintainer informed Considering FDE by default now single-password-entry full disk encryption is in Tumbleweed Trying to decide if it's a better approach than a fully vertified boot/OS variant of MicroOS, which wouldn't use encryption, but would then encrypt user/system data (eg /home, /var, etc) Please join the Telegram/Matrix group and give your opinion. lkocman: Should we perhaps request addition of FDE devices by gnome- boxes/virt-manager by default? rbrown: the current working theory would be to go LUKS2 based with a nullcipher image, with the user then adding keys/passphrases on first boot. Such an approach would all but eliminate all use of YaST, so, yeah, we'd be making new images, and gnome-boxes/virt-manager/osinfo-db would need to learn how to handle that style of image..but see previous struggles with osinfo-db so far :) KDE MicroOS Desktop is still suffering from a significant lack of contribution. Please join the Telegram/Matrix group and dive in with helping. ## Max 15.5 * lua54 was whitelisted in rpmlint-backports, waiting for package maintainer's ack * The Backports build fail is increased because of 1)newer X/Mesa, and 2)a half of KDE Frameworks got merged to SLE15 SP5, but other KDE Frameworks/Apps are still pending for Backports * The pending KDE update needs some work on permissions/polkit-default- privs, before that the KDE can be broken in the new build * Look into libsnmp30 as an orphaned package issue, looks like some package still depend on libsnmp30 but we have had libsnmp40. The internal package needs a rebuild under my radar: sane-backends Build stats(x86_64): 49 build fails, 4 unresolvables(last week: 24 build fails, 2 unresolvables) ## Guillaume - Arm Tumbleweed: * Rolling * appx WSL image now builds in Factory:ARM (tested manually on a Windows-on-Arm machine). This can be uploaded as part of some "preview" program as a 1st step. * NVIDIA: tester with aarch64 server and NVIDIA card wanted - Proprietary drivers are now available for aarch64 (only G06): - New opengpu driver also available in OBS: Leap: * appx WSL images (Leap 15.4 and 15.5) work ALP: * SUSE:ALP: - Still waiting for new images to add back aarch64 to openQA ## Sarah - s390 Not availalbe Dimstar: Fails on QA as fonts are unreadable in the installer. ( Tumbleweed * No readable fonts: -> It can be, that it is a Mesa bug. * git tests have broken the build for git on s390x, but there is no error output. It is working on Fedora (upstream hint): / -> Workaround of disabling tests is giving a succeeded result and upstream discussion in progress Leap: * openQA tests have been failing because log files were not uploaded. okurz has created a PR for it at the end of last week:, which works only with a single running test * problem exists continuously and is also transferred to openSUSE Tumbleweed: ## Doug * FOSDEM * Bus has 15 sign ups * Contact ddemaio if you're in Nuremberg and want to take the bus to FOSDEM. Space may be limited. * Beer labels arrived * openSUSE - * OBS - * Picked up demo machine and will install MicroOS for FOSDEM Booth * waiting on booths annoucedment * Should we consider ALP text-only installations as well? If yuu it on a RP3, I hae a little case with screen that could work * openSUSE on Volla advancing * TW microarchitecture generating interest/news coverage * Will not sponsor FOSS Backstage * oSC23 * Registration open * Waiting on contract for signature * Will annouce CfP next week. goes until April 9. * May 26 - 28 ## Dirk * Won maintainership of SUSE:ALP:RISCV - currently in bootstrap * Working on bisecting qemu/libseccomp/kernel-obs-build tests failure on Step:15-SP4/SP5 so that armv7l builds are published again ## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling Not available The workshop regarding Package HUB equivalent for ALP Lubos will schedule a call with wolfgang and Scott to ensure that they're in loop for the High Level requirements document. Package Hub for SLE-15-SP5 product definition added and SCC is currently picking it up so it will be ready for testing with the beta of SLE-15-SP5 ## Maintenance team (Marcus or Maurizio (m4u)) Configuration setup problem for Maintenance of Leap 15.4 maintenance updates / openQA Marcus regarding Leap 15.4 Image respin - package set will change, we do need to refresh the packagelist Lubos to talk to Jan Stehlik, we can't put all on Marcuses shoulder. Need to setup Leap Micro 5.3 (don't have time this week) * Pending Leap Micro 5.3 maint-setup ffmpeg - possible file conflict on the next update, no idea how to avoid vendor switching at the moment. Removing the patch on the openSUSE side (that might contain security fixes) or releasing update on the packman side could fix the issue. Lubos to give Marcus some working contact for the team. Lubos: I was asked to provide requirements for the QA team. Mostly for the GA/current release but also for the update. Lubos will make wiki with requirements (something like maintenance plan perhaps). Marcus will review it. ## Adrian - OBS No update, OBS is broken at the moment. Axel: there were some cleaning activities in OBS, to determine inactive users and related unmaintained projects. Is there anything going on? Adrian: the script checks a project or a package that has no changes for more than one year. It will create a delete request, that can be deleted. If there is no reaction there will be auto-acceptance in few days. Package can be always manually submitted back if the DR was missed. Users will not be deactivated. Adrian: User cleanup would have to be discussed with IDP team (SUSE IT). OBS is just a consumer. Lubos will create a request to suggest this action in Service desk. Adrian: if the user never logged in into OBS, that's probably a cleanup that could stay in touch. ## Open Floor some members might not be able to join due to conflict with ALP OpenFloor meeting. We might want to give them heads up to provide information in etherpad before the meeting starts

On Wednesday 2022-11-30 12:00, Lubos Kocman wrote:
Dimstar: Fails on QA as fonts are unreadable in the installer. (
Tumbleweed * No readable fonts: -> It can be, that it is a Mesa bug.
How, why Mesa? Is yast/qt using a GL context to render?
It would appear that the text (which should come from xft/pango/cairo/whatever as RGBA) is incorrectly blended with the #d0d0d0-ish background color from the right rather than the dark teal. libQt5Gui5, libpixman, libyui-qt are on the changed package list too, those would be my fingerpointing candidates rather than Mesa.

Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 30.11.2022 um 13:19 Uhr Von: "Jan Engelhardt" <> An: "Lubos Kocman" <> Cc: "" <>, "" <> Betreff: Re: openSUSE releng -- s390x graphics
On Wednesday 2022-11-30 12:00, Lubos Kocman wrote:
Dimstar: Fails on QA as fonts are unreadable in the installer. (
Tumbleweed * No readable fonts: -> It can be, that it is a Mesa bug.
How, why Mesa? Is yast/qt using a GL context to render?
It would appear that the text (which should come from xft/pango/cairo/whatever as RGBA) is incorrectly blended with the #d0d0d0-ish background color from the right rather than the dark teal. libQt5Gui5, libpixman, libyui-qt are on the changed package list too, those would be my fingerpointing candidates rather than Mesa. I expect, that this reason has been referenced by the Graphics Developer, because IBM has developed a graphical emulation and Yast with the graphical user interface is using this emulation then. The Graphics Developer at SUSE had to enable it then and it seems, that it would be Mesa based.
Best regards, Sarah

Hi, On Wed, 2022-11-30 at 11:00 +0000, Lubos Kocman wrote:
## Leap We'll have an update early next week according to Cisco.
Are there plans to provide a repository for Tumbleweed as well? Thanks, Robert
participants (4)
Jan Engelhardt
Lubos Kocman
Robert Munteanu
Sarah Julia Kriesch