[opensuse-factory] Closing The Leap Gap Weekly Update Meeting 03.07.2020

Closing the Leap Gap - Weekly Update All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ClosingTheLeapGap-meeting New Meeting location: https://meet.opensuse.org/ClosingTheLeapGap (Friday 11:30 CEST) Attendees (please add yourself): lkocman, ddemaio, snbarth, adrian, vmoutoussamy, gp, max, stefan behlert =================================== 1.0 Project plan: https://confluence.suse.com/display/leap/Project+plan =================================== 2.0 Schedule: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap openSUSE Leap 15.2 FCS July 2nd 2020 =================================== 3.0 Priority items and blockers List of features marked as "DeveloperProgram" https://jira.suse.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=34230 JUMP related work is tracked here https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/jump_152/issues Simplified Feature request for openSUSE Leap contributors https://jira.suse.com/browse/JIRA-722 =================================== 4.0 Updates from individual teams =================================== 4.1 openSUSE Leap Release Management Owner: Lubos Kocman Working solely on Leap 15.2 GA this week A need to set deadlines for Leap 15.3 setup as this needs to be already Jump based. I'd like to invite ARM and ppc64le openSUSE rel-engs starting by the next meeting. Discussion of Migration scenarios for Leap -> SLE with Wei Gao. Jiri is now in loop. Discussing potential supportability of Leap.aarch64 -> SLE with PM. This was raised as part of discussing Tier1 architecture policy on opensuse-factory@ Agreed with Adrian to use obsgendiff for xcdcdk replacement https://github.com/openSUSE/xcdchk/issues/4 TODO: Deliver summary of handling maintenance submissions for Leap 15.3 Will be published to opensuse-factory@ prior next meeting. =================================== 4.2. openSUSE Leap Release Engineering Owner: Max Lin * 000package-groups has been updated * pkglistgen now works on Jump, need a small change in release-tools. * Next step: build other arches isos; openqa obs_rsync integration We will invite aarch64 and ppc64le Rel-engs to this meeting. Starting by the next one. =================================== 4.3 SLE Release Management Owner: Alex Herzig, Stefan Weiberg No active actions taken this, week, delivery of maintenance updates is progressing though. =================================== 4.4 Autobuild Owner: Lars Vogdt, Adrian Schroeter FTP product building for Jump takes to long, or aborts to often. Adrian is aware of these problems. =================================== 4.5 Maintenance Owner: Stephan Barth No update =================================== 4.6 Security Owner: Marcus Meissner No update =================================== 4.7 Package Hub Owner: Wolfgang Engel, Scott Bahling Not present. =================================== 4.8 Beta Program Owner: Vincent Moutoussamy We have already setup for openSUSE Leap 15.3 (openSUSE Distribution) available in bugzilla. There is a project to sync the SUSE products information from Jira to Bugzilla, to automate the Bugzilla setup. AFAIK this setup will not be used for openSUSE. Doug: Is there any followup on the public bugzilla setup? Vincent: Unfortunately no update this week. =================================== 4.9 Engineering / Product Migration Owner: Jiri Srain https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1173582#c5 ( Leap15.2 to SLES15SP2) =================================== 4.10 Engineering - Kernel Owner: Libor Pechacek Not present =================================== 4.11 Engineering - Desktop Owner: Stefan Weiberg, Frederic Crozat Not present =================================== 4.12 Quality Assurance Owner: Marita Werner Not present =================================== 4.13 SLE Architect Owner: Thorsten Kukuk Not present =================================== 4.14 Marketing and Community management Owner: Douglas DeMaio Minor points mentioned about Jump during Leap 15.2 interview. lkocman: We should make the video for developer portal. Will pinephone project be affected by CtLG? To my knowledge it's only related to Factory at this moment. So there is no existing Leap related effort. Therefore no. =================================== 4.15 Gerald Owner: Gerald ;-) Have seen some motions re Bugzilla opening internally, hope we can get an update (from Vincent maybe?) next week. (Note: I'll be unavailable next week.) =================================== 4.16 Product Management Owner: Stefan Behlert Clarifying details on feature sides. Looking into issues related to Real Time and Migration. Otherwise no big updates.
participants (1)
Lubos Kocman