An update on simplified multimedia offer for openSUSE
Hello openSUSE! Let me share an update on our simplified multimedia offer With help from Neal, we've identified that our focus should be on FDK- AAC and openh264. **fdk-aac-free** You may have noticed that fdk-aac-free was already accepted in Factory. So this part is already covered. I did talk to Antonio today and he's working on the integration part with SLE (therefore Leap) already for quite some time. Current plan is to have the codec available in Leap 15.4 Beta. **openh264** We've finally received a go on proceeding with Cisco's open h264 after some longer ping pong between Cisco and SUSE. The agreed plan is to re- build Cisco's openh264 in OBS and re-distribute it in a dedicated Cisco repository. The next agreed steps are that Neal will handle the initial packaging, submit the package to Factory for review, and the openSUSE release team would look into the third-party repository set up as mentioned in the code-o-o feature. Initially the library and the codec plugin for Mozilla browsers will be made available, with the GStreamer plugin coming later as the packaging for that is worked out. Please watch code-o-o for further updates on progress. Hope you enjoy the good news! (Thanks to Thomas Di Giacomo for his support.)
participants (1)
Lubos Kocman