[opensuse-factory] Leap 15.0 Build 147.1 released!

Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&version=15.0&buil... https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/buglist.cgi?product=openSUSE%20Distribution&qu... When you reply to discuss some issues, make sure to change the subject. Please use the test plan at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AGKijKpKiJCB616-bHVoNQuhWHpQLHPWCb3m... to record your testing efforts and use bugzilla to report bugs. Packages changed: Mesa (17.3.3 -> 18.0.0) Mesa-drivers (17.3.3 -> 18.0.0) NetworkManager (1.10.2 -> 1.10.4) analitza (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) attica-qt5 (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) baloo5 (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) blinken (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) bluedevil5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) bluez-qt (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) breeze (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) breeze-gtk (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) breeze4-style (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) breeze5-icons (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) ceph ( -> chrome-gnome-shell (9 -> 10) discover (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) dleyna-connector-dbus (0.2.0 -> 0.3.0) dleyna-server (0.5.0 -> 0.6.0) drkonqi5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) evolution (3.26.4 -> 3.26.5) evolution-data-server (3.26.4 -> 3.26.5) ffmpegthumbs (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) flatpak ( -> 0.10.4) frameworkintegration (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) freetype2 (2.7.1 -> 2.9) ft2demos (2.7.1 -> 2.9) gjs gnome-photos gnome-software (3.26.5 -> 3.26.6) gnome-system-monitor grub2 gstreamer-plugins-good gvfs (1.34.1 -> 1.34.2) harfbuzz (1.7.4 -> 1.7.5) icedtea-web (1.7 -> 1.7.1) java-11-openjdk ( -> k3b (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kactivities-stats (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kactivities5 (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kactivitymanagerd (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kalarmcal kalgebra (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kalzium (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kanagram (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) karchive (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kauth (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kbookmarks (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kbruch (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kcm_sddm (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kcmutils (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kcodecs (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kcompletion (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kconfig (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kconfigwidgets (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kcoreaddons (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kcrash (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kdbusaddons (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kde-cli-tools5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kde-gtk-config5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kde-print-manager (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kde-user-manager (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kdebase4-runtime kdeclarative (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kdeconnect-kde kded (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kdeedu-data (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kdegraphics-thumbnailers (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kdelibs4support (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kdesu (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kdewebkit (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kdnssd-framework (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kdoctools (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) keditbookmarks (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kemoticons (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kernel-source kfilemetadata5 (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kgamma5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kgeography (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kglobalaccel (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kguiaddons (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) khangman (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kholidays (17.12.2 -> 5.43.0) khotkeys5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) khtml (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) ki18n (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kiconthemes (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kidletime (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kig (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kimageformats (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kinfocenter5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kinit (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kio (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kirigami2 (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kitemmodels (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kitemviews (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kiten (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kjobwidgets (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kjs (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kjsembed (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) klettres (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kmahjongg (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kmenuedit5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kmines (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kmplot (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) knewstuff (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) knotifications (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) knotifyconfig (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kpackage (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kparts (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kpat (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kpeople5 (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kplotting (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kpty (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kqtquickcharts (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kreversi (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kross (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) krunner (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kscreen5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kscreenlocker (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kservice (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) ksshaskpass5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) ksysguard5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) ktexteditor (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) ktextwidgets (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) ktouch (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kunitconversion (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kwallet (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kwayland (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kwayland-integration (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kwidgetsaddons (5.42.1 -> 5.43.0) kwin5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) kwindowsystem (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kwordquiz (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) kxmlgui (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) kxmlrpcclient5 (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) ldb (1.2.2 -> 1.2.3) libKF5ModemManagerQt (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) libKF5NetworkManagerQt (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) libid3tag libkdecoration2 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) libkdegames (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) libkeduvocdocument (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) libkmahjongg (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) libkscreen2 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) libksysguard5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) libqt5-qtbase libqt5-qtwayland libqt5-qtwebengine libqt5-qtwebkit (5.9.0 -> 5.212~alpha2) libreoffice ( -> librsvg (2.40.18 -> 2.42.2) libsolv (0.6.31 -> 0.6.32) libstorage-ng (3.3.163 -> 3.3.172) libyui-qt-pkg (2.45.14 -> 2.45.15) libzypp (17.1.2 -> 17.1.3) mbox-importer (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) messagelib milou5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) mutter (3.26.2+20180127.d32d358a6 -> 3.26.2+20180207.4b2d21ff0) oxygen5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) oxygen5-icon-theme (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) parley (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) patterns-base perl-Image-ExifTool (10.55 -> 10.80) php7 pidgin pim-data-exporter (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) pim-sieve-editor (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) plasma-framework (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) plasma-nm5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) plasma5-addons (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) plasma5-desktop (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) plasma5-integration (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) plasma5-openSUSE plasma5-pa (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) plasma5-pk-updates plasma5-workspace (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) postfix powerdevil5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) prison-qt5 (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) purpose (1.2.1 -> 5.43.0) qqc2-desktop-style (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) ruby-common ruby2.5 (2.5.0~rc1 -> 2.5.0) samba (4.7.3+git.30.54c196e5d35 -> 4.7.5+git.37.6d30796c515) solid (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) sonnet (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) speech-dispatcher (0.8.7 -> 0.8.8) step (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) syntax-highlighting (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) system-config-printer systemd systemsettings5 (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) threadweaver (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) tracker (2.0.2 -> 2.0.3) tracker-miners (2.0.3 -> 2.0.4) unar unixODBC unzip xdm xf86-video-vesa (2.3.4 -> 2.4.0) xfs yast2-control-center (4.0.0 -> 4.0.1) yast2-firewall (4.0.14 -> 4.0.15) yast2-network (4.0.14 -> 4.0.15) yast2-packager (4.0.39 -> 4.0.41) yast2-storage-ng (4.0.97 -> 4.0.108) === Details === ==== Mesa ==== Version update (17.3.3 -> 18.0.0) Subpackages: Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libgbm1 libwayland-egl1 - Split Nouveau and VC4 from the main driver package on all systems Fixes (boo#1081210). - remove %{release} based dependecies Unfortuanetly Mesa and Mesa-drivers can have different release number Release is Commit_Count.Build_Count and build count can be different because both packages have different dependencies - add u_glsl-linker-error.patch * Fix attaching multiple shader objects for the same stage to a GLSL program triggers a linker error (fdo#104777, bnc#1080492) * Fixes issue with wine applications. - Added %{release} so the correct package release is used when a package has been patched - Update to 18.0.0-rc4 - supersedes u_mesa-st-shader_cache-restore-num_tgsi_tokens-when-loading.patch - u_mesa-st-shader_cache-restore-num_tgsi_tokens-when-loading.patch * Fix crash when loading shader. (bnc#1079465) - Update to 18.0.0-rc3 * includes significant improvements for OpenGL and Vulkan support and performance. - supersedes U_intel-Add-more-Coffee-Lake-PCI-IDs.patch - Remove dependency on clang-devel-static. (bnc#1065464) * It was removed, clang-devel now again provides everything necessary as shared libraries. - Require Mesa-dri-32bit and Mesa-gallium-32bit by Mesa-32bit. It mirrors the requirement of the normal packages. (bnc#1078261) - Disable AMDGPU GFX9/Vega with LLVM < 6.0.0. * n_Disable-AMDGPU-GFX9-Vega-on-LLVM-lessthan-6.0.0.patch * While it is supported since LLVM 5.0.0, it was not working correctly (bnc#1075901). Since we do not have the resources to determine which fixes should be backported and LLVM 6 will be released relatively soon, disable the support until then. Users with the card will have working desktop using software rendering just like they did with LLVM 4. ==== Mesa-drivers ==== Version update (17.3.3 -> 18.0.0) Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-dri-nouveau Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva libvdpau_nouveau libvdpau_r300 libvdpau_r600 libvdpau_radeonsi libvulkan_intel libvulkan_radeon libxatracker2 - Split Nouveau and VC4 from the main driver package on all systems Fixes (boo#1081210). - remove %{release} based dependecies Unfortuanetly Mesa and Mesa-drivers can have different release number Release is Commit_Count.Build_Count and build count can be different because both packages have different dependencies - add u_glsl-linker-error.patch * Fix attaching multiple shader objects for the same stage to a GLSL program triggers a linker error (fdo#104777, bnc#1080492) * Fixes issue with wine applications. - Added %{release} so the correct package release is used when a package has been patched - Update to 18.0.0-rc4 - supersedes u_mesa-st-shader_cache-restore-num_tgsi_tokens-when-loading.patch - u_mesa-st-shader_cache-restore-num_tgsi_tokens-when-loading.patch * Fix crash when loading shader. (bnc#1079465) - Update to 18.0.0-rc3 * includes significant improvements for OpenGL and Vulkan support and performance. - supersedes U_intel-Add-more-Coffee-Lake-PCI-IDs.patch - Remove dependency on clang-devel-static. (bnc#1065464) * It was removed, clang-devel now again provides everything necessary as shared libraries. - Require Mesa-dri-32bit and Mesa-gallium-32bit by Mesa-32bit. It mirrors the requirement of the normal packages. (bnc#1078261) - Disable AMDGPU GFX9/Vega with LLVM < 6.0.0. * n_Disable-AMDGPU-GFX9-Vega-on-LLVM-lessthan-6.0.0.patch * While it is supported since LLVM 5.0.0, it was not working correctly (bnc#1075901). Since we do not have the resources to determine which fixes should be backported and LLVM 6 will be released relatively soon, disable the support until then. Users with the card will have working desktop using software rendering just like they did with LLVM 4. ==== NetworkManager ==== Version update (1.10.2 -> 1.10.4) Subpackages: NetworkManager-lang libnm-glib-vpn1 libnm-glib4 libnm-util2 libnm0 typelib-1_0-NM-1_0 typelib-1_0-NMClient-1_0 typelib-1_0-NetworkManager-1_0 - Update to version 1.10.4: + Load jansson at runtime. This solves a clash with json-glib that caused a gnome-control-center crash, but also gets