[opensuse-factory] Closing The Leap Gap Weekly Update Meeting 26.06.2020
Closing the Leap Gap - Weekly Update All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ClosingTheLeapGap-meeting New Meeting location: https://meet.opensuse.org/ClosingTheLeapGap (Friday 11:30 CEST) Attendees (please add yourself): jsrain, lkocman, snbarth,fcrozat, gp, behlert(late) =================================== 1.0 Project plan: https://confluence.suse.com/display/leap/Project+plan =================================== 2.0 Schedule: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap openSUSE Leap 15.2 FCS July 2nd 2020 =================================== 3.0 Priority items and blockers List of features marked as "DeveloperProgram" https://jira.suse.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=34230 JUMP related work is tracked here https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/jump_152/issues Simplified Feature request for openSUSE Leap contributors https://jira.suse.com/browse/JIRA-722 =================================== 4.0 Updates from individual teams =================================== 4.1 Product Management Owner: Stefan Behlert No update, but ProductManagement is updating internal documents to reflect the efforts and wishes, and pushing for the next version to reflect the changes. =================================== 4.2 openSUSE Leap Release Management Owner: Lubos Kocman No update, I'm focusing mainly on openSUSE Leap 15.2 GM/GA this week. We'll have a dedicated trainee for any pending openSUSE release tools work for SLE or Leap (ideally both). This would also cover xcdchk. =================================== 4.3. openSUSE Leap Release Engineering Owner: Max Lin On vacation =================================== 4.4 SLE Release Management Owner: Alex Herzig, Stefan Weiberg No update, 15 SP2 GMC Acceptance Week and Gold Master consumed my time. Next week I will be able to refocus on driving more CTLG Features to be delivered as Maintenance Updates. =================================== 4.5 Autobuild Owner: Lars Vogdt, Adrian Schroeter lkocman: a pending request in autobuild@suse.de to add Jump:15.2 into dist.suse.de/install/SLP. =================================== 4.6 Maintenance Owner: Stephan Barth No update regarding Jump. Otherwise waiting for next step from RM on Leap 15.2. lkocman: still has a remaining action item to share with factory summary of agreement about Jump maintenance setup. =================================== 4.7 Security Owner: Marcus Meissner Not present. =================================== 4.8 Package Hub Owner: Wolfgang Engel, Scott Bahling Not present. =================================== 4.9 Beta Program Owner: Vincent Moutoussamy Requesting feedback from this round on the current opening SUSE Bugzilla effort (previously shared on opensuse-factory@). Gerald: What's the next step regarding communication status to the community? Vincent: There will be a review meeting with QA maintenance. Wait for the interview with QA Maintenance prior update to the public. We want to make sure we have QA related answers at the time of publish. Gerald's remark: Release Early, Release often. Lubos: There is an agreement with Developer program to publish a short video regarding Leap 15.2 release after or close to GA on the developer portal. So perhaps we could do similar "lightning talk" on the public bugzilla topic. =================================== 4.10 Engineering / Product Migration Owner: Jiri Srain Early update probably needed due to https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1162755, still being investigated (yast2-migrate bug from Leap 15.2 -> SP2). Jiri: confirming that it can be fixed with a maintenance update. =================================== 4.11 Engineering - Kernel Owner: Libor Pechacek Not present =================================== 4.12 Engineering - Desktop Owner: Stefan Weiberg, Frederic Crozat No update regarding Jump =================================== 4.13 Quality Assurance Owner: Marita Werner Not present =================================== 4.14 SLE Architect Owner: Thorsten Kukuk Not present =================================== 4.15 Marketing and Community management Owner: Douglas DeMaio Thomas has interview with media. Communicated that CTLG might likely come up as a question and that he should be prepared for this topic. The journalist is well informed on the topic. =================================== 4.16 Gerald Owner: Gerald ;-) E = mc² -aka- updates/news do not need to be long to be huge -aka- excited about the update on Bugzilla :-)
participants (1)
Lubos Kocman