[opensuse-factory] Closing The Leap Gap Weekly Update Meeting 24.04.2020

Closing the Leap Gap - Weekly Update All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ClosingTheLeapGap-meeting Attendees (please add yourself): lkocman, mge, jsrain, sbahling, snbarth, mawerner, sweiberg, gp =================================== 1.0 Project plan: https://confluence.suse.com/display/leap/Project+plan =================================== 2.0 Schedule: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap openSUSE Leap 15.2 FCS July 2nd 2020 =================================== 3.0 Priority items and blockers List of features marked as "DeveloperProgram" https://jira.suse.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=34230 JUMP related work is tracked here https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/jump_152/issues Simplified Feature request for openSUSE Leap contributors https://jira.suse.com/browse/JIRA-722 No blockers as of today. =================================== 4.0 Updates from individual teams =================================== 4.1 Product Management Owner: Stefan Behlert Next round of Feature reviews set-up for Wednesday next week. We are progressing nicely on the features, as far as PM can see, but there are still some hills before us. Matthias: Features are ongoing, Stefan and Michal are constantly reviewing project related features. It's quite a lot of requests. Gerald and Matthias will have a discussion with Swapnil Bhartiya an online journalist, 30 minutes interview about CtLG. Handing of External communication in progress. =================================== 4.2 openSUSE Leap Release Management Owner: Lubos Kocman PAM regarding openSUSE Leap feature requests which are in fact SLE requests was created as a response to recent Closing The Leap Gap /ECO concerns. This was on Wednesday, slides can be found here: https://confluence.suse.com/display/PAM/2020-04-22+Community+Feature+Request... Summary: Such requests get more visible than ever with CtLG, which is also introducing some new complications. See Persona C. In related document https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Leap/SLEFeatureRequests:Personas Talk about Leap 15.2 Leap 15.3 Current and future strategy including CtLG on May 1st 2020. https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSvirtsmt/program/proposals/3071 Similar talk will happen on openSUSE Conference in October https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSLO/program/proposals/2960. Matthias: talk about relationship in between SLE and openSUSE on the Virtual SUSE Con, presenters are Jeff L. from SUSE and Dr. Udo Seidel. CtLG will be covered on 3 slides of Customer/Partner facing presentation. Why and what and how are we doing it? Vincent: ^ is highly interesting, since Vincent plans a blog post which might re-use some of the information. =================================== 4.3. openSUSE Leap Release Engineering Owner: Max Lin - Will set up project attributes and meta package then ToTest-Manager could works on Jump:15.2 - Will review project config on Jump:15.2 - Have a look how would pkglistgen be able to work on Jump:15.2 properly No update. =================================== 4.4 SLE Release Management Owner: Alex Herzig, Stefan Weiberg No update, consumed with SLE Public RC. Alex is making sure that CtLG features are in progress and not bloked. Desktop update: The current plan is to deliver all Low and Medium complexity features until submission deadline for Public RC2 (Around beta phase exit for openSUSE Leap). =================================== 4.5 Autobuild Owner: Lars Vogdt, Adrian Schroeter A full ftp tree build is now finished. Note: currently (partly) blocked by other carve-out topics (like IDM atm). Sync from SLE was finished details in https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/65519 (SLE structure setup) and https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/65516 (sync) Initial Project setup task: https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/65525 (lkocman: is it done Adrian?) Adrian: Fighting in getting an ftp tree build atm. i586 builds may need a change in Backports project lkocman: open issue for the i586 / Backports issue. We'll discuss this on next rel-eng meeting https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ReleaseEngineering-meeting Proposal to move packages with long build to an extra repo. Could work for backports. Chromium takes up to 4 days. =================================== 4.6 Maintenance Owner: Stephan Barth Stephan: Same like last week: no news, waiting for workable items. Lubos openSUSE 15.2 maintenance setup is unaffected. The ECO concern (See PAM section above) came from last meeting minutes. =================================== 4.7 Security Owner: Marcus Meissner No upate, Marcus is involved