rid of a hard dependency. + Correct nmcli exit values after receiving a signal. + Fix libnm secret agent asynchronous initialization. + Add a default route for a modem even if it didn't sent a gateway. + Improve communication of DAD failures. + Remember device default metrics across daemon restarts. + Various bug fixes including possible crashes. + Updated translations. + Add NetworkManager-1.10.4-buildfixes.patch: Fix OVS compile errors (bgo#793183). ==== analitza ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: analitza-lang libAnalitza5 - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== attica-qt5 ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Attica5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== baloo5 ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: baloo5-file baloo5-imports baloo5-kioslaves baloo5-lang baloo5-tools libKF5Baloo5 libKF5BalooEngine5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * baloo-tools: Make all output messages translatable * build baloo executables with "ecm_mark_nongui" * balooctl status: Produce parseable output * Fix KIO Slave tagged folder deep copies. This breaks listing tagged folders in the tag tree, but is better than broken copies. * Skip queueing newly unindexable files and remove them from the index immediately. * Revert "Changing file xattrs (tag, rating, comment) should cause a file to be reindexed. If the ctime changed, the file can be reindexed." * baloosearch: Send summary to stderr * balooctl status: translatable message * Delete newly unindexable moved files from the index. * Simplify BasicIndexingJob xattr indexing. * Changing file xattrs (tag, rating, comment) should cause a file to be reindexed. If the ctime changed, the file can be reindexed. * validate baloo_file.desktop * balooctl use global fileIndexDbPath(). ==== blinken ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: blinken-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== bluedevil5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Use Qt.openUrlExternally instead of Kio * Use plasmoid.icon instead of Logic.icon() ==== bluez-qt ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: bluez-qt-imports bluez-qt-udev libKF5BluezQt6 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * No need to initialize m_usableAdapterwith nullptr ==== breeze ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang breeze5-wallpapers - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Fix LnF theme data for window decoration ==== breeze-gtk ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== breeze4-style ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Fix LnF theme data for window decoration ==== breeze5-icons ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Too many changes to list here ==== ceph ==== Version update ( -> - Update to version 13.0.1-2078-g85df538001: + spec file: * revert "enable --without-python2 bcond for all distros" (as of Code 15, Python 2 bindings will not be built by default: projects wishing to build them will need to provide --with-python2 explicitly) (bsc#1081836) - Update to version 13.0.1-1987-g4a523803f8: + py3 MGR fixes (bsc#1080758) + spec file: * test/bench: remove smallio bench tools - Update to version 13.0.1-1567-gae149ea5f9: + increment upstream version number to 13.0.1 (mimic dev release) + spec file: * enable --without-python2 bcond for all distros (the Build Service will control py2/3 build via this option) ==== chrome-gnome-shell ==== Version update (9 -> 10) - Update to version 10: + FreeBSD is supported again. + Enabled GNOME Shell extensions synchronization in Firefox. + Added option to check updates of enabled only GNOME Shell extensions. + Added GNOME proxy support for update checks. + Update errors will not produce desktop notifications anymore. All errors now goes to browser console. + Chrome managed policies no longer got installed so browser extensions will not be force installed along with connector. + It's possible to use inline installation of browser extensions through https://extensions.gnome.org website now. + Added light icon for dark browser themes. Use options page to switch icon. + Various fixes for options page in Firefox. + Updated translations. - Drop chrome-gnome-shell-nb-translation.patch: Fixed upstream. - No longer rm chrome-gnome-shell.json, upstream stopped installing it. ==== discover ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: discover-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Update copyright year (kde#390358) * Notify about the backend (kde#390339) * Don't notify when the number of updates becomes smaller (kde#390322) * Remove commented out code * Forgot to add file * Fix freeze when showing the ApplicationPage (kde#390123) * Only report changes when they actually happen * Fix binding loop when showing the update description * Disable Review button for resources that aren't installed (kde#390053) * Show a beautiful disabled icon for updates (kde#390076) * Make sure we mark as busy before clearling the list (kde#390114) * Add some paddings to the Review button (kde#390030) * Make it possible to specify a fallback appstream id (kde#390016) * Use the default passive notification amount (kde#388087) * Remove redundant action (kde#389767) * Fix tests, now we don't show a list from a URL * Only show the description for PackageKit sources (kde#389715) * Print a warning when a remote can't be removed * Fix dummy build * Address source by id look-up in Flatpak source * Fix source removal * Make it possible for the source id to be different from the display string * Fix warnings * Reduce duplication in flatpak sources display * Flatpak: don't show full url, just the hostname (kde#389714) ==== dleyna-connector-dbus ==== Version update (0.2.0 -> 0.3.0) - Update to version 0.3.0: + Don't crash when trying to unwatch non-existent client. + [m4]: - Don't use bash arrays in m4 macros. - Don't use bash "let" builtin. - Use AS_VAR_APPEND macro instead of "+=". - Do a minor spec cleanup. - Add libtool BuildRequires and pass autoreconf, bootstrap tarball. - Pass --disable-static to configure, ensure we do not build any static files. ==== dleyna-server ==== Version update (0.5.0 -> 0.6.0) - Update to version 0.6.0: + [Props]: Fix ChildCount property type. + Added new core.c and core.h to Makefile.am. + Add Artist and AlbumArtURL to MediaContainer2. + ifaddrs.h for Andriod compile. + [m4]: - Don't use bash arrays in m4 macros. - Don't use bash "let" builtin. - Use AS_VAR_APPEND macro instead of "+=". + Fix possible use-after-free on exit. + Invalid log line. + Dereference of undefined pointer value. + Result of operation is garbage or undefined. + Include libgupnp/gupnp-context-manager.h. - Drop dleyna-server-includes.patch: Fixed upstream. - Do a minor spec cleanup. - Add libtool BuildRequires and pass autoreconf, bootstrap tarball. - Pass --disable-static to configure, ensure we do not build any static files. ==== drkonqi5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.0 ==== evolution ==== Version update (3.26.4 -> 3.26.5) Subpackages: evolution-lang - Remove BuildRequires on pkgconfig(libgtkhtml-4.0): evolution only relies on webkit2gtk3. - Update to version 3.26.5: + Crash under message-list.c:free_message_info_data(). + Indentation in plain text adds unwanted spaces around links. + Composer-autosave: Use-after-free during snapshot save to file. + Bugs fixed: bgo#339675, bgo#792343, bgo#792385, bgo#792480, bgo#792781, bgo#792736, bgo#792909, bgo#788589, bgo#788823, bgo#720387. + Updated translations. ==== evolution-data-server ==== Version update (3.26.4 -> 3.26.5) Subpackages: evolution-data-server-lang libcamel-1_2-60 libebackend-1_2-10 libebook-1_2-19 libebook-contacts-1_2-2 libecal-1_2-19 libedata-book-1_2-25 libedata-cal-1_2-28 libedataserver-1_2-22 libedataserverui-1_2-1 - Update summaries - Drop redundant %if..%endif guards - Format with spec-cleaner. - Move license to %license tag. - Allow building with python3 instead of python2: + Add eds-python3.patch: find python3 as valid interpreter. + Add python3-base BuildRequires: needed during build, and we don't want to rely any longer on an implicit python interpreter being pulled in. - Drop obsolete obsoletes for 64bit and 32bit packages - Update to version 3.26.5: + Prevent early free of an ESource when it has pending operations. + IMAPx: - Select destination mailbox only when permanentflags not known yet. - Sort array of UIDs before syncing changes to the server. + Prevent passing NULL ldap handle into LDAP functions ][. + Bugs fixed: bgo#792513, bgo#789522. ==== ffmpegthumbs ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== flatpak ==== Version update ( -> 0.10.4) Subpackages: libflatpak0 typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0 - Update to version 0.10.4: * allow personality syscall in devel mode * configure: Fix copy_file_range detection * Add --disable-document-portal configure option * lib: Make gnome-software work with an empty /var/lib/flatpak * dir: Emit an error on non-root downgrade attempts * common/dir: Skip progress reporting while setting up extra-data * doc: Fix docs for --update-appstream * flatpak remote-ls -u: only consider apps from the current remote * extract_appstream: allow component IDs not to end in .desktop * common/dir: Fix a memory leak - Update to version 0.10.3: + Fix vulnerability in dbus proxy. + Fix incorrect error message in update --appstream. + Ignore unknown permission requests. + remote-info: Fix --show-metadata behavior. + common: Fix division by zero when calculate progress. + common/dir: Add a missing OstreeAsyncProgress default key. + lib/installation: Fix install/update_full() subpaths annotation. + app: Fix "multiple installations" prompt. + common/dir: Use an actual function for autoptr support without P2P. + Update Polish translation. ==== frameworkintegration ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: frameworkintegration-plugin libKF5Style5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== freetype2 ==== Version update (2.7.1 -> 2.9) - Added patch: * enable-long-family-names-by-default.patch + Define PCF_CONFIG_OPTION_LONG_FAMILY_NAMES to obtain 2.7.1 behaviour - Added patches: * 0001-src-truetype-ttinterp.c-Ins_GETVARIATION-Avoid-NULL-.patch + Upstream fix for bsc#1079603: Avoid NULL reference in src/truetype/ttinterp.c * 0001-truetype-Better-protection-against-invalid-VF-data.patch + Upstream fix for bsc#1079601: Protection against invalid VF data - Add psaux-flex.patch to fix a regression in Type1 rendering - Update to version 2.9 * Advance width values of variation fonts were often wrong. * More fixes for variation font support; you should update to this version if you want to support them. * As a GSoC project, Ewald Hew extended the new (Adobe) CFF engine to handle Type 1 fonts also, thus greatly improving the rendering of this format. This is the new default. * A new function, `FT_Set_Named_Instance', can be used to set or change the current named instance. * Starting with this FreeType version, resetting variation coordinates will return to the currently selected named instance. Previously, FreeType returned to the base font (i.e., no instance set). * Some fuzzer fixes to better reject malformed fonts. - Update to version 2.8.1 * B/W hinting of TrueType fonts didn't work properly if interpreter version 38 or 40 was selected. * Some severe problems within the handling of TrueType Variation Fonts were found and fixed. * Function `FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates' didn't correctly handle the case with less input coordinates than axes. * By default, FreeType now offers high quality LCD-optimized output without resorting to ClearType techniques of resolution tripling and filtering. In this method, called Harmony, each color channel is generated separately after shifting the glyph outline, capitalizing on the fact that the color grids on LCD panels are shifted by a third of a pixel. This output is indistinguishable from ClearType with a light 3-tap filter. * Using the new function `FT_Get_Var_Axis_Flags', an application can access the `flags' field of a variation axis (introduced in OpenType version 1.8.2) * FreeType now synthesizes a missing Unicode cmap for (older) TrueType fonts also if glyph names are available. * The warping option has moved from `light' to `normal' hinting where it replaces the original hinting algorithm. The `light' mode is now always void of any hinting in x-direction. - Update to version 2.8 * Support for OpenType Variation Fonts is now complete. The last missing part was handling the `VVAR' and `MVAR' tables, which is available with this release. * A new function `FT_Face_Properties' allows the control of some module and library properties per font. Currently, the following properties can be handled: stem darkening, LCD filter weights, and the random seed for the `random' CFF operator. * The PCF change to show more `colourful' family names (introduced in version 2.7.1) was too radical; it can now be configured with PCF_CONFIG_OPTION_LONG_FAMILY_NAMES at compile time. If activated, it can be switched off at run time with the new pcf property `no-long-family-names'. If the `FREETYPE_PROPERTIES' environment variable is available, you can say FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=pcf:no-long-family-names=1 * Support for the following scripts has been added to the auto-hinter. Adlam, Avestan, Bamum, Buhid, Carian, Chakma, Coptic, Cypriot, Deseret, Glagolitic, Gothic, Kayah, Lisu, N'Ko, Ol Chiki, Old Turkic, Osage, Osmanya, Saurashtra, Shavian, Sundanese, Tai Viet, Tifinagh, Unified Canadian Syllabics, Vai * `Light' auto-hinting mode no longer uses TrueType metrics for TrueType fonts. This bug was introduced in version 2.4.6, causing horizontal scaling also. Almost all GNU/Linux distributions (with Fedora as a notable exception) disabled the corresponding patch for good reasons; chances are thus high that you won't notice a difference. * If a TrueType font gets loaded with FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING, FreeType now scales the font linearly again (bug introduced in version 2.4.6). * Fixed CVE-2017-8105, CVE-2017-8287: Older FreeType versions have out-of-bounds writes caused by heap-based buffer overflows related to Type 1 fonts. (boo#1035807, boo#1036457) - See https://sourceforge.net/projects/freetype/files/freetype2/2.8/ for the complete changelog. ==== ft2demos ==== Version update (2.7.1 -> 2.9) Subpackages: ftbench ftdiff ftdump ftgamma ftgrid ftinspect ftlint ftmulti ftstring ftvalid ftview - Update to version 2.9 * The `ftbench' demo program has a new test for opening a new face and loading some glyphs. * The `ftbench' demo program has a new option `-j' to specify the last glyph index to be used in the tests. * The `ftgrid' demo program has a new option `-n' to suppress display of named instances of variation fonts. * The `ttdebug' demo program can now show a stack trace (key `K') and switch between hexadecimal and decimal display of integers (key `I'). - Update to version 2.8.1 * The ftgrid demo program can now toggle the display of grid lines with the G key. * The ftgrid demo program can toggle a different set of colors (suitable to color-blind people) with the C key. * The ftgrid demo program now supports the -e command line option to select a cmap. * The ftdump demo program has a new