OSS 10.1 beta 8 Trying to compile km_ndiswrapper-1.2-2.i586.rpm from 10.0 and am getting errors. Since I cannot connect my laptop I am NOT going to copy a 120 colume X 25 row error message here. One small part states: halt passed 1 argument, but takes just 0 then the errors start and the compilation craps out. Any suggestions short of sacrificing my first born? And yes I do need ndiswrapper because it is the only way to use my wireless card and no I -AM NOT- going to buy a different card so don't suggest it. Ken

Kenneth Schneider schrieb:
Use ndiswrapper from 10.1beta8. Regards, Carl-Daniel -- http://www.hailfinger.org/

On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 11:25:50PM -0500, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
Hard to do that when the file is not on the beta8 CDs! Downloaded from factory and transfered to CD for install.
You can use makeSUSEdvd also to make a CD and include the RPMs you like (and have place for). Disadvatage is that you first need to know what RPMs you might need. ;-) Once you know that, put the needed RPMs in /one/dir (nothing else in it) and the first CD in /another/dir and run: makeSUSEdvd -a /one/dir -d /another/dir -o /output/dir_for_iso or if you have the CD's and not the ISOs: makeSUSEdvd -a /one/dir -d /another/dir -c This might come in handy if you just want to add a few smaller RPMs to a CD. If you want larger amounts of RPMs added (e.g. MPlayer stuff and so on) it is best to make a DVD. Even with the CD6 there is plenty of room available. houghi -- Nutze die Zeit. Sie ist das Kostbarste, was wir haben, denn es ist unwiederbringliche Lebenszeit. Leben ist aber mehr als Werk und Arbeit, und das Sein wichtiger als das Tun - Johannes Müller-Elmau

On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 07:21 +0200, houghi wrote:
Yes, I have used this. Unfortunately my laptop no longer will read DVDs but will read CDs. Which brings up another -annoying- problem with 10.1. After the install I went to install more packages, inserted CD1 and when I needed to insert CD2 I could not remove CD1 without going to a command line and either umount CD1 or use eject. I sure hope this is not the standard way of the automounter system now. -- Ken Schneider UNIX since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE since 1998

On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 07:12:51AM -0500, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
Yes, I have used this. Unfortunately my laptop no longer will read DVDs but will read CDs.
makeSUSEdvd is more makeSUSEiso. It should be perfectly possible to make a CD. As I do not have any CD's anymore to try out, I am not sure. :-/ So when you just use the first CD, you can add the extra RPM and put it on the new CD. houghi -- Nutze die Zeit. Sie ist das Kostbarste, was wir haben, denn es ist unwiederbringliche Lebenszeit. Leben ist aber mehr als Werk und Arbeit, und das Sein wichtiger als das Tun - Johannes Müller-Elmau

On 29 Mar 2006 at 7:12, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
I had this in older releases as well, never knowing exactly why, but "eject" always opened the tray. For 10.0 I had another annoying experience just yesterday: "yast sw_single" had no unresolved dependencies (yast said). The I selected package "qcad" for installation. Again Yast had no unresolved dependencies (according to its check). Then, when accepting the software selection, Yast popped up a window with automatically slected development packages, and the bad thing there is this: You can either accept or abort that selection, resulting in either installing all or nothing. This has a very long (and bad) tradition in Yast. Didn't ttry for 10.1 yet... Regards, Ulrich

Am Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 14:12 schrieb Kenneth Schneider:
See: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=152080 Hope this will be resolved with beta9 otherwise priority needs to be higher, as this is a real show stopper. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Marcel Hilzinger Linux New Media AG Süskindstr. 4 D-81929 München Tel: +49 (89) 99 34 11 0 Fax: +49 (89) 99 34 11 99

Marcel Hilzinger <mhilzinger@linuxnewmedia.de> writes:
it should be - it works for me, I just closed that one ;-)
Hope this will be resolved with beta9 otherwise priority needs to be higher, as this is a real show stopper.
Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, aj@suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj/ SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126
participants (6)
Andreas Jaeger
Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
Kenneth Schneider
Marcel Hilzinger
Ulrich Windl