PublicCloud meeting 30.05.2024

How to join the meeting? All meeting minutes can be found here: Attendees: lkocman, rjschwei, neil hanlon, dominik wombacher (wombelix)., ngompa Topics Artwork: Matrix: Where do build openSUSE Public Cloud images: We'll request Cloud:Images:Factory where we could build any flavors. Leap 15.X Currently handled by SUSE Public Cloud team Leap 16.X If we show that we can handle Tumbleweed, Slowroll, MicroOS (whatever makes sense to build/publish). Then we can have discussion about ownership of Leap 16 with SUSE Public Cloud team. Tumbleweed is not seen as the prefered platform for Clouds. Contributors are more interested in Leap ownership. People mention Fedora as a success story for contribution. Leap Micro in clouds was created 2 days ago, it's basically debranded SL Micro stuff. Robert confirmed that SUSE Public Cloud team is on it. It will be published to usual Cloud Providers (GCP, AWS, Azure). AWS profile for openSUSE that's managed by the SUSE Cloud Team Tumbleweed Worth investigation. AWS already has some images ( But it seems they might not be as up2date as we'd like to. Innovators for openSUSE: Alessandro de Oliveira Faria (A.K.A.CABELO) - ^ we could create similar shared account for AWS, Azure, GCP (lkocman: suggests to focus on Azure Community Gallery) It would be nice to avoid duplication and join efforts. Instead of having two versions of e.g. Leap or Tumbleweed images. Image does not seem to be built in the same space as other cloud images. Bernhard seem to have rights to create subprojects in Cloud space. Perhaps we could ask him to create one for Tumbleweed. Suggested focus should be at the community gallery in Azure. Microsoft would publish some related article. We could also publish something like fedora. Release cadence for TW uploads WSL Engineering team already publishes Tumblweed images QA Website promotion It would be nice to have links to launch image in cloud from e.g. similar to openSUSE images published by the Public CLoud team are in pint ( and findable via pint command Kiwi descriptions The way Fedora handles it is component based and very flat and easy to manage: This could be done in a similar way and then used to compile it into the xml that OBS needs and build their. Place to add openSUSE descriptions Agreed next steps: * Lubos will request Cloud:Images:Factory (already messaged Bernhard) * Dominik will reach out to Alessandro regarding co-op on TW image * Neal && Dominik &&|| Alessandro will deliver TW image that will be eventually be build in Cloud:Images:Factory * Neil will contact for a shared "alias" for members of and will create the Azure Community gallery (openSUSE-somesuperlonghash) under that account. ( [public] / [private alias]) * Neal will create the matrix channel and will update wiki ^ * Lubos will schedule a meeting after osc2024.

On Do, Mai 30 2024 at 21:37:04 +02:00:00, Lubos Kocman via openSUSE Factory <> wrote:
One of the longest standing issues in get-o-o that is still unresolved. We also can adapt the _data files for distros to accept type=cloud parameter, like, which is controlled by display property which shows a different selection of things by default. In any case, assuming somebody has the time and energy to prepare text separated into sections like we have for for instance, I can whip up the site and associated artwork relatively quickly. I'm not marketing-brained enough to come up with marketing side of this :P LCP [Jake]

On Do, Mai 30 2024 at 21:37:04 +02:00:00, Lubos Kocman via openSUSE Factory <> wrote:
One of the longest standing issues in get-o-o that is still unresolved. We also can adapt the _data files for distros to accept type=cloud parameter, like, which is controlled by display property which shows a different selection of things by default. In any case, assuming somebody has the time and energy to prepare text separated into sections like we have for for instance, I can whip up the site and associated artwork relatively quickly. I'm not marketing-brained enough to come up with marketing side of this :P LCP [Jake]
participants (2)
Jacob Michalskie
Lubos Kocman