in current CtLG features. =================================== 4.8 Packagehub Owner: Wolfgang Engel Scott: Not much to say, we're working closely with Adrian. Doing some minior adjustments, mainly i586 to keep JUMP working.Closing the Leap Gap - Weekly Update All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ClosingTheLeapGap-meeting Attendees (please add yourself): lkocman, mge, jsrain, sbahling, snbarth, mawerner, sweiberg, gp =================================== 1.0 Project plan: https://confluence.suse.com/display/leap/Project+plan =================================== 2.0 Schedule: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap openSUSE Leap 15.2 FCS July 2nd 2020 =================================== 3.0 Priority items and blockers List of features marked as "DeveloperProgram" https://jira.suse.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=34230 JUMP related work is tracked here https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/jump_152/issues Simplified Feature request for openSUSE Leap contributors https://jira.suse.com/browse/JIRA-722 No blockers as of today. =================================== 4.0 Updates from individual teams =================================== 4.1 Product Management Owner: Stefan Behlert Next round of Feature reviews set-up for Wednesday next week. We are progressing nicely on the features, as far as PM can see, but there are still some hills before us. Matthias: Features are ongoing, Stefan and Michal are constantly reviewing project related features. It's quite a lot of requests. Gerald and Matthias will have a discussion with Swapnil Bhartiya an online journalist, 30 minutes interview about CtLG. Handing of External communication in progress. =================================== 4.2 openSUSE Leap Release Management Owner: Lubos Kocman PAM regarding openSUSE Leap feature requests which are in fact SLE requests was created as a response to recent Closing The Leap Gap /ECO concerns. This was on Wednesday, slides can be found here: https://confluence.suse.com/display/PAM/2020-04-22+Community+Feature+Request... Summary: Such requests get more visible than ever with CtLG, which is also introducing some new complications. See Persona C. In related document https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Leap/SLEFeatureRequests:Personas Talk about Leap 15.2 Leap 15.3 Current and future strategy including CtLG on May 1st 2020. https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSvirtsmt/program/proposals/3071 Similar talk will happen on openSUSE Conference in October https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSLO/program/proposals/2960. Matthias: talk about relationship in between SLE and openSUSE on the Virtual SUSE Con, presenters are Jeff L. from SUSE and Dr. Udo Seidel. CtLG will be covered on 3 slides of Customer/Partner facing presentation. Why and what and how are we doing it? Vincent: ^ is highly interesting, since Vincent plans a blog post which might re-use some of the information. =================================== 4.3. openSUSE Leap Release Engineering Owner: Max Lin - Will set up project attributes and meta package then ToTest-Manager could works on Jump:15.2 - Will review project config on Jump:15.2 - Have a look how would pkglistgen be able to work on Jump:15.2 properly No update. =================================== 4.4 SLE Release Management Owner: Alex Herzig, Stefan Weiberg No update, consumed with SLE Public RC. Alex is making sure that CtLG features are in progress and not bloked. Desktop update: The current plan is to deliver all Low and Medium complexity features until submission deadline for Public RC2 (Around beta phase exit for openSUSE Leap). =================================== 4.5 Autobuild Owner: Lars Vogdt, Adrian Schroeter A full ftp tree build is now finished. Note: currently (partly) blocked by other carve-out topics (like IDM atm). Sync from SLE was finished details in https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/65519 (SLE structure setup) and https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/65516 (sync) Initial Project setup task: https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/65525 (lkocman: is it done Adrian?) Adrian: Fighting in getting an ftp tree build atm. i586 builds may need a change in Backports project lkocman: open issue for the i586 / Backports issue. We'll discuss this on next rel-eng meeting https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ReleaseEngineering-meeting Proposal to move packages with long build to an extra repo. Could work for backports. Chromium takes up to 4 days. =================================== 4.6 Maintenance Owner: Stephan Barth Stephan: Same like last week: no news, waiting for workable items. Lubos openSUSE 15.2 maintenance setup is unaffected. The ECO concern (See PAM section above) came from last meeting minutes. =================================== 4.7 Security Owner: Marcus Meissner No upate, Marcus is involved in current CtLG features. =================================== 4.8 Packagehub Owner: Wolfgang Engel Scott: Not much to say, we're working closely with Adrian. Doing some minior adjustments, mainly i586 to keep JUMP working. =================================== 4.9 Beta Program Owner: Vincent Moutoussamy We've started a draft of communication regarding recent changes towards improved transparency with the community. Communication will not happen until Monday. Gerald offered help to review the document. Thanks Gerald for community teasers. How would be the go/nogo for the CtLG handled? Lubos: Distribution build wise: I'd like to have a installable image build as part of the Jump:15.2 OBS project. Then we'd like have a period of testing for the community, consume fedback and have a Go-Nogo session on the openSUSE Release Engineering meeting. Gerald: There is multiple related efforts, such opening Bugzilla, improving the feature process, merging changes in Leap to SLE, Jump,.... Many of these should quite non-controversial. Unless there is clear pushback, openSUSE tends to follow a "those who do decide". Lubos: the CtLG effort has multiple building blocks. Each block has probably different set of stakeholders or approvers. Let's make sure that we get them all right. Action item for Lubos is to map efforts on wiki. =================================== 4.10 Engineering / Product Migration Owner: Jiri Srain No update. Discussion regarding yast dependency on kernel. kernel does not exist for i586. No conclusion yet. Current migration scenarion is being tested by QA (roughly for a month already). 3 step migration, in principal everything is in. Necessary packages need to be part of opensuse (migration plugin etc.) SCC will have to be configured properly. We'll have to deal with packaging issues regarding branding packages. Everything should be ideally solved on the packaging side. Some hacks can be done but it's not prefered. Current approach is handling all on the packaging side (Effort by Ludwig). Registration schema (for AutoYaST) is currently in the queue for Public RC milestone of SLES. Todo: Migration path from Leap to Jump. =================================== 4.11 Engineering - Kernel Owner: Libor Pechacek Team is looking into yast package dependency on kernel on i586. This is currently an open topic. We'll be looking for an alternative solution. =================================== 4.12 Engineering - Desktop Owner: Stefan Weiberg SLE Desktop team at SUSE has a deadline set for 6th May to deliver all low and medium complexity features regarding CTLG and GNOME. This allows us to have enough time until GMC to do QA and bugfixing. This is also taking into account the holidays in China on 1st May. You can track the status of feature development by Yi Fan's team on this board: https://jira.suse.com/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1465 =================================== 4.13 Quality Assurance Owner: Marita Werner No update, QA tasks WIP =================================== 4.14 SLE Architect Owner: Thorsten Kukuk Not present, therefore no update. No Update this week. Busy with MicroOS-NG Waiting for chrony from factory, so we can do the branding correctly according to openSUSE branding guidelines. =================================== 4.15 Build and Delivery Architect Owner: Stephan Kulow Removing from next meetings since Stephan has too many other responsibilities. =================================== 4.16 Marketing and Community management Owner: Douglas DeMaio Article on news.o.o. and FAQ was sent to media - https://bit.ly/34ECyiE Referenced email and FAQ on social media, 11K impressions on Twitter TFIR video interview with Swapnil (Gerald & Matthias) New: Lubos providing Leap 15.2 talk at openSUSE Virtual Summit on May 1 New: Adrian providing Jump talk at openSUSE Virtual Summit on May 1 SUSECON Virtual (Jeff Lindholm) Talk about SUSE and openSUSE Relationship lkocman: Figure out if we need somebody from docs team. Vincent: Do we need a dedicated blog post for CtLG? Let's skip this for later time. =================================== 4.17 Marketing Customers & Partners Owner: Sarah Whitlock No update this week. lkocman: Messaged Sarah regarding confirmation of her being one of stakeholders. =================================== 4.18 Gerald Owner: Gerald ;-) Happy to see the visibility and engagement regarding the project. Please share and participate on openSUSE lists where possible. =================================== =================================== 4.9 Beta Program Owner: Vincent Moutoussamy We've started a draft of communication regarding recent changes towards improved transparency with the