encfs error at plasma6-vault and command line
Hi, I use plasma6-vault with encfs encrypted file system. But since about beginning of this month, encfs fails by mounting. It's the same at plasma6-fault and the terminal.
encfs -v /home/user/.DataSaveEncFS.enc ~/test/ VERBOSE Root directory: /home/user/.DataSaveEncFS.enc/ [main.cpp:686] VERBOSE Fuse arguments: (daemon) (threaded) (keyCheck) encfs /home/user/test/ -o use_ino -o default_permissions [main.cpp:687] Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
But can't find the dump? dmesg shows this [ 5219.838796] [ T32058] traps: encfs[32058] general protection fault ip:7fc3fe27cacc sp:7ffe76c92d70 error:0 in libtinyxml2.so.10.0.0[cacc,7f c3fe279000+a000] journalct -rx shows this Sep 14 11:28:31 peterle systemd-coredump[32060]: [🡕] *Process 32058 (encfs) of user 1002 dumped core.* *Stack trace of thread 32058:* *#0 0x00007fc3fe27cacc _ZN8tinyxml211XMLDocument8IdentifyEPcPPNS_7XMLNodeEb (libtinyxml2.so.1*> *#1 0x00007fc3fe28099d _ZN8tinyxml27XMLNode9ParseDeepEPcPNS_7StrPairEPi (libtinyxml2.so.10 + *> *#2 0x00007fc3fe28064f _ZN8tinyxml211XMLDocument5ParseEPKcm (libtinyxml2.so.10 + 0x1064f)* *#3 0x00007fc3fe40b7b7 _ZN5encfs9XmlReader4loadEPKc (libencfs.so.1.9 + 0x627b7)* *#4 0x00007fc3fe3f9332 _ZN5encfs12readV6ConfigEPKcPNS_11EncFSConfigEPNS_10ConfigInfoE (libenc*> *#5 0x00007fc3fe3f75f3 _ZN5encfs15readConfig_loadEPNS_10ConfigInfoEPKcPNS_11EncFSConfigE (lib*> *#6 0x00007fc3fe3f7a18 _ZN5encfs10readConfigERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcES*> *#7 0x00007fc3fe4053e5 _ZN5encfs6initFSEPNS_13EncFS_ContextERKSt10shared_ptrINS_10EncFS_OptsE*> *#8 0x000055e03a324a91 main (encfs + 0x5a91)* *#9 0x00007fc3fdc2a340 __libc_start_call_main (libc.so.6 + 0x2a340)* *#10 0x00007fc3fdc2a409 __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34 (libc.so.6 + 0x2a409)* *#11 0x000055e03a326d75 _start (encfs + 0x7d75)* *ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64* ░░ Subject: Speicherabbild für Prozess 32058 (encfs) generiert ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel ░░ Documentation: man:core(5) ░░ ░░ Prozess 32058 (encfs) ist abgebrochen worden und ░░ ein Speicherabbild wurde generiert. ░░ ░░ Üblicherweise ist dies ein Hinweis auf einen Programmfehler und sollte ░░ als Fehler dem jeweiligen Hersteller gemeldet werden. I reinstalled encfs some days ago, but still unchanged
rpm -qil encfs Name : encfs Version : 1.9.5 Release : 2.22 Architecture: x86_64 Install Date: Sa 07 Sep 2024 11:22:12 CEST Group : System/Filesystems Size : 924556 License : GPL-2.0-or-later AND GPL-3.0-or-later Signature : RSA/SHA512, Mo 20 Mai 2024 19:10:49 CEST, Key ID 35a2f86e29b700a4 Source RPM : encfs-1.9.5-2.22.src.rpm Build Date : Di 24 Mär 2020 07:58:25 CET Build Host : reproducible Packager : https://bugs.opensuse.org Vendor : openSUSE URL : https://vgough.github.io/encfs/ Summary : Userspace Encrypted File System Description : EncFS provides an encrypted file system, layered on top of a normal directory tree and encrypts individual files which are stored in the hosting directory tree.
This has several advantages over the loopback encryption which provided by the Linux kernel: - No space is and has to be reserved, encrypted files only take the space that they really occupy - Backups: encrypted files can be individually backed-up on the host filesystem - Layering: Since it's hosted on a normal filesystem, encfs can be used on filesystems which normally have no support encryption, like NFS or other userspace filesystems. EncFS is implemented as a userspace filesystem in an unprivileged application using fuse (FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace)). Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed /usr/bin/encfs /usr/bin/encfsctl /usr/bin/encfssh /usr/lib64/libencfs.so.1.9 /usr/lib64/libencfs.so.1.9.5 /usr/share/doc/packages/encfs /usr/share/doc/packages/encfs/AUTHORS /usr/share/doc/packages/encfs/ChangeLog /usr/share/doc/packages/encfs/DESIGN.md /usr/share/doc/packages/encfs/PERFORMANCE.md /usr/share/doc/packages/encfs/README-NLS /usr/share/doc/packages/encfs/README.md /usr/share/licenses/encfs /usr/share/licenses/encfs/COPYING /usr/share/licenses/encfs/COPYING.GPL /usr/share/licenses/encfs/COPYING.LGPL /usr/share/man/man1/encfs.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/encfsctl.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/encfssh.1.gz Any idea what can be the root cause? Ulf
Op 14-09-2024 om 11:31 schreef Ulf via openSUSE Factory:
I use plasma6-vault with encfs encrypted file system. But since about beginning of this month, encfs fails by mounting. It's the same at plasma6-fault and the terminal.
https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1229933 encfs needs a rebuild. Regards, Cor
Am Samstag, 14. September 2024, 12:01:16 MESZ schrieb Cor Blom:
encfs needs a rebuild.
Thanks Added me to the bug Ulf
participants (2)
Cor Blom