[opensuse-factory] Closing The Leap Gap Weekly Update Meeting 28.08.2020
Closing the Leap Gap - Weekly Update All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ClosingTheLeapGap-meeting New Meeting location: https://meet2.opensuse.org/ClosingTheLeapGap (Friday 11:30 CEST) !!! PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE SESSION WAS MOVED TO https://meet2.opensuse.org/ClosingTheLeapGap Attendees (please add yourself): lkocman, maxlin, michel, Jiri, adrian, Rudi, vmoutoussamy, ddemaio, marita =================================== 1.0 Project plan: https://confluence.suse.com/display/leap/Project+plan =================================== 2.0 Schedule: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap =================================== 3.0 Priority items and blockers List of features marked as "DeveloperProgram" https://jira.suse.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=34230 JUMP related work is tracked here https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/jump_152/issues Simplified Feature request for openSUSE Leap contributors https://jira.suse.com/browse/JIRA-722 =================================== 4.0 Updates from individual teams =================================== 4.1 openSUSE Leap Release Management Owner: Lubos Kocman Rejected CtLG features - should be represented by forks in Jump, so we preserve functionality. We have currently 8 rejected features (but some of them are duplicates etc).https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/70255 Lubos to talk to the Migration team about their resources/availability for any potent ion Migration testing from Jump to SLE 15 SP2 prior October "release". * s390x still looking for openSUSE Jump / Leap rel-eng Berthold attended the first rel-eng call with no commitment yet. * Currently open topic with openSUSE Board on having non-SUSE Employee as a "project maintainer". Gerald sees no reason why the Board would object (and isn't convinced this even falls into the realm of the board) and will respond to Lubos' mail. Next step would be an internal discussion with Security, Autobuild and Legal. =================================== 4.2. openSUSE Leap Release Engineering Owner: Max Lin, Guillaume, Michel Max: Re-enabled pkglistgen on botmaster after the pkglsitgen produce wrong result issue got fixed. Jump is now consuming Backports SP2:Update and all changes bellow. Scheduler is not working and Autobuild is looking for it. Jump 15.2.1 bump happened - We will keep 15.2 for services which may otherwise have issues with the 15.2.1 version. Guillaume: on vacation AArch64 specific regressions from 15.2 to Jump. Need a resync? * GNOME autologin is broken again (was fixed by 15.2): https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1175470 * Colors in terminal (for textmode) are wrong again (was fixed in 15.2):https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/1365380#step/first_boot/3 - Lubos to check with Autobuild whether there is a sync issue or if it's an actual bug in SLE 15 SP2. * VLC is missing on aarch64: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/1364387#step/vlc/11 ^ Backports is build only for x86_64. This was already case for gdb on aarch64. * LXDE: wrong branding: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/1365420#step/first_boot/1 * XFCE: wrong branding: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/1366507#step/opensuse_welcome/4 ^ These issues were fixed by consuming SP2:Update(s) ^ Max: We have to rebuild it(the packages which decides what branding to be used, one per a desktop ) in Jump as they're using SLE branding as the default. Michel: same missing vlc for ppc64le/x86_64 for openQA tests. Let's get a list of packages that have to be rebuild in Jump as they still contain branding (should not be that many). These packages should have a CtLG Feature requests in jira.suse.com. Todo: Lubos to find a person who can create a Jump structure on pontifex. Check with Dimstar or Ludwig ^ Still pending Adrian already re-published project manually but there is still some work left to have it "implemented"> Lubos: to check o the opensuse-admin issue. =================================== 4.3 SLE Release Management Owner: Alex Herzig, Stefan Weiberg Not present =================================== 4.4 Autobuild Owner: Rüdiger Oertel Adrian Schroeter adrian: jump content is public now after further fixes on pontifex: http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/jump/15.2/ Lubos messaged Doug to advertise early availability. Changelog generation is working now. Most likely still needs some visual enhancements. Still an issue on pontifex to allow access to it. Config of Jump/Backports is been fixed. Unfortuantly triggering a problem in OBS blocking new product builds. Investigation is running atm. prjconf has been cleaned up as well, only containing additions of Jump now. No time yet for request cloning support, but submissions to SUSE:SLE- 15* can be created now. Update tree regeneration is still an open topic. Adrian: suggests that we should add a README file to the toplevel pontifex Jump directory, that this is an experimental project. Lubos: will write a file containing the note. =================================== 4.5 Maintenance Owner: Stephan Barth Not present. =================================== 4.6 Security Owner: Marcus Meissner Not present. =================================== 4.7 Package Hub Owner: Wolfgang Engel, Scott Bahling Not present. =================================== 4.8 Beta Program Owner: Vincent Moutoussamy - All our discussions with the stakeholders of the project can be found at https://confluence.suse.com/display/EPI/Opening+our+Bugzilla#OpeningourBugzi... . - Next week we have a call with SUSE IT for the Bugzilla administration part and also checking that we can freely set the bugzilla dev environment as POC. - When and how can we start building JeOS images for 15.3/Jump 15.2.1? Lubos: one bugzilla related update - I just finished one pending policy document and will finally have time work on the Bug smashing policy that was agreed as the result of the openSUSE Leap 15.2 retrospective. =================================== 4.9 Engineering / Product Migration Owner: Jiri Srain installation-images difference: We need to analyze and document the difference first to see whether there are options to unfork without changes to the way we build media =================================== 4.10 Engineering - Kernel Owner: Libor Pechacek Not present =================================== 4.11 Engineering - Desktop Owner: Frederic Crozat Not present =================================== 4.12 Quality Assurance Owner: Marita Werner, Heiko No update otherwise I don't see any involvement of QA other than the migration testing. =================================== 4.13 SLE Architect Owner: Thorsten Kukuk Not present =================================== 4.14 Marketing and Community management Owner: Douglas DeMaio No update. Lubos: next Friday Ketchup with Emiel and Chris, Jump will be definitely mentioned. =================================== 4.15 Gerald Owner: Gerald ;-) Not present =================================== 4.16 Product Management Owner: Stefan Behlert Not present N�����r��y隊Z)z{.���r�+�맲��r��z�^�ˬz��N�(�֜��^� ޭ隊Z)z{.���r�+��0�����Ǩ�
participants (1)
Lubos Kocman