command line option -t to output the SFNT table list. - A mode to display light auto-hinting with sub-pixel positioning has been added to `ftdiff'. ==== gjs ==== Subpackages: libgjs0 typelib-1_0-GjsPrivate-1_0 - Do not try to build against s390 anymore, since it doesn't build with mozjs54 and s390 is only for compability with old applications (gjs doesn't qualifies). ==== gnome-photos ==== Subpackages: gnome-photos-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-photos - Add gnome-photos-Dont-leak-thumbnailer-path-string.patch: thumbnail-factory: Don't leak the thumbnailer path string. - Add gnome-photos-application-fixes.patch: application: Avoid CRITICALs. - Add gnome-photos-Check-RDF-type-before-using-it.patch: utils: Check the RDF type before using it, not the MIME type. ==== gnome-software ==== Version update (3.26.5 -> 3.26.6) Subpackages: gnome-software-lang - Update to version 3.26.6: + Improve alignment on the updates page. + Do not show missing screenshot error for fonts that have screenshots. + Fixes for third party repository handling in the sources dialog. + Fix various issues on Ubuntu when purchasing apps. + Fix building with gtkspell support. + Fix an issue that led to duplicate categories appearing on the overview page. + Various memory leak and correctness fixes. + Show package descriptions when installing packages through the dbus API. + Revert a commit that broke repo package install. + Updated translations. - Pass enable-gtkspell=true to meson, ensure we build gtkspell support. ==== gnome-system-monitor ==== Subpackages: gnome-system-monitor-lang - Drop obsolete lsb-release Requires. ==== grub2 ==== Subpackages: grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi - Fix incorrect check preventing the script from running (bsc#1078481) * 80_suse_btrfs_snapshot - Fix disappeared snapshot menu entry (bsc#1078481) * 80_suse_btrfs_snapshot - Fix unquoted string error and add some more checks (bsc#1079330) * grub2-check-default.sh - The %prep section applies patches, the %build section builds. Remove mixup of patching and building from %prep for quilt setup Related to bsc#1065703 ==== gstreamer-plugins-good ==== Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-good-lang - Add gst-good-flacdec-flush-flac-decoder.patch: flacdec: flush flac decoder on lost sync (bgo#791473). - Add gst-good-fix-memory-leak-GAP-buffers.patch: interleave: Fix memory leak of GAP buffer (bgo#793067). ==== gvfs ==== Version update (1.34.1 -> 1.34.2) Subpackages: gvfs-backend-afc gvfs-backend-samba gvfs-backends gvfs-fuse gvfs-lang - Update to version 1.34.2: + Recent: Prevent crash when recent file changed. + Trash: Fix trash::orig-path for relative paths. + Mtp: - Handle read-past-EOF ourselves to prevent hangs. - Fix volume removal with current udev behavior. + Gphoto2: Fix volume removal with current udev behavior. + Updated translations. - Drop gvfs-fix-mtp-volume-removal.patch and gvfs-mtp-handle-read-past-eof.patch: Fixed upstream. ==== harfbuzz ==== Version update (1.7.4 -> 1.7.5) Subpackages: libharfbuzz-icu0 libharfbuzz0 - Update to version 1.7.5: + Separate Khmer shaper from Indic. + First stab at AAT morx. Not hooked up. + Misc bug fixes. ==== icedtea-web ==== Version update (1.7 -> 1.7.1) - Disable the native plugin for SLE from version 15 (fate#323976) - Update to 1.7.1 * better work with authors file * better work with jdk9 * Added possibility to turn off https preference via deployment properties - Removed patches: * icedtea-web-exports.patch * icedtea-web-javadoc9.patch * icedtea-web-x509factory.patch + Integrated upstream ==== java-11-openjdk ==== Version update ( -> Subpackages: java-11-openjdk-headless - Update to upstream tag jdk-11+1 - Removed patches: * JDK-8194739-zero.patch * aarch64-form_address.patch + Integrated upstream - Modified patch: * system-pcsclite.patch + Rediff to changed context ==== k3b ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: k3b-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * ffmpeg: add checks in metadata to string conversion ==== kactivities-stats ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kactivities5 ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kactivities5-imports libKF5Activities5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kactivitymanagerd ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== kalarmcal ==== Subpackages: kalarmcal-lang libKF5AlarmCalendar5 - Remove requirement on versioned kholidays-devel, the move to Frameworks has changed version number ==== kalgebra ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kalgebra-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kalzium ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kalzium-lang - BuildRequire ocaml(Facile) (instead of ocaml-facile) to fix building the equation solver on Leap 42.3 and higher, where the ocaml-facile devel files have been split out into an extra ocaml-facile-devel package - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * KF5NewStuff is only used in moleculeview, conditional on Eigen3 and AvogadroLibs ==== kanagram ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kanagram-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== karchive ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kauth ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Auth5 libKF5Auth5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix linking regression introduced by d47f645a7 (wrong "const") ==== kbookmarks ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Bookmarks5 libKF5Bookmarks5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kbruch ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kbruch-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kcm_sddm ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== kcmutils ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5KCMUtils5 libKF5KCMUtils5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Adds tooltips to the two buttons on each entry ==== kcodecs ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Codecs5 libKF5Codecs5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kcompletion ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Completion5 libKF5Completion5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix incorrect emission of textEdited() by KLineEdit (kde#388798, kde#373004) ==== kconfig ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kconf_update5 libKF5ConfigCore5 libKF5ConfigCore5-lang libKF5ConfigGui5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Use Ctrl+Shift+, as the standard shortcut for "Configure <Program>" ==== kconfigwidgets ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5ConfigWidgets5 libKF5ConfigWidgets5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kcoreaddons ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kcoreaddons-lang libKF5CoreAddons5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * KUrlMimeData: fix handling of PreferLocalUrls * Match also spdx keys LGPL-2.1 & LGPL-2.1+ * Use the much faster urls() method from QMimeData * Next try to fix build on windows * Make it compiles on windows * Compile commenting remove_defintion(QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII ) * Optimize inotify KDirWatch backend: map inotify wd to Entry * Optimize: use QMetaObject::invokeMethod with functor * Add benchmarks for KDirWatch * Use QSignalSpy::wait instead of QTest::wait where possible * Verify that the file was opened * Verify that the path is valid and writable ==== kcrash ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kdbusaddons ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kdbusaddons-tools libKF5DBusAddons5 libKF5DBusAddons5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kde-cli-tools5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kde-cli-tools5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * [kbroadcastnotification] Fix missing KAboutData cmld args processing * [kbroadcastnotification] Fix missing KLS::setApplicationDomain * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.9 ==== kde-gtk-config5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk2 kde-gtk-config5-gtk3 kde-gtk-config5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Make sure there are less unnecessary changed() emissions (kde#388126) * Use new connect syntax ==== kde-print-manager ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kde-print-manager-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * Fix Plasma applet printer job count * Initialize the translations of the ppd (kde#387494) ==== kde-user-manager ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kde-user-manager-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== kdebase4-runtime ==== - Replace use-tirpc-for-nfs.patch with skip-nfs-kioslave.patch to fix building with glibc 2.27 ==== kdeclarative ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kdeclarative-components libKF5CalendarEvents5 libKF5Declarative5 libKF5Declarative5-lang libKF5QuickAddons5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * API dox: note @since & whattodo with deprecated KDeclarative::initialize() * [ConfigModule] Re-use QML context and engine if any * [ConfigPropertyMap] Add missing include * [ConfigPropertyMap] Don't emit valueChanged on initial creation ==== kdeconnect-kde ==== Subpackages: kdeconnect-kde-lang - Add 0001-Fix-null-dereference.patch to fix a null dereference. - Add signature file kdeconnect-kde-v1.2.1.tar.xz.sig ==== kded ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kded-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Don't export kded5 as a CMake target ==== kdeedu-data ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * gs thumbnailer: Make it work when gs spits out warning messages ==== kdelibs4support ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kdelibs4support-lang libKF5KDELibs4Support5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * autotests: attempt to repair kmimetypetest on CI * Add Windows notes for network related test applications * Refactor Solid::NetworkingPrivate to have a shared and platform specific implementation * Fix mingw compile error "src/kdeui/kapplication_win.cpp:212:22: error: 'kill' was not declared in this scope" * Fix kded dbus name in solid-networking howto ==== kdesu ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Su5 libKF5Su5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Make KDESU_USE_SUDO_DEFAULT mode build again * Make kdesu work when PWD is /usr/bin ==== kdewebkit ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kdnssd-framework ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5DNSSD5 libKF5DNSSD5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kdoctools ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kdoctools-lang libKF5DocTools5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * customization/entities/contributor.entities - fix typo . missing '>' * rename KDE-Partitionsmanager to Partitionsverwaltung, KDE does not make any sense here ==== keditbookmarks ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: keditbookmarks-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kemoticons ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kernel-source ==== - writeback: eliminate work item allocation in bd_start_writeback() (bnc#1081213). - writeback: only allow one inflight and pending full flush (bnc#1081213). - writeback: move nr_pages == 0 logic to one location (bnc#1081213). - writeback: make wb_start_writeback() static (bnc#1081213). - writeback: pass in '0' for nr_pages writeback in laptop mode (bnc#1081213). - writeback: provide a wakeup_flusher_threads_bdi() (bnc#1081213). - writeback: remove 'range_cyclic' argument for wb_start_writeback() (bnc#1081213). - writeback: switch wakeup_flusher_threads() to cyclic writeback (bnc#1081213). - fs: kill 'nr_pages' argument from wakeup_flusher_threads() (bnc#1081213). - buffer: eliminate the need to call free_more_memory() in __getblk_slow() (bnc#971975 VM performance -- memory usage during reclaim). - buffer: grow_dev_page() should use __GFP_NOFAIL for all cases (bnc#971975 VM performance -- memory usage during reclaim). - buffer: have alloc_page_buffers() use __GFP_NOFAIL (bnc#971975 VM performance -- memory usage during reclaim). - commit ff7bae7 - powerpc/mm/hash64: Zero PGD pages on allocation (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm/hash64: Store the slot information at the right offset for hugetlb (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm/hash64: Allocate larger PMD table if hugetlb config is enabled (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm: Fix crashes with 16G huge pages (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - commit c53ee68 - powerpc/numa: Invalidate numa_cpu_lookup_table on cpu remove (FATE#323746, bsc#1079524). - commit f1632b3 - KVM: s390: add vcpu stat counters for many instruction (bsc#1081178). - KVM: s390: diagnoses are instructions as well (bsc#1081178). - commit 801cf55 - powerpc/mm: Flush radix process translations when setting MMU type (bsc#1061840). - commit 6d1b9f9 - powerpc/pseries: Enable RAS hotplug events later (FATE#322022, bsc#1065729). - commit 445a309 - btrfs: copy fsid to super_block s_uuid (bsc#1080774). - commit 8d21561 - scsi: lpfc: Update modified files for 2018 Copyright (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: update driver version to (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix nonrecovery of NVME controller after cable swap (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Treat SCSI Write operation Underruns as an error (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix header inclusion in lpfc_nvmet (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Validate adapter support for SRIU option (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix SCSI io host reset causing kernel crash (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Indicate CONF support in NVMe PRLI (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix issue_lip if link is disabled (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix soft lockup in lpfc worker thread during LIP testing (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Allow set of maximum outstanding SCSI cmd limit for a target (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix RQ empty firmware trap (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix IO failure during hba reset testing with nvme io (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix PRLI handling when topology type changes (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Add WQ Full Logic for NVME Target (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: correct debug counters for abort (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: move placement of target destroy on driver detach (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Increase CQ and WQ sizes for SCSI (bsc#1080657). - scsi: lpfc: Fix frequency of Release WQE CQEs (bsc#1080657). - commit 7226e76 - hv_netvsc: Use the num_online_cpus() for channel limit (fate#323887). - scsi: storvsc: missing error code in storvsc_probe() (fate#323887). - uio_hv_generic: fix new type mismatch warnings (fate#323887). - uio_hv_generic: fix type mismatch warnings (fate#323887). - uio_hv_generic: add rescind support (fate#323887). - uio_hv_generic: check that host supports monitor page (fate#323887). - uio_hv_generic: create send and receive buffers (fate#323887). - vmbus: add monitor_id and subchannel_id to sysfs per channel (fate#323887). - uio_hv_generic: use ISR callback method (fate#323887). - uio_hv_generic: use standard mmap for resources (fate#323887). - uio_hv_generic: fix configuration comments (fate#323887). - vmbus: make channel attributes static (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: empty current transmit aggregation if flow blocked (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: remove open_cnt reference count (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: pass netvsc_device to receive callback (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: simplify function args in receive status path (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: track memory allocation failures in ethtool stats (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: copy_to_send buf can be void (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: Fix the TX/RX buffer default sizes (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: Fix the receive buffer size limit (fate#323887). - vmbus: make hv_get_ringbuffer_availbytes local (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: optimize initialization of RNDIS header (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: use reciprocal divide to speed up percent calculation (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: replace divide with mask when computing padding (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: don't need local xmit_more (fate#323887). - hv_netvsc: drop unused macros (fate#323887). - commit 72e1a3c - add mainline tag to hv-X86_FEATURE_PCID patch - commit 258a152 - drm/vc4: Flush the caches before the bin jobs, as well (bsc#1051510). - commit 81ad369 - drm: rework delayed connector cleanup in connector_iter (bsc#1051510). - commit cc83f2f - drm/i915: Always call to intel_display_set_init_power() in resume_early (bsc#1051510). - commit f91d13e - drm/i915: Always run hangcheck while the GPU is busy (bsc#1051510). - commit 09cdfcc - drm/i915/cmdparser: Check reg_table_count before derefencing (bsc#1051510). - commit 3a43a70 - drm: safely free connectors from connector_iter (bsc#1051510). - commit 8a5bb42 - drm/i915/lpe: Remove double-encapsulation of info string (bsc#1051510). - commit c91a5f4 - drm/qxl: reapply cursor after resetting primary (bsc#1051510). - commit 579b46a - drm/i915/ppgtt: Pin page directories before allocation (bsc#1051510). - commit ec22aec - drm/i915: Fix using BIT_ULL() vs. BIT() for power domain masks (bsc#1051510). - commit 2fd6f13 - drm/amdgpu: only check mmBIF_IOV_FUNC_IDENTIFIER on tonga/fiji (bsc#1051510). - commit 9861962 - ibmvnic: Clean RX pool buffers during device close (bsc#1081134). - ibmvnic: Free RX socket buffer in case of adapter error (bsc#1081134). - ibmvnic: Fix NAPI structures memory leak (bsc#1081134). - ibmvnic: Fix login buffer memory leaks (bsc#1081134). - ibmvnic: Wait until reset is complete to set carrier on (bsc#1081134). - commit 93a2616 - Refresh sorted section. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Avoid-triggering-undefined-behavior-in-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-a-locking-imbalance-in-qlt_24xx_han.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-double-free-bug-after-firmware-time.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-incorrect-handle-for-abort-IOCB.patch. - commit 83ae805 - drm/i915: Drop fb reference on load_detect_pipe failure path (bsc#1051510). - drm/i915: Replace *_reference/unreference() or *_ref/unref with _get/put() (bsc#1051510). - commit c6b993a - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-double-free-bug-after-firmware-time.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-incorrect-handle-for-abort-IOCB.patch. fix commit hash - commit 94790ed - drm/vc4: Fix NULL pointer dereference in vc4_save_hang_state() (bsc#1051510). - commit 1603569 - drm/i915/psr: Fix register name mess up (bsc#1051510). - commit 6ce9707 - drm/vc4: Move IRQ enable to PM path (bsc#1051510). - commit 4fd629c - serial: 8250_uniphier: fix error return code in uniphier_uart_probe() (bsc#1051510). - commit 5b3310e - drm/edid: kerneldoc for is_hdmi2_sink (bsc#1051510). - commit 072edca - drm/i915/cnp: Properly handle VBT ddc pin out of bounds (bsc#1051510). - drm/i915/cnp: Ignore VBT request for know invalid DDC pin (bsc#1051510). - commit 1b039a5 - drm/i915/glk: Disable Guc and HuC on GLK (bsc#1051510). - commit b8eaf51 - Add no-fix tag to i915 patches - commit 1c45058 - platform/x86: dell-laptop: Filter out spurious keyboard backlight change events (bsc#1051510). - commit 104f7af - ASoC: au1x: Fix timeout tests in au1xac97c_ac97_read() (bsc#1051510). - ASoC: Intel: sst: Fix the return value of 'sst_send_byte_stream_mrfld()' (bsc#1051510). - ASoC: rockchip: i2s: fix playback after runtime resume (bsc#1051510). - ASoC: nuc900: Fix a loop timeout test (bsc#1051510). - ASoC: amd: Add error checking to probe function (bsc#1051510). - commit d9748ce - ALSA: hda - Reduce the suspend time consumption for ALC256 (bsc#1051510). - commit 6999499 - ALSA: hda - Use IS_REACHABLE() for dependency on input (bsc#1051510). - commit 016c820 - livepatch: Atomic replace and cumulative patches documentation (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). - commit e40f006 - livepatch: Add atomic replace (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). - commit bf08cda - livepatch: Support separate list for replaced patches (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). - commit 1f2a166 - livepatch: Allow to unpatch only functions of the given type (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). - commit 9895789 - livepatch: Initial support for dynamic structures (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). - commit c46efc1 - livepatch: Free only structures with initialized kobject (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). - commit c2ef814 - livepatch: Use lists to manage patches, objects and functions (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). - commit 3385ca3 - Refresh patch order in sorted section - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Avoid-triggering-undefined-behavior-in-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-a-locking-imbalance-in-qlt_24xx_han.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-double-free-bug-after-firmware-time.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-incorrect-handle-for-abort-IOCB.patch. - commit cea0d55 - arm64: Kill PSCI_GET_VERSION as a variant-2 workaround (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Add ARM_SMCCC_ARCH_WORKAROUND_1 BP hardening support (bsc#1068032). - arm/arm64: smccc: Implement SMCCC v1.1 inline primitive (bsc#1068032). - arm/arm64: smccc: Make function identifiers an unsigned quantity (bsc#1068032). - firmware/psci: Expose SMCCC version through psci_ops (bsc#1068032). - firmware/psci: Expose PSCI conduit (bsc#1068032). - arm64: KVM: Add SMCCC_ARCH_WORKAROUND_1 fast handling (bsc#1068032). - arm64: KVM: Report SMCCC_ARCH_WORKAROUND_1 BP hardening support (bsc#1068032). - arm/arm64: KVM: Turn kvm_psci_version into a static inline (bsc#1068032). - arm/arm64: KVM: Advertise SMCCC v1.1 (bsc#1068032). - arm/arm64: KVM: Implement PSCI 1.0 support (bsc#1068032). - arm/arm64: KVM: Add smccc accessors to PSCI code (bsc#1068032). - arm/arm64: KVM: Add PSCI_VERSION helper (bsc#1068032). - arm/arm64: KVM: Consolidate the PSCI include files (bsc#1068032). - arm64: KVM: Increment PC after handling an SMC trap (bsc#1068032). - arm: KVM: Fix SMCCC handling of unimplemented SMC/HVC calls (bsc#1068032). - commit e769a19 - Refresh patches.suse/0019-arm64-KVM-Fix-SMCCC-handling-of-unimplemented-SMC-HV.patch. - commit a856f51 - scripts/git_sort/git_sort.py: Add mkp/4.17/scsi-queue - commit 41390e8 - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-double-free-bug-after-firmware-time.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-incorrect-handle-for-abort-IOCB.patch. Upstream Commit IDs have changed due to re-base. - commit 6cd1846 - pipe: avoid round_pipe_size() nr_pages overflow on 32-bit (bnc#1006867). - commit e550396 - futex: Prevent overflow by strengthen input validation (CVE-2018-6927,bsc#1080757). - commit 6fd37c0 - ext4: reduce lock contention in __ext4_new_inode (bsc#1080989). - commit bcf743f - ext4: do not unnecessarily allocate buffer in recently_deleted() (bsc#1080989). - commit 3ae1700 - ext4: cleanup goto next group (bsc#1080989). - commit 13de627 - Fix series.conf sort-order - commit 6668be5 - ibmvnic: Remove skb->protocol checks in ibmvnic_xmit (bsc#1080384). - ibmvnic: Reset long term map ID counter (bsc#1080364). - commit 8c6ee76 - powerpc/xmon: Dont register sysrq key when kernel param xmon=off (bsc#1072829). - commit 3e326cd - nvme_fc: cleanup io completion (bsc#1079628). - nvme_fc: correct abort race condition on resets (bsc#1079628). - commit 3347e8d - sched/numa: Delay retrying placement for automatic NUMA balance after wake_affine (bnc#1064414). - sched/fair: Consider SD_NUMA when selecting the most idle group to schedule on (bnc#1064414). - sched/fair: Do not migrate due to a sync wakeup on exit (bnc#1064414). - sched/fair: Do not migrate on wake_affine_weight if weights are equal (bnc#1064414). - sched/fair: Defer calculation of prev_eff_load in wake_affine until needed (bnc#1064414). - sched/fair: Avoid an unnecessary lookup of current CPU ID during wake_affine (bnc#1064414). - commit 5c70670 - scripts/git_sort/git_sort.py: add nvme/nvme-4.16-rc - commit 40fc9c6 - KVM: PPC: Book3S PR: Fix svcpu copying with preemption enabled (bsc#1077761, git-fixes). - commit b909d20 - scsi: libsas: fix error when getting phy events (bsc#1061782). - commit 7b1f578 - Btrfs: fix space leak after fallocate and zero range operations (fate#323233). - commit 12996c5 - Btrfs: fix missing inode i_size update after zero range operation (fate#323233). - commit a150fc9 - Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-add-support-for-fallocate-s-zero-range-operati.patch. - commit 18b5788 - scsi: libsas: Disable asynchronous aborts for SATA devices (bsc#1061782). - commit fd6cd11 - Re-sort series.conf - commit 3e66481 - Refresh patches.drivers/libnvdimm-fix-integer-overflow-static-analysis-warni.patch. Fix compiler warning due to bad backport. - commit b178056 - xfs: write unmount record for ro mounts (bsc#1073401). - xfs: toggle readonly state around xfs_log_mount_finish (bsc#1073401). - commit d6cbdb2 - libnvdimm, dax: fix 1GB-aligned namespaces vs physical misalignment (FATE#323731). - libnvdimm, pfn: fix start_pad handling for aligned namespaces (FATE#323731). - libnvdimm, pfn: make 'resource' attribute only readable by root (FATE#323731). - libnvdimm, namespace: make 'resource' attribute only readable by root (FATE#323731). - libnvdimm, region : make 'resource' attribute only readable by root (FATE#323731). - libnvdimm: fix integer overflow static analysis warning (FATE#323731). - commit 1f72f5a - usbip: fix stub_send_ret_submit() vulnerability to null transfer_buffer (bsc#1078669 CVE-2017-16914). - commit 55a35d1 - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Ensure-that-buffers-are-NULL-after-free.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Fix-rx-queue-cleanup-for-non-fatal-resets.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-queue-reset-when-CRQ-gets-closed-during-rese.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/v2-2-9-arm64-kpti-Make-use-of-nG-dependent-on-arm64_kernel_unmapped_at_el0.patch. - commit 44586d4 - cxgb4: properly initialize variables (bsc#1064802 bsc#1066129). - IB/core: Perform modify QP on real one (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - IB/hfi1: Fix infinite loop in 8051 command error path (bsc#1060463 FATE#323043). - commit bfc5374 - x86 / CPU: Avoid unnecessary IPIs in arch_freq_get_on_cpu() (bnc#1073583 cpufreq reporting). - cpufreq: x86: Disable interrupts during MSRs reading (bnc#1073583 cpufreq reporting). - commit f714afd - README.BRANCH: remove Jeff Mahoney as temporary comaintainer - commit 718ae6f - cpufreq: x86: Make scaling_cur_freq behave more as expected (bnc#1073583 cpufreq reporting). - commit 7670904 - x86: use common aperfmperf_khz_on_cpu() to calculate KHz using APERF/MPERF (bnc#1073583 cpufreq reporting). - commit 529bfe4 - x86/cpuid: Fix up "virtual" IBRS/IBPB/STIBP feature bits on Intel (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/pti: Mark constant arrays as __initconst (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/microcode: Fix again accessing initrd after having been freed (git-fixes f26483eaedec). - x86/tsc: Fix erroneous TSC rate on Skylake Xeon (bsc#1074873). - commit 8d39e42 - bnx2x: disable GSO where gso_size is too big for hardware (bsc#1079384). - net: create skb_gso_validate_mac_len() (bsc#1079384). - commit d647fd1 - Re-sorted series.conf - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Ensure-that-buffers-are-NULL-after-free.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Fix-rx-queue-cleanup-for-non-fatal-resets.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-queue-reset-when-CRQ-gets-closed-during-rese.