[opensuse-factory] openSUSE reproducible builds status 2021-01

Hi, last month's status: https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/factory@lists.opensuse.org/message/... Last months' reproducible builds project updates (including my work): https://reproducible-builds.org/reports/2020-12/ Several rubygem packages suffered from an issue with ruby 3.0 = https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1180528 . The fix by darix is on the way. I uploaded https://rb.zq1.de/compare.factory-20210129/ today and rbstats are: total-packages: 13929 (+88) build-tried: 13922 (+92) build-failed: 30 (-2) build-n-a: 130 (+1) build-succeeded: 13762 (+93) build-official-failed+na: 294 (+125) build-compare-failed: 436 (+13) build-compare-succeeded: 13326 (+80) verify-failed: 508 (-3) verified-semi-reproducible: 12946 (+162) bit-by-bit-identical: 13198 (+79) not-bit-by-bit-identical: 564 (+14) not-bit-by-bit-identicalcheck: 564 (+14) https://rb.zq1.de/compare.factory-20210129/graph.png shows the change over time https://rb.zq1.de/compare.factory-20210129/unreproduciblerings.txt lists very unreproducible core packages (bootstrap+DVD) Of the badly unreproducible packages, 3 were in ring0 47 were in ring1 That makes it 50/3247 => 1.54 % which is below the overall average of 436/13762 => 3.17 % 564/13762 => 4.10 % of packages are not perfectly reproducible Newly reproducible core packages: php7 https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/6564 xapian-bindings Still bad: yodl suffering from pdf toolchain timestamp issues somewhere in latex->dvips->ps2pdf Ciao Bernhard M.
participants (1)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann