AW: [SPAM] [opensuse-announce] SUSE Linux 10.1 Beta1 Released
Hi, while updating my 10.1a4 to 10.1b1 the installation procedure was very slowly reacting, my mouse pointer jumping every second. This startet right after X came up from installation cd. While starting boot cds of 10.0, 10.1a3 or a4 I never had this problem. Furthermore my font installation seems to be a bit messed up, every font package takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours to get installed. This is bit confusing cause I never installed by myself, my system has gone all the way through 10.0 -> 10.1a3 -> 10.1a4. Could this be an issue of the newly released Xorg? I'm now 30 hours into installation with 40 packages remaining... I can't imagine many who are patient enough waiting that long (Wouldn't it be possible to have a button 'ignore this package'?) Frank ------
______________________________________ AXA Technology Services Germany GmbH FRANK PRUMBAUM ATTS-AP/MW (HOL 5.1.6) Colonia-Allee 10-20; 51067 Köln Tel.: +49 (0)221 - 148 - 2 44 32 Fax: +49 (0)221 - 148 - 44 2 19 19 E-Mail: _____________________________________
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Prumbaum, Frank skrev:
while updating my 10.1a4 to 10.1b1 the installation procedure was very slowly reacting, my mouse pointer jumping every second. This startet right after X came up from installation cd. While starting boot cds of 10.0, 10.1a3 or a4 I never had this problem.
Furthermore my font installation seems to be a bit messed up, every font package takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours to get installed. This is bit confusing cause I never installed by myself, my system has gone all the way through 10.0 -> 10.1a3 -> 10.1a4. Could this be an issue of the newly released Xorg?
I'm now 30 hours into installation with 40 packages remaining...
I can't imagine many who are patient enough waiting that long (Wouldn't it be possible to have a button 'ignore this package'?)
Frank ------
This sounds lika a very local problem to your conputer.. I've installed beta1 on 4 separate boxes, i386 and x86_64 and all the installations went as smooth as expected, no long delays anywhere. One of the installations was in a VMware VM as well, and as I said, all of them ran just fine during installation. -- Anders Norrbring Norrbring Consulting
participants (2)
Anders Norrbring
Prumbaum, Frank