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/v2-2-9-arm64-kpti-Make-use-of-nG-dependent-on-arm64_kernel_unmapped_at_el0.patch. - commit d67c239 - blacklist.conf: Blacklist 007a61ae2f35 ("nvme: fix visibility of "uuid" ns attribute") - commit 94a7b7f - Documentation/virtual/kvm: Add AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) (bsc#1063068). - x86/CPU/AMD: Add the Secure Encrypted Virtualization CPU feature (bsc#1063068). - kvm: svm: prepare for new bit definition in nested_ctl (bsc#1063068). - kvm: svm: Add SEV feature definitions to KVM (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Prepare to reserve asid for SEV guest (bsc#1063068). - KVM: X86: Extend CPUID range to include new leaf (bsc#1063068). - KVM: Introduce KVM_MEMORY_ENCRYPT_OP ioctl (bsc#1063068). - KVM: Introduce KVM_MEMORY_ENCRYPT_{UN,}REG_REGION ioctl (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp - Use devres interface to allocate PCI/iomap and cleanup (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp - Introduce the AMD Secure Processor device (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp - Abstract interrupt registeration (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp - rename ccp driver initialize files as sp device (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp - remove ccp_present() check from device initialize (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp - remove duplicate module version and author entry (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Build the AMD secure processor driver only with AMD CPU support (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Define SEV userspace ioctl and command id (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Define SEV key management command id (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Add Platform Security Processor (PSP) device support (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Add Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) command support (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Implement SEV_FACTORY_RESET ioctl command (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Implement SEV_PLATFORM_STATUS ioctl command (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Implement SEV_PEK_GEN ioctl command (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Implement SEV_PDH_GEN ioctl command (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Implement SEV_PEK_CSR ioctl command (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Implement SEV_PEK_CERT_IMPORT ioctl command (bsc#1063068). - crypto: ccp: Implement SEV_PDH_CERT_EXPORT ioctl command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: X86: Add CONFIG_KVM_AMD_SEV (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Reserve ASID range for SEV guest (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add sev module_param (bsc#1063068). - KVM: Define SEV key management command id (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add KVM_SEV_INIT command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: VMRUN should use associated ASID when SEV is enabled (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add support for KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_START command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add support for KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_UPDATE_DATA command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add support for KVM_SEV_LAUNCH_MEASURE command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add support for SEV LAUNCH_FINISH command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add support for SEV GUEST_STATUS command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add support for SEV DEBUG_DECRYPT command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add support for SEV DEBUG_ENCRYPT command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Add support for SEV LAUNCH_SECRET command (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Pin guest memory when SEV is active (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Clear C-bit from the page fault address (bsc#1063068). - KVM: SVM: Do not install #UD intercept when SEV is enabled (bsc#1063068). - KVM: X86: Restart the guest when insn_len is zero and SEV is enabled (bsc#1063068). - Update config files. - Refresh patches.arch/01-x86-retpoline-fill-rsb-on-context-switch-for-affected-cpus.patch. - Refresh patches.arch/x86-cpufeatures-clean-up-spectre-v2-related-cpuid-flags.patch. - Refresh patches.arch/x86-speculation-add-basic-ibpb-indirect-branch-prediction-barrier-support.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Ensure-that-buffers-are-NULL-after-free.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Fix-rx-queue-cleanup-for-non-fatal-resets.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-queue-reset-when-CRQ-gets-closed-during-rese.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/0002-objtool-x86-Add-several-functions-and-files-to-the-o.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/v2-2-9-arm64-kpti-Make-use-of-nG-dependent-on-arm64_kernel_unmapped_at_el0.patch. - scripts/git_sort/git_sort.py: - commit 9adbb9d - qedi: Cleanup local str variable (bsc#1079977). - qedi: Fix truncation of CHAP name and secret (bsc#1079977). - scsi: qedi: Drop cqe response during connection recovery (bsc#1079977). - scsi: qedi: Use zeroing allocator instead of allocator/memset (bsc#1079977). - scsi: qedi: Fix a possible sleep-in-atomic bug in qedi_process_tmf_resp (bsc#1079977). - cxgbit: Abort the TCP connection in case of data out timeout (bsc#1080021). - scsi: qedi: Delete redundant variables (bsc#1079977). - commit e417c01 - config: resync arm64/vanilla - commit e129956 - x86/acpi: Reduce code duplication in mp_override_legacy_irq() (bsc#1061680 bsc#1068984 bsc#1074099). - x86/acpi: Handle SCI interrupts above legacy space gracefully (bsc#1061680 bsc#1068984 bsc#1074099). - commit d3814df - crypto: pcrypt - fix freeing pcrypt instances (bsc#1077402,CVE-2017-18075). - commit 8e9d0d1 - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Add-XCB-counters-to-debugfs.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Add-ability-to-send-PRLO.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Add-ability-to-use-GPNFT-GNNFT-for-RSCN.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Add-boundary-checks-for-exchanges-to-be.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Add-lock-protection-around-host-lookup.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Add-option-for-use-reserve-exch-for-ELS.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Add-retry-limit-for-fabric-scan-logic.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Add-switch-command-to-simplify-fabric-d.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Allow-relogin-and-session-creation-afte.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Allow-target-mode-to-accept-PRLI-in-dua.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Chip-reset-uses-wrong-lock-during-IO-fl.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Clear-loop-id-after-delete.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Defer-processing-of-GS-IOCB-calls.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Delay-loop-id-allocation-at-login.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Don-t-call-dma_free_coherent-with-IRQ-d.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Enable-ATIO-interrupt-handshake-for-ISP.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-Firmware-dump-size-for-Extended-log.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-GPNFT-GNNFT-error-handling.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-NPIV-host-cleanup-in-target-mode.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-NULL-pointer-access-for-fcport-stru.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-NULL-pointer-crash-due-to-probe-fai.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-PRLI-state-check.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-Relogin-being-triggered-too-fast.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-abort-command-deadlock-due-to-spinl.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-gpnid-error-processing.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-login-state-machine-freeze.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-login-state-machine-stuck-at-GPDB.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-logo-flag-for-qlt_free_session_done.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-memory-leak-in-dual-target-mode.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-queue-ID-for-async-abort-with-Multi.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-re-login-for-Nport-Handle-in-use.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-scan-state-field-for-fcport.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-session-cleanup-for-N2N.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-smatch-warning-in-qla25xx_delete_-r.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-system-crash-for-Notify-ack-timeout.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-system-crash-in-qlt_plogi_ack_unref.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-warning-during-port_name-debug-prin.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-warning-for-code-intentation-in-__q.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-warning-in-qla2x00_async_iocb_timeo.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Increase-verbosity-of-debug-messages-lo.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Migrate-switch-registration-commands-aw.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Move-session-delete-to-driver-work-queu.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Move-work-element-processing-out-of-DPC.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Prevent-multiple-active-discovery-comma.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Prevent-relogin-trigger-from-sending-to.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Properly-extract-ADISC-error-codes.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Reduce-the-use-of-terminate-exchange.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Reduce-trace-noise-for-Async-Events.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Relogin-to-target-port-on-a-cable-swap.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Remove-aborting-ELS-IOCB-call-issued-as.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Remove-session-creation-redundant-code.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Remove-unused-argument-from-qlt_schedul.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Replace-GPDB-with-async-ADISC-command.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Replace-fcport-alloc-with-qla2x00_alloc.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Retry-switch-command-on-time-out.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Serialize-GPNID-for-multiple-RSCN.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Serialize-session-deletion-by-using-wor.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Serialize-session-free-in-qlt_free_sess.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Skip-IRQ-affinity-for-Target-QPairs.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Suppress-gcc-7-fall-through-warnings.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Tweak-resource-count-dump.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-driver-version-to- - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-driver-version-to- - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Update-driver-version-to- - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Use-IOCB-path-to-submit-Control-VP-MBX-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Use-chip-reset-to-bring-down-laser-on-u.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Use-known-NPort-ID-for-Management-Serve.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Use-shadow-register-for-ISP27XX.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Use-zeroing-allocator-rather-than-alloc.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-remove-duplicate-includes.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-remove-redundant-assignment-of-d.patch. - commit 8ad9d97 - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix incorrect handle for abort IOCB (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix double free bug after firmware timeout (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix a locking imbalance in qlt_24xx_handle_els() (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Avoid triggering undefined behavior in qla2x00_mbx_completion() (bsc#1077338). - commit 920953f - scripts/git_sort/git_sort.py: add mkp/scsi.git 4.16/scsi-fixes - commit db9b61f - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix logo flag for qlt_free_session_done() (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Update driver version to (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Add XCB counters to debugfs (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix queue ID for async abort with Multiqueue (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning for code intentation in __qla24xx_handle_gpdb_event() (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning during port_name debug print (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix warning in qla2x00_async_iocb_timeout() (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix NULL pointer crash due to probe failure (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: remove redundant assignment of d (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Use zeroing allocator rather than allocator/memset (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Update driver version to (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Serialize session free in qlt_free_session_done (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Serialize session deletion by using work_lock (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Remove unused argument from qlt_schedule_sess_for_deletion() (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Prevent relogin trigger from sending too many commands (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Prevent multiple active discovery commands per session (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Add retry limit for fabric scan logic (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Delay loop id allocation at login (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Increase verbosity of debug messages logged (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Allow relogin and session creation after reset (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Add ability to use GPNFT/GNNFT for RSCN handling (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Properly extract ADISC error codes (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix GPNFT/GNNFT error handling (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Remove session creation redundant code (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Migrate switch registration commands away from mailbox interface (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix login state machine freeze (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Reduce trace noise for Async Events (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Reduce the use of terminate exchange (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Add lock protection around host lookup (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Add switch command to simplify fabric discovery (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Use known NPort ID for Management Server login (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix session cleanup for N2N (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Tweak resource count dump (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Allow target mode to accept PRLI in dual mode (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Don't call dma_free_coherent with IRQ disabled (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Add ability to send PRLO (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Add option for use reserve exch for ELS (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Use shadow register for ISP27XX (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Enable ATIO interrupt handshake for ISP27XX (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Move work element processing out of DPC thread (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Replace GPDB with async ADISC command (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix Firmware dump size for Extended login and Exchange Offload (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Chip reset uses wrong lock during IO flush (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Add boundary checks for exchanges to be offloaded (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Use chip reset to bring down laser on unload (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Use IOCB path to submit Control VP MBX command (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix NULL pointer access for fcport structure (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix smatch warning in qla25xx_delete_{rsp|req}_que (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: remove duplicate includes (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Suppress gcc 7 fall-through warnings (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Update driver version to (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix memory leak in dual/target mode (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix system crash in qlt_plogi_ack_unref (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Remove aborting ELS IOCB call issued as part of timeout (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Defer processing of GS IOCB calls (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Clear loop id after delete (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix scan state field for fcport (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Replace fcport alloc with qla2x00_alloc_fcport (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix abort command deadlock due to spinlock (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix PRLI state check (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix Relogin being triggered too fast (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Relogin to target port on a cable swap (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix NPIV host cleanup in target mode (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix login state machine stuck at GPDB (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Serialize GPNID for multiple RSCN (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Retry switch command on time out (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix re-login for Nport Handle in use (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Skip IRQ affinity for Target QPairs (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Move session delete to driver work queue (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix gpnid error processing (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix system crash for Notify ack timeout handling (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix oops in qla2x00_probe_one error path (bsc#1077338). