Slow Roll not reviving from suspend on '12 MacPro w/nvidia card
Starting here before going to bugzilla on it . . . for several weeks now Slow Roll does not revive from suspend . . . continuing after the recent package upgrades . . . . Had similar issues in Leap 15.6 that seemed to be fixed by kernel upgrade, but the same kernel now in Slow Roll is not able to "wake up" . . . . Actually the machine itself revives with keyboard clicking, but the display stays black. I usually pick "nouveau" or "default" for my video driver, but I don't recall in the installer that there was an option to do that, or a question about video driver. In Slo Roll lsmod there is no mention of "video" nor anything showing "nouveau" . . . but, now in TW I have multiple line items showing nouveau. No problems with TW at the moment as far as revival from suspending goes. Any thoughts, happy to check them out when I get back to Slo Rolling.
[CODE] > uname -r 6.5.9-1-default Sl@no02:~> rpm -q kernel-default kernel-default-6.5.9-3.1.x86_64 kernel-default-6.5.9-1.2.x86_64 [/CODE] Just had the very odd experience of booting to SLo, the dmesg is feeding through with "OKs," then a quick flash of "installing updates" . . . a few more lines in the dmesg and the machine shut down? On cold boot back into Slo Roll and it ran through OK to GUI . . . with notification that "there are updates available now" . . . . Haven't had a chance to edit the repos to the latest requested options yet, they are the same as the post install edits from a few weeks back. But, no, I don't set up "secure boot" . . . just regular log in with password.
Now this problem has again afflicted the Leap 15.6 partition, did a 46 package upgrade this morning, which I think included an Nvidia-G05 upgrade?? after that upgrade now no revival to display, as is happening in Slow Roll. One of these systems tried to install a G06 package a month or two back, causing similar destructions to the GUI . . . had to lock it at G05, but possibly this might be an issue in Slo Roll??? where I don't recall there was installer question on option for video driver??? Or it was missed . . . . I'm in TW at the moment, seems to wake up the display just fine . . . .
Continuing saga on SlowRoll . . . today is SlowRoll day . . . selected Slo from the grub list and hit "go" . . . had to do some stuff, when I came back the log in window was showing the TW option, the top hit on the grub list???? So rather than the other day Slo shut itself down after running the dmesg, this time it seemed to self-reboot?? There was a notification window when logging back into Slo Roll, "Software update failed"??? Just ran another zypper, bringing in 170 packages . . . haven't restarted it yet . . . .
participants (2)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
Fritz Hudnut