Which dev repo I should submit if I want to add yacreader to openSUSE Factory?

Hi folks, I am using yacreader (https://www.yacreader.com/) for e-book and comics reading. I am interested in contributing my packaging at https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:opensuse_zh/yacreader to the Factory repo, but I need to first find a development repo to host it. Which one is the best to submit this application? Best, Xu -- Xu Zhao i@xuzhao.net

Am 28.02.23 um 22:31 schrieb Xu Zhao:
I was hoping that someone else would reply because I don't see a really good fit. It seems to be similar to Calibre which lives in Documentation:Tools, and multimedia:apps seems reasonable as well. In the end it's not too important. Devel repos are mostly interesting for packages in a closely connected ecosystem where you'd like to see what your update might break before you submit it to Factory. Here I see dependencies on Qt, but nothing related to KDE. Side note: the Url should probably point to yacreader.com instead of yacreader.org. The latter is not reachable for me, and GitHub points to the former. Aaron
participants (2)
Aaron Puchert
Xu Zhao