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix system crash while triggering FW dump (bsc#1077338). - commit e0a937c - tap: fix use-after-free (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: don't use l2tp_tunnel_find() in l2tp_ip and l2tp_ip6 (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: fix l2tp_eth module loading (bsc#1076830). - tipc: use only positive error codes in messages (bsc#1076830). - tcp: fastopen: fix on syn-data transmit failure (bsc#1076830). - sctp: do not mark sk dumped when inet_sctp_diag_fill returns err (bsc#1076830). - media: rc: simplify ir_raw_event_store_edge() (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: hold tunnel while handling genl tunnel updates (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: hold tunnel while processing genl delete command (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: initialise session's refcount before making it reachable (bsc#1076830). - tcp: enable xmit timer fix by having TLP use time when RTO should fire (bsc#1076830). - tcp: introduce tcp_rto_delta_us() helper for xmit timer fix (bsc#1076830). - ipvlan: Fix 64-bit statistics seqcount initialization (bsc#1076830). - commit 56fda6b - Update config files (bsc#1080294) - commit 54e4b16 - netfilter: on sockopt() acquire sock lock only in the required scope (bsc#1076830). - netfilter: ipt_CLUSTERIP: fix out-of-bounds accesses in clusterip_tg_check() (bsc#1076830). - netfilter: x_tables: fix pointer leaks to userspace (bsc#1076830). - tcp_bbr: fix pacing_gain to always be unity when using lt_bw (bsc#1076830). - ipv6: Fix SO_REUSEPORT UDP socket with implicit sk_ipv6only (bsc#1076830). - bridge: return boolean instead of integer in br_multicast_is_router (bsc#1076830). - vxlan: Fix trailing semicolon (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: fix missing print session offset info (bsc#1076830). - xfrm: Fix xfrm_replay_overflow_offload_esn (bsc#1076830). - rds: tcp: correctly sequence cleanup on netns deletion (bsc#1076830). - rds: tcp: remove redundant function rds_tcp_conn_paths_destroy() (bsc#1076830). - gso: validate gso_type in GSO handlers (bsc#1076830). - tun: fix a memory leak for tfile->tx_array (bsc#1076830). - mac80211_hwsim: validate number of different channels (bsc#1076830). - sctp: reinit stream if stream outcnt has been change by sinit in sendmsg (bsc#1076830). - esp: Fix GRO when the headers not fully in the linear part of the skb (bsc#1076830). - xfrm: skip policies marked as dead while rehashing (bsc#1076830). - tcp: remove buggy call to tcp_v6_restore_cb() (bsc#1076830). - ipvlan: always use the current L2 addr of the master (bsc#1076830). - tcp: do not mangle skb->cb in tcp_make_synack() (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: check ps->sock before running pppol2tp_session_ioctl() (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: fix race condition in l2tp_tunnel_delete (bsc#1076830). - net: use inet6_rcv_saddr to compare sockets (bsc#1076830). - tcp: remove two unused functions (bsc#1076830). - xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_user_offload() (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: hold tunnel while handling genl TUNNEL_GET commands (bsc#1076830). - l2tp: hold tunnel while looking up sessions in l2tp_netlink (bsc#1076830). - tipc: reassign pointers after skb reallocation / linearization (bsc#1076830). - tipc: remove subscription references only for pending timers (bsc#1076830). - bridge: allow ext learned entries to change ports (bsc#1076830). - net: reflect mark on tcp syn ack packets (bsc#1076830). - rds: tcp: set linger to 1 when unloading a rds-tcp (bsc#1076830). - rds: tcp: Set linger when rejecting an incoming conn in rds_tcp_accept_one (bsc#1076830). - commit bd4b81f - s390/perf: fix problem state detection (bsc#1077761). - commit da7a2a3 - Run scripts/series_sort.py. - commit 22e3d2b - Update config files: Enable CONFIG_HISILICON_ERRATUM_161600802 on arm64 - commit cceb161 - ibmvnic: queue reset when CRQ gets closed during reset (bsc#1080263). - commit 75132a4 - arm64: idmap: Use "awx" flags for .idmap.text .pushsection directives (bsc#1068032). - Update config files. - arm64: entry: Reword comment about post_ttbr_update_workaround (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Force KPTI to be disabled on Cavium ThunderX (bsc#1068032). - patches.suse/arm64-add-PTE_ADDR_MASK.patch: (bsc#1068032). - arm64: kpti: Add ->enable callback to remap swapper using nG mappings (bsc#1068032). - arm64: mm: Permit transitioning from Global to Non-Global without BBM (bsc#1068032). - arm64: kpti: Make use of nG dependent on arm64_kernel_unmapped_at_el0() (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Add software workaround for Falkor erratum 1041 (bsc#1068032). - commit 057a1ba - arm64: Use physical counter for in-kernel reads when booted in EL2 (bsc#1077761). - arm64: Implement arch_counter_get_cntpct to read the physical counter (bsc#1077761). - commit 9467ba3 - fix unbalanced page refcounting in bio_map_user_iov (bsc#1062568 CVE-2017-12190). - commit a42b8fb - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Branch inside feature section (bsc#1077761). - commit 3577581 - irqchip/gic-v4: Add forward definition of struct irq_domain_ops (FATE#323954). - commit 286a0c1 - irqchip/gic-v3: pr_err() strings should end with newlines (FATE#323954). - commit eac0d6c - irqchip/gic-v3: Fix ppi-partitions lookup (FATE#323954). - commit 8fafdca - irqchip/gic-v4: Clear IRQ_DISABLE_UNLAZY again if mapping fails (FATE#323954). - commit fe1e3f4 - KVM: arm/arm64: Check that system supports split eoi/deactivate (FATE#323954). - commit 595c1eb - arm64/sve: System register and exception syndrome definitions (FATE#323954). - commit f07e79a - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Fix VPE activate callback return value (FATE#323954). - commit a04ec1d - irqchip/gic: Deal with broken firmware exposing only 4kB of GICv2 CPU interface (FATE#323954). - commit 01bd7b0 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Setup VLPI properties at map time (FATE#323954). - commit a21da0f - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Update effective affinity on VPE mapping (FATE#323954). - commit dc3a515 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Only send VINVALL to a single ITS (FATE#323954). - commit 5ecdea0 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Limit scope of VPE mapping to be per ITS (FATE#323954). - commit 413611f - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Make its_send_vmapp operate on a single ITS (FATE#323954). - commit 9941246 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Make its_send_vinvall operate on a single ITS (FATE#323954). - commit 70b8ac8 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Make GICv4_ITS_LIST_MAX globally available (FATE#323954). - commit 23467c3 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Track per-ITS list number (FATE#323954). - commit 4bd7058 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Workaround HiSilicon Hip07 redistributor addressing (FATE#323954). - Refresh patches.suse/arm64-Add-software-workaround-for-Falkor-erratum-104.patch. - commit 0a26906 - supported.conf: add drivers/firmware/qemu_fw_cfg It enables ability for handling of guest crash analysis (KVM), along with other uses. (bsc#1077919) - commit 36c01d0 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Pass its_node pointer to each command builder (FATE#323954). - commit d719157 - irqchip/gic-v3: Add support for Range Selector (RS) feature (FATE#323954). - commit 706f089 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add missing changes to support 52bit physical address (FATE#323954). - commit e8e419f - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Fix the incorrect parsing of VCPU table size (FATE#323954). - commit 511523a - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Fix the incorrect BUG_ON in its_init_vpe_domain() (FATE#323954). - commit f0aa0ed - irqchip/gic-v4: Fix building with ancient gcc (FATE#323954). - commit 1d16c51 - irqchip/gic-v3: Iterate over possible CPUs by for_each_possible_cpu() (FATE#323954). - commit ebcfbbc - irqchip/gic: Make irq_chip const (FATE#323954). - commit 2d5ac36 - irqchip/gic-v3: Advertise GICv4 support to KVM (FATE#323954). - commit 40f9623 - irqchip/gic-v4: Enable low-level GICv4 operations (FATE#323954). - commit 84b3f27 - irqchip/gic-v4: Add some basic documentation (FATE#323954). - commit ec6f959 - irqchip/gic-v4: Add VLPI configuration interface (FATE#323954). - commit 86e4f8e - irqchip/gic-v4: Add VPE command interface (FATE#323954). - commit 73856c3 - irqchip/gic-v4: Add per-VM VPE domain creation (FATE#323954). - commit 187e199 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Set implementation defined bit to enable VLPIs (FATE#323954). - commit 3df2699 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Allow doorbell interrupts to be injected/cleared (FATE#323954). - commit 4a1320e - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Move pending doorbell after VMOVP (FATE#323954). - commit 7bf8955 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add device proxy for VPE management if !DirectLpi (FATE#323954). - commit 7814bf0 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Make LPI allocation optional on device creation (FATE#323954). - commit af01bb0 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VPE interrupt masking (FATE#323954). - commit 3e0e018 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VPE affinity changes (FATE#323954). - commit d562b75 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VPE invalidation hook (FATE#323954). - commit 0ab99d4 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VPE scheduling (FATE#323954). - commit 886a69b - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VPENDBASER/VPROPBASER accessors (FATE#323954). - commit a555020 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VPE irq domainactivation (FATE#323954). - commit 1e0a736 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VPE irq domain allocation/teardown (FATE#323954). - commit 5012fa3 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VPE domain infrastructure (FATE#323954). - commit b171b80 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VLPI configuration handling (FATE#323954). - commit 1a53a79 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VLPI map/unmap operations (FATE#323954). - commit 39bdd8c - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add VLPI configuration hook (FATE#323954). - commit 1df4f9e - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add GICv4 ITS command definitions (FATE#323954). - commit 754bd85 - irqchip/gic-v4: Add management structure definitions (FATE#323954). - commit 3e4d038 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Generalize LPI configuration (FATE#323954). - commit c322f9d - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Generalize device table allocation (FATE#323954). - commit d807afe - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Rework LPI freeing (FATE#323954). - commit f77ae34 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Split out pending table allocation (FATE#323954). - commit 94bff76 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Allow use of indirect VCPU tables (FATE#323954). - commit e7ee4bb - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Split out property table allocation (FATE#323954). - commit af26837 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Implement irq_set_irqchip_state for pending state (FATE#323954). - Refresh patches.suse/irqchip-gic-v3-its-Add-post-mortem-info-on-command-t.patch. - commit 321d3a8 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Macro-ize its_send_single_command (FATE#323954). - Refresh patches.suse/irqchip-gic-v3-Add-workaround-for-Synquacer-pre-ITS-558b0165.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/irqchip-gic-v3-its-Add-post-mortem-info-on-command-t.patch. - commit d80fdde - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add probing for VLPI properties (FATE#323954). - Refresh patches.suse/irqchip-gic-v3-Probe-device-ID-space-before-quirks-h.