community. Communication will not happen until Monday. Gerald offered help to review the document. Thanks Gerald for community teasers. How would be the go/nogo for the CtLG handled? Lubos: Distribution build wise: I'd like to have a installable image build as part of the Jump:15.2 OBS project. Then we'd like have a period of testing for the community, consume fedback and have a Go-Nogo session on the openSUSE Release Engineering meeting. Gerald: There is multiple related efforts, such opening Bugzilla, improving the feature process, merging changes in Leap to SLE, Jump,.... Many of these should quite non-controversial. Unless there is clear pushback, openSUSE tends to follow a "those who do decide". Lubos: the CtLG effort has multiple building blocks. Each block has probably different set of stakeholders or approvers. Let's make sure that we get them all right. Action item for Lubos is to map efforts on https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Leap =================================== 4.10 Engineering / Product Migration Owner: Jiri Srain No update. Discussion regarding yast dependency on kernel. kernel does not exist for i586. No conclusion yet. Current migration scenarion is being tested by QA (roughly for a month already). 3 step migration, in principal everything is in. Necessary packages need to be part of opensuse (migration plugin etc.) SCC will have to be configured properly. We'll have to deal with packaging issues regarding branding packages. Everything should be ideally solved on the packaging side. Some hacks can be done but it's not prefered. Current approach is handling all on the packaging side (Effort by Ludwig). Registration schema (for AutoYaST) is currently in the queue for Public RC milestone of SLES. Todo: Migration path from Leap to Jump. =================================== 4.11 Engineering - Kernel Owner: Libor Pechacek Team is looking into yast package dependency on kernel on i586. This is currently an open topic. We'll be looking for an alternative solution. =================================== 4.12 Engineering - Desktop Owner: Stefan Weiberg SLE Desktop team at SUSE has a deadline set for 6th May to deliver all low and medium complexity features regarding CTLG and GNOME. This allows us to have enough time until GMC to do QA and bugfixing. This is also taking into account the holidays in China on 1st May. =================================== 4.13 Quality Assurance Owner: Marita Werner No update, QA tasks WIP =================================== 4.14 SLE Architect Owner: Thorsten Kukuk Not present, therefore no update. No Update this week. Busy with MicroOS-NG Waiting for chrony from factory, so we can do the branding correctly according to openSUSE branding guidelines. =================================== 4.15 Build and Delivery Architect Owner: Stephan Kulow Removing from next meetings since Stephan has too many other responsibilities. =================================== 4.16 Marketing and Community management Owner: Douglas DeMaio Article on news.o.o. and FAQ was sent to media - https://bit.ly/34ECyiE Referenced email and FAQ on social media, 11K impressions on Twitter TFIR video interview with Swapnil (Gerald & Matthias) New: Lubos providing Leap 15.2 talk at openSUSE Virtual Summit on May 1 New: Adrian providing Jump talk at openSUSE Virtual Summit on May 1 SUSECON Virtual (Jeff Lindholm) Talk about SUSE and openSUSE Relationship lkocman: Figure out if we need somebody from docs team. Vincent: Do we need a dedicated blog post for CtLG? Let's skip this for later time. =================================== 4.17 Marketing Customers & Partners Owner: Sarah Whitlock No update this week. lkocman: Messaged Sarah regarding confirmation of her being one of stakeholders. =================================== 4.18 Gerald Owner: Gerald ;-) Happy to see the visibility and engagement regarding the project. Please share and participate on openSUSE lists where possible. ===================================

On 2020-04-24 13:55, Lubos Kocman wrote:
Closing the Leap Gap - Weekly Update
1.0 Project plan: https://confluence.suse.com/display/leap/Project+plan
List of features marked as "DeveloperProgram" https://jira.suse.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=34230
Confluence and Jira: login with openSUSE accounts there does not seem to work. Thus, it seems to me that those are not ideal communication channels to share with the openSUSE project. See likewise Oliver's unanswered email: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2020-04/msg00263.html Do I miss something? Furthermore, they are not really open source, are they? They're quite nice, but shouldn't we have superior - and open - tools? Have a nice day, Berny -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org
participants (2)
Bernhard Voelker
Lubos Kocman