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/irqchip-gic-v3-Add-workaround-for-Synquacer-pre-ITS-558b0165.patch - commit a385b0d - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Move LPI definitions around (FATE#323954). - commit 29c36a2 - irqchip/gic-v3: Add VLPI/DirectLPI discovery (FATE#323954). - commit 6babec0 - irqchip/gic-v3: Add redistributor iterator (FATE#323954). - commit ee41ab4 - genirq: Let irq_set_vcpu_affinity() iterate over hierarchy (FATE#323954). - commit bb7657a - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Properly handle command queue wrapping (FATE#323954). - commit b883322 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Report that effective affinity is a single target (FATE#323954). - commit 6f8bd53 - irqchip/gic-v3: Report that effective affinity is a single target (FATE#323954). - commit 8954ba3 - irqchip/gic: Report that effective affinity is a single target (FATE#323954). - commit 7ca4347 - irqchip/gic-v3-its-platform-msi: Fix msi-parent parsing loop (FATE#323954). - commit b0e243c - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Allow GIC ITS number more than MAX_NUMNODES (FATE#323954). - commit 36735a4 - irqchip/gic: Ensure we have an ISB between ack and ->handle_irq (FATE#323954). - commit f7f8f59 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Remove ACPICA version check for ACPI NUMA (FATE#323954). - commit ad1cbf1 - irqchip/gic-v3: Honor forced affinity setting (FATE#323954). - commit 76565c7 - irqchip/gic-v3: Report failures in gic_irq_domain_alloc (FATE#323954). - commit a5ca30a - irqchip/gic-v2: Report failures in gic_irq_domain_alloc (FATE#323954). - commit cc989f5 - iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Enable ACPI based HiSilicon CMD_PREFETCH quirk(erratum 161010701) (FATE#323954). - commit c2ed429 - arm64: Add MIDR values for Cavium cn83XX SoCs (FATE#323954). - commit 3d86f32 - arm64: Add a facility to turn an ESR syndrome into a sysreg encoding (FATE#323954). - commit b7a0ad9 - Update config files. - commit 038084e - ACPICA: Add support for new SRAT subtable (FATE#323954). - commit 107759b - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Don't assume GICv3 hardware supports 16bit INTID (FATE#323954). - commit 41c997a - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add ACPI NUMA node mapping (FATE#323954). - commit e83e0cc - irqchip/gic-v3-its-platform-msi: Make of_device_ids const (FATE#323954). - commit ac4f6c8 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Make of_device_ids const (FATE#323954). - commit cdca6a2 - irqchip/gicv3-its: Skip irq affinity setting when target cpu is the same as current setting (FATE#323954). - commit 8566246 - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Fix MSI alias accounting (FATE#323954). - commit 90ccab5 - genirq/irqdomain: Remove auto-recursive hierarchy support (FATE#323954). - commit b4e692f - irqchip/MSI: Use irq_domain_update_bus_token instead of an open coded access (FATE#323954). - Refresh patches.suse/irqchip-gic-v3-Add-workaround-for-Synquacer-pre-ITS-558b0165.patch. - commit c2912d8 - genirq/irqdomain: Add irq_domain_update_bus_token helper (FATE#323954). - commit bbab0e5 - s390/mm: remove incorrect _REGION3_ENTRY_ORIGIN define (bsc#1077761). - commit 7a77b31 - Add stubs to ignore effective IRQ affinity (FATE#323954). - commit ffd094d - s390: fix alloc_pgste check in init_new_context again (bsc#1077706). - s390/kvm: avoid global config of vm.alloc_pgste=1 (bsc#1077706). - commit 504a71f - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: Also require m4 for build. - commit 0d7b4b3 - ibmvnic: Ensure that buffers are NULL after free (bsc#1080014). - ibmvnic: Fix rx queue cleanup for non-fatal resets (bsc#1080014). - commit 9627b8d - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-fix-empty-firmware-version-and-errors-cleanu.patch. - commit 83a5eee - Move ARM IOMMU patches to sorted section - commit 3aa94a7 - Documentation: Document array_index_nospec (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - array_index_nospec: Sanitize speculative array de-references (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86: Implement array_index_mask_nospec (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86: Introduce barrier_nospec (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86: Introduce __uaccess_begin_nospec() and uaccess_try_nospec (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86/usercopy: Replace open coded stac/clac with __uaccess_{begin, end} (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86/syscall: Sanitize syscall table de-references under speculation (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - nl80211: Sanitize array index in parse_txq_params (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86/spectre: Report get_user mitigation for spectre_v1 (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - Refresh patches.arch/23-x86-retpoline-entry-convert-entry-assembler-indirect-jumps.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/0002-objtool-x86-Add-several-functions-and-files-to-the-o.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/0007-x86-entry-64-Add-unwind-hint-annotations.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0001-Documentation-document-array_ptr.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0002-asm-nospec-array_ptr-sanitize-speculative-array-de-r.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0003-locking-barriers-introduce-new-observable-speculatio.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0003-x86-implement-array_ptr_mask.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0004-x86-introduce-__uaccess_begin_nospec-and-ifence.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0005-x86-bpf-jit-prevent-speculative-execution-when-JIT-i.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0006-uvcvideo-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0007-carl9170-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0007-x86-narrow-out-of-bounds-syscalls-to-sys_read-under-.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0008-p54-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0009-qla2xxx-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0010-cw1200-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0010-nl80211-sanitize-array-index-in-parse_txq_params.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0011-Thermal-int340x-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0012-ipv4-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0013-ipv6-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0014-fs-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0015-net-mpls-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0016-udf-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0017-userns-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. Replace spectre v1 by the upstream solution. /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v1 now also has the proper text. - commit fa33561 - kprobes/x86: Blacklist indirect thunk functions for kprobes (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - kprobes/x86: Disable optimizing on the function jumps to indirect thunk (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - KVM: VMX: Make indirect call speculation safe (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - KVM: x86: Make indirect calls in emulator speculation safe (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - module/retpoline: Warn about missing retpoline in module (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - retpoline: Introduce start/end markers of indirect thunk (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/cpufeature: Blacklist SPEC_CTRL/PRED_CMD on early Spectre v2 microcodes (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/cpufeatures: Add AMD feature bits for Speculation Control (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/cpufeatures: Clean up Spectre v2 related CPUID flags (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/msr: Add definitions for new speculation control MSRs (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/pti: Do not enable PTI on CPUs which are not vulnerable to Meltdown (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline: Optimize inline assembler for vmexit_fill_RSB (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline: Simplify vmexit_fill_RSB() (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/speculation: Add basic IBPB (Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier) support (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - blacklist.conf: - Refresh patches.arch/x86-bugs-drop-one-mitigation-from-dmesg.patch. - Refresh patches.arch/x86-mce-make-machine-check-speculation-protected.patch. - commit 4d56a2a - kernel: fix rwlock implementation (bnc#1079840, LTC#164371). - commit bcb7294 - fs/proc/kcore.c: use probe_kernel_read() instead of memcpy() (bsc#1079840). - commit 45c8725 - KVM: s390: add proper locking for CMMA migration bitmap (bsc#1079840). - KVM: s390: prevent buffer overrun on memory hotplug during migration (bsc#1079840). - KVM: s390: fix cmma migration for multiple memory slots (bsc#1079840). - ata: pata_artop: remove redundant initialization of pio (bsc#1079840). - blk-mq: attempt to fix atomic flag memory ordering (bsc#1079840). - s390/guarded storage: fix possible memory corruption (bsc#1079840). - s390/runtime instrumention: fix possible memory corruption (bsc#1079840). - s390/mm: make pmdp_invalidate() do invalidation only (bsc#1079840). - s390/perf: fix bug when creating per-thread event (bsc#1079840). - block: Relax a check in blk_start_queue() (bsc#1079840). - Documentation: DMA API: fix a typo in a function name (bsc#1079840). - kernel-doc: describe the ``literal`` syntax (bsc#1079840). - commit 51ba0ad - PCI: vmd: Remove IRQ affinity so we can allocate more IRQs (bsc#1079887). - commit 2023869 - usbip: fix stub_rx: get_pipe() to validate endpoint number (bsc#1078673 CVE-2017-16912). - commit 32f2c09 - Update config files. - commit 68baef6 - scsi: megaraid_sas: NVMe passthrough command support (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: driver version upgrade (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: re-work DCMD refire code (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: Expose fw_cmds_outstanding through sysfs (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: Selectively apply stream detection based on IO type (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: Update LD map after populating drv_map driver map copy (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: Use megasas_wait_for_adapter_operational to detect controller state in IOCTL path (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: Avoid firing DCMDs while OCR is in progress (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: unload flag should be set after scsi_remove_host is called (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: Error handling for invalid ldcount provided by firmware in RAID map (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: Reset ldio_outstanding in megasas_resume (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: Return the DCMD status from megasas_get_seq_num (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: memset IOC INIT frame using correct size (bsc#1077408). - scsi: megaraid_sas: zero out IOC INIT and stream detection memory (bsc#1077408). - commit 60410e5 - Drop non-standard megaraid_sas patches - Delete patches.drivers/megaraid_sas-Fallback-to-older-scanning-if-not-disks.patch. - Delete patches.drivers/megaraid_sas-boot-hangs-while-LD-is-offline.patch. - commit 4400510 - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-fix-empty-firmware-version-and-errors-cleanu.patch. - commit b3b1ac0 - blacklist.conf: ignore mac_esp patch (bsc#1077989) - commit efe494e - Refresh patches.fixes/st-fix-blk_get_queue-usage.patch. - commit 5541263 - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-fix-empty-firmware-version-and-errors-cleanu.patch. - commit b3e021a - scsi: libfc: fix ELS request handling (bsc#1077989). - scsi: bfa: integer overflow in debugfs (bsc#1077989). - scsi: aacraid: Fix controller initialization failure (bsc#1077989). - scsi: scsi-mq: Always unprepare before requeuing a request (bsc#1077989). - scsi: zfcp: add handling for FCP_RESID_OVER to the fcp ingress path (bsc#1077989). - scsi: sun_esp: fix device reference leaks (bsc#1077989). - commit e90d3ec - Refresh patches.fixes/0003-NFSv4-always-set-NFS_LOCK_LOST-when-a-lock-is-lost.patch. Add git-commit tag - commit 1ef434c - KVM: s390: add proper locking for CMMA migration bitmap (bsc#1077761). - commit 9a8fac9 - KVM: s390: wire up bpb feature (bsc#1077761). - commit d14cb22 - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Provide information about hardware/firmware CVE workarounds (bsc#1077761). - commit 1e687f0 - KVM/x86: Fix wrong macro references of X86_CR0_PG_BIT and X86_CR4_PAE_BIT in kvm_valid_sregs() (bsc#1077761). - commit 0863a2e - KVM: arm64: Fix GICv4 init when called from vgic_its_create (bsc#1077761). - commit 54f74da - KVM: arm/arm64: Check pagesize when allocating a hugepage at Stage 2 (bsc#1077761). - commit db3eec9 - KVM: x86: Add memory barrier on vmcs field lookup (bsc#1077761). - commit 973bff3 - KVM: x86: emulate #UD while in guest mode (bsc#1077761). - commit 9b6aa90 - x86: kvm: propagate register_shrinker return code (bsc#1077761). - commit 39dc997 - KVM: PPC: Book3S PR: Fix WIMG handling under pHyp (bsc#1077761). - commit d5a5c70 - KVM MMU: check pending exception before injecting APF (bsc#1077761). - commit dbd1b43 - KVM: s390: prevent buffer overrun on memory hotplug during migration (bsc#1077761). - commit ce5730c - KVM: s390: fix cmma migration for multiple memory slots (bsc#1077761). - commit 7f0eaab - kvm: vmx: Scrub hardware GPRs at VM-exit (bsc#1077761). - commit 3ae582d - kvm: x86: fix RSM when PCID is non-zero (bsc#1077761). - commit b9c326f - KVM: arm/arm64: Fix timer enable flow (bsc#1077761). - commit e5afd2e - KVM: arm/arm64: Properly handle arch-timer IRQs after vtimer_save_state (bsc#1077761). - commit c3b0312 - KVM: arm/arm64: timer: Don't set irq as forwarded if no usable GIC (bsc#1077761). - commit f3c1476 - KVM: arm/arm64: Fix HYP unmapping going off limits (bsc#1077761). - commit d158077 - arm64: kvm: Prevent restoring stale PMSCR_EL1 for vcpu (bsc#1077761). - commit 4363ba1 - KVM/x86: Check input paging mode when cs.l is set (bsc#1077761). - commit ccf0181 - kvm: x86: fix WARN due to uninitialized guest FPU state (bsc#1077761). - commit 35f63bf - KVM: X86: Fix load RFLAGS w/o the fixed bit (bsc#1077761). - commit 6700cda - KVM: MMU: Fix infinite loop when there is no available mmu page (bsc#1077761). - commit 13275e4 - arm64: Add software workaround for Falkor erratum 1041 (bsc#1077761). - commit e4dbbd7 - KVM: x86: fix APIC page invalidation (bsc#1077761). - commit 4c9f820 - KVM: s390: Fix skey emulation permission check (bsc#1077761). - commit 2763160 - KVM: s390: mark irq_state.flags as non-usable (bsc#1077761). - commit d864d9d - KVM: s390: Remove redundant license text (bsc#1077761). - commit ed05681 - KVM: s390: add SPDX identifiers to the remaining files (bsc#1077761). - commit 592f87d - KVM: VMX: fix page leak in hardware_setup() (bsc#1077761). - commit a03952e - KVM: VMX: remove I/O port 0x80 bypass on Intel hosts (bsc#1077761). - commit 2c4af04 - x86,kvm: remove KVM emulator get_fpu / put_fpu (bsc#1077761). - commit abbfb8e - x86,kvm: move qemu/guest FPU switching out to vcpu_run (bsc#1077761). - commit 473f3e5 - KVM: arm/arm64: Fix broken GICH_ELRSR big endian conversion (bsc#1077761). - commit 36535a5 - KVM: arm/arm64: kvm_arch_destroy_vm cleanups (bsc#1077761). - commit 3ac49a7 - KVM: arm/arm64: Fix spinlock acquisition in vgic_set_owner (bsc#1077761). - commit 0be83be - kvm: arm: don't treat unavailable HYP mode as an error (bsc#1077761). - commit a44e98a - KVM: arm/arm64: Avoid attempting to load timer vgic state without a vgic (bsc#1077761). - commit d6f7f9c - kvm: arm64: handle single-step of hyp emulated mmio instructions (bsc#1077761). - commit 3b2c220 - kvm: arm64: handle single-step during SError exceptions (bsc#1077761). - commit b1b7578 - kvm: arm64: handle single-step of userspace mmio instructions (bsc#1077761). - commit fd1574f - kvm: arm64: handle single-stepping trapped instructions (bsc#1077761). - commit a578072 - KVM: arm/arm64: debug: Introduce helper for single-step (bsc#1077761). - commit eedd8be - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-v4: Only perform an unmap for valid vLPIs (bsc#1077761). - commit df09a13 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Check result of allocation before use (bsc#1077761). - commit 62a3243 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Preserve the revious read from the pending table (bsc#1077761). - commit 0f4fbdc - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Preserve the revious read from the pending table (bsc#1077761). - commit 4aa2aa4 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-irqfd: Fix MSI entry allocation (bsc#1077761). - commit 901d4a5 - KVM: arm/arm64: VGIC: extend !vgic_is_initialized guard (bsc#1077761). - commit 0b58110 - KVM: arm/arm64: Don't enable/disable physical timer access on VHE (bsc#1077761). - commit 3a8bf70 - KVM: Let KVM_SET_SIGNAL_MASK work as advertised (bsc#1077761). - commit c9e7305 - KVM: VMX: Fix vmx->nested freeing when no SMI handler (bsc#1077761). - commit fc76735 - KVM: VMX: Fix rflags cache during vCPU reset (bsc#1077761). - commit 0fa5b65 - KVM: X86: Fix softlockup when get the current kvmclock (bsc#1077761). - commit ae72d3e - KVM: lapic: Fixup LDR on load in x2apic (bsc#1077761). - commit 6dfe4f7 - KVM: lapic: Split out x2apic ldr calculation (bsc#1077761). - commit fbbbd35 - KVM: x86: Fix CPUID function for word 6 (80000001_ECX) (bsc#1077761). - commit 77b9fea - KVM: nVMX: Fix vmx_check_nested_events() return value in case an event was reinjected to L2 (bsc#1077761). - commit 8723e44 - KVM: x86: ioapic: Preserve read-only values in the redirection table (bsc#1077761). - commit 5afc781 - KVM: x86: ioapic: Clear Remote IRR when entry is switched to edge-triggered (bsc#1077761). - commit 42ed301 - KVM: x86: ioapic: Remove redundant check for Remote IRR in ioapic_set_irq (bsc#1077761). - commit e540bbf - KVM: x86: ioapic: Don't fire level irq when Remote IRR set (bsc#1077761). - commit 76995b3 - KVM: x86: ioapic: Fix level-triggered EOI and IOAPIC reconfigure race (bsc#1077761). - commit 3f52b3a - KVM: x86: inject exceptions produced by x86_decode_insn (bsc#1077761). - commit 529f2d4 - KVM: x86: Allow suppressing prints on RDMSR/WRMSR of unhandled MSRs (bsc#1077761). - commit de7dd6f - KVM: x86: fix em_fxstor() sleeping while in atomic (bsc#1077761). - commit 7dbd3d6 - KVM: nVMX: Fix mmu context after VMLAUNCH/VMRESUME failure (bsc#1077761). - commit 0ae6cb9 - KVM: nVMX: Validate the IA32_BNDCFGS on nested VM-entry (bsc#1077761). - commit 2fbfa04 - KVM: X86: Fix operand/address-size during instruction decoding (bsc#1077761). - commit d6d9f45 - KVM: x86: Don't re-execute instruction when not passing CR2 value (bsc#1077761). - commit e06fcac - KVM: x86: emulator: Return to user-mode on L1 CPL=0 emulation failure (bsc#1077761). - commit 25a36b8 - KVM: x86: Exit to user-mode on #UD intercept when emulator requires (bsc#1077761). - commit 7d63739 - KVM: nVMX/nSVM: Don't intercept #UD when running L2 (bsc#1077761). - commit 2d12ec9 - KVM: x86: pvclock: Handle first-time write to pvclock-page contains random junk (bsc#1077761). - commit a009110 - kvm: vmx: Allow disabling virtual NMI support (bsc#1077761). - Refresh patches.arch/18-x86-mm-kvm-teach-kvm-s-vmx-code-that-cr3-isn-t-a-constant.patch. - Refresh patches.arch/18.2-kvm-nvmx-fix-host_cr3-host_cr4-cache.patch. - commit e88d160 - kvm: vmx: Reinstate support for CPUs without virtual NMI (bsc#1077761). - Refresh patches.arch/18-x86-mm-kvm-teach-kvm-s-vmx-code-that-cr3-isn-t-a-constant.patch. - Refresh patches.arch/18.2-kvm-nvmx-fix-host_cr3-host_cr4-cache.patch. - commit aab882b - KVM: SVM: obey guest PAT (bsc#1077761). - commit e2a37d5 - KVM: arm/arm64: Don't queue VLPIs on INV/INVALL (bsc#1077761). - commit 06b20fe - KVM: arm/arm64: Fix GICv4 ITS initialization issues (bsc#1077761). - commit 3a973bd - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Theory of operations (bsc#1077761). - commit 6853074 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Enable VLPI support (bsc#1077761). - commit b1aeb7c - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Prevent userspace from changing doorbell affinity (bsc#1077761). - commit ff6fe51 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Prevent a VM using GICv4 from being saved (bsc#1077761). - commit 72575b0 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Enable virtual cpuif if VLPIs can be delivered (bsc#1077761). - commit 36a8d5b - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Hook vPE scheduling into vgic flush/sync (bsc#1077761). - commit aef44e6 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Use the doorbell interrupt as an unblocking source (bsc#1077761). - commit 2e2478b - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Add doorbell interrupt handling (bsc#1077761). - commit 4a7ec1c - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Use pending_last as a scheduling hint (bsc#1077761). - commit ea6aa7c - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Handle INVALL applied to a vPE (bsc#1077761). - commit 81503da - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Propagate property updates to VLPIs (bsc#1077761). - commit e61dccd - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Handle MOVALL applied to a vPE (bsc#1077761). - commit 87310a5 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Handle CLEAR applied to a VLPI (bsc#1077761). - commit 4d71627 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Propagate affinity changes to the physical ITS (bsc#1077761). - commit bed266d - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Unmap VLPI when freeing an LPI (bsc#1077761). - commit 54f9ab4 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Handle INT command applied to a VLPI (bsc#1077761). - commit dd48bea - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Wire mapping/unmapping of VLPIs in VFIO irq bypass (bsc#1077761). - commit 0df7b76 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Add init/teardown of the per-VM vPE irq domain (bsc#1077761). - commit f3fa7a9 - KVM: arm/arm64: GICv4: Add property field and per-VM predicate (bsc#1077761). - commit b3cf419 - KVM: arm/arm64: vITS: Add a helper to update the affinity of an LPI (bsc#1077761). - commit 67e2fb3 - KVM: arm/arm64: vITS: Add MSI translation helpers (bsc#1077761). - commit 2cfbfd2 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Move kvm_vgic_destroy call around (bsc#1077761). - commit c72e631 - KVM: arm: Select ARM_GIC_V3 and ARM_GIC_V3_ITS (bsc#1077761). - commit 60f0eba - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: restructure kvm_vgic_(un)map_phys_irq (bsc#1077761). - commit 17738e1 - KVM: arm/arm64: register irq bypass consumer on ARM/ARM64 (bsc#1077761). - commit eef5148 - KVM: s390: provide a capability for AIS state migration (bsc#1077761). - commit a45393d - KVM: s390: clear_io_irq() requests are not expected for adapter interrupts (bsc#1077761). - commit c161531 - KVM: s390: abstract conversion between isc and enum irq_types (bsc#1077761). - commit 51df92d - KVM: s390: vsie: use common code functions for pinning (bsc#1077761). - commit 307cbae - KVM: s390: document memory ordering for kvm_s390_vcpu_wakeup (bsc#1077761). - commit ebccffe - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Cosmetic post-merge cleanups (bsc#1077761). - commit 59839b5 - KVM: arm/arm64: Unify 32bit fault injection (bsc#1077761). - commit 37ff111 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Implement KVM_DEV_ARM_ITS_CTRL_RESET (bsc#1077761). - commit 24e7c77 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Free caches when GITS_BASER Valid bit is cleared (bsc#1077761). - commit 00d0a4f - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: New helper functions to free the caches (bsc#1077761). - commit ef1d37c - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Remove kvm_its_unmap_device (bsc#1077761). - commit 5660535 - arm/arm64: KVM: Load the timer state when enabling the timer (bsc#1077761). - commit fee14c5 - KVM: arm/arm64: Rework kvm_timer_should_fire (bsc#1077761). - commit 3f72f82 - KVM: arm/arm64: Get rid of kvm_timer_flush_hwstate (bsc#1077761). - commit 979f853 - KVM: arm/arm64: Avoid phys timer emulation in vcpu entry/exit (bsc#1077761). - commit 02b2fcf - KVM: arm/arm64: Move phys_timer_emulate function (bsc#1077761). - commit f3f29b2 - KVM: arm/arm64: Use kvm_arm_timer_set/get_reg for guest register traps (bsc#1077761). - commit 8796db5 - KVM: arm/arm64: Support EL1 phys timer register access in set/get reg (bsc#1077761). - commit 254a94f - KVM: arm/arm64: Avoid timer save/restore in vcpu entry/exit (bsc#1077761). - commit 73ba9e1 - KVM: arm/arm64: Set VCPU affinity for virt timer irq (bsc#1077761). - commit 9327afa - KVM: arm/arm64: Move timer save/restore out of the hyp code (bsc#1077761). - commit 61110ab - KVM: arm/arm64: Use separate timer for phys timer emulation (bsc#1077761). - commit f6a35de - KVM: arm/arm64: Move timer/vgic flush/sync under disabled irq (bsc#1077761). - commit dc41fde - KVM: arm/arm64: Rename soft timer to bg_timer (bsc#1077761). - commit 9264d9d - KVM: arm/arm64: Make timer_arm and timer_disarm helpers more generic (bsc#1077761). - commit 2b2c5a2 - KVM: arm/arm64: Support calling vgic_update_irq_pending from irq context (bsc#1077761). - commit 18a1bd2 - KVM: arm/arm64: Guard kvm_vgic_map_is_active against !vgic_initialized (bsc#1077761). - commit ba7e655 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Run HPT guests on POWER9 radix hosts (bsc#1077761). - commit 13d7989 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Allow for running POWER9 host in single-threaded mode (bsc#1077761). - commit 04bf875 - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Fix gas warning due to using r0 as immediate 0 (bsc#1077761). - commit 375f419 - KVM: PPC: Book3S PR: Only install valid SLBs during KVM_SET_SREGS (bsc#1077761). - commit 767b8b7 - KVM: PPC: Book3S PR: Enable in-kernel TCE handlers for PR KVM (bsc#1077761). - commit 60c4ea7 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Delete an error message for a failed memory allocation in kvmppc_allocate_hpt() (bsc#1077761). - commit 8ad1a63 - KVM: PPC: BookE: Use vma_pages function (bsc#1077761). - commit d6571ba - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Use ARRAY_SIZE macro (bsc#1077761). - commit 5cbbfdd - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle unexpected interrupts better (bsc#1077761). - commit 636eaa8 - KVM: X86: #GP when guest attempts to write MCi_STATUS register w/o 0 (bsc#1077761). - commit 7d66248 - KVM: VMX: Fix VPID capability detection (bsc#1077761). - commit d2fac0a - KVM: nVMX: Fix EPT switching advertising (bsc#1077761). - commit f7d3e41 - KVM: SVM: detect opening of SMI window using STGI intercept (bsc#1077761). - commit b1d58d1 - KVM: x86: extend usage of RET_MMIO_PF_* constants (bsc#1077761). - commit f9e03bb - KVM: nSVM: fix SMI injection in guest mode (bsc#1077761). - commit 906e480 - KVM: nSVM: refactor nested_svm_vmrun (bsc#1077761). - commit f20f8d1 - KVM: nVMX: fix SMI injection in guest mode (bsc#1077761). - commit 864bea5 - KVM: nVMX: set IDTR and GDTR limits when loading L1 host state (bsc#1077761). - commit 9755543 - KVM: x86: introduce ISA specific smi_allowed callback (bsc#1077761). - commit d5dea7a - KVM: x86: introduce ISA specific SMM entry/exit callbacks (bsc#1077761). - commit 504d250 - KVM: SVM: limit kvm_handle_page_fault to #PF handling (bsc#1077761). - commit 078dc47 - KVM: SVM: unconditionally wake up VCPU on IOMMU interrupt (bsc#1077761). - commit af2e0bd - arch/x86: remove redundant null checks before kmem_cache_destroy (bsc#1077761). - commit 790a8df - KVM: VMX: Don't expose unrestricted_guest is enabled if ept is disabled (bsc#1077761). - commit 7b71997 - KVM: X86: Processor States following Reset or INIT (bsc#1077761). - commit 6a51165 - KVM: x86: thoroughly disarm LAPIC timer around TSC deadline switch (bsc#1077761). - commit eca3693 - KVM: x86: really disarm lapic timer when clearing TMICT (bsc#1077761). - commit 9623514 - KVM: x86: handle 0 write to TSC_DEADLINE MSR (bsc#1077761). - commit 0be4ae2 - kvm, mm: account kvm related kmem slabs to kmemcg (bsc#1077761). - commit a513a0a - KVM: VMX: rename RDSEED and RDRAND vmx ctrls to reflect exiting (bsc#1077761). - commit 8efad65 - KVM: x86: allow setting identity map addr with no vcpus only (bsc#1077761). - commit 87d5593 - KVM: VMX: cleanup init_rmode_identity_map() (bsc#1077761). - commit 4829c2a - KVM: nVMX: no need to set ept/vpid caps to 0 (bsc#1077761). - commit 5bfbc6a - KVM: nVMX: no need to set vcpu->cpu when switching vmcs (bsc#1077761). - commit 32ffbc8 - KVM: VMX: drop unnecessary function declarations (bsc#1077761). - commit 724a966 - KVM: VMX: require INVEPT GLOBAL for EPT (bsc#1077761). - commit a44c9d8 - KVM: VMX: call ept_sync_global() with enable_ept only (bsc#1077761). - commit 7c47e21 - KVM: VMX: drop enable_ept check from ept_sync_context() (bsc#1077761). - commit fbddd95 - KVM: x86: no need to inititalize vcpu members to 0 (bsc#1077761). - commit 9d148ad - KVM: VMX: vmx_vcpu_setup() cannot fail (bsc#1077761). - commit a5cab9a - KVM: x86: drop BUG_ON(vcpu->kvm) (bsc#1077761). - commit 6eb942e - KVM: x86: mmu: free_page can handle NULL (bsc#1077761). - commit 3f89823 - KVM: x86: mmu: returning void in a void function is strange (bsc#1077761). - commit 6efd205 - KVM: LAPIC: Apply change to TDCR right away to the timer (bsc#1077761). - commit 666609a - KVM: LAPIC: Keep timer running when switching between one-shot and periodic mode (bsc#1077761). - commit 55c6d5a - KVM: LAPIC: Introduce limit_periodic_timer_frequency (bsc#1077761). - commit 7c581b3 - KVM: LAPIC: Fix lapic timer mode transition (bsc#1077761). - commit b52714f - KVM: VMX: Don't expose PLE enable if there is no hardware support (bsc#1077761). - commit 6186087 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle host system reset in guest mode (bsc#1077761). - commit 1118068 - Revert "KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: POWER9 does not require secondary thread management" (bsc#1077761). - commit a334af4 - arm64/sve: KVM: Hide SVE from CPU features exposed to guests (bsc#1077761). - commit de772e4 - arm64/sve: KVM: Treat guest SVE use as undefined instruction execution (bsc#1077761). - commit 5fb9a5a - arm64: KVM: Hide unsupported AArch64 CPU features from guests (bsc#1077761). - commit 8bbe83e - arm64: sysreg: Move SPE registers and PSB into common header files (bsc#1077761). - commit c7d961a - irqchip/gic-v3-its: Add post-mortem info on command timeout (bsc#1077761). - commit b376906 - irqchip/gic-v3: Add workaround for Synquacer pre-ITS (bsc#1077761). - commit 1ff37f4 - irqchip/gic: Make quirks matching conditional on init return value (bsc#1077761). - commit 9f48672 - irqchip/gic-v3: Probe device ID space before quirks handling (bsc#1077761). - commit 61afdc5 - Refresh patches.suse/sched-fair-Do-not-migrate-if-the-prev_cpu-is-idle.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/sched-fair-Remove-unnecessary-parameters-from-wake_affine_idle.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/sched-fair-Restructure-wake_affine-to-return-a-CPU-id.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-a-recently-used-CPU-as-an-idle-candidate-and-the-basis-for-SIS.patch. - commit 6bb11d2 - apparmor: fix possible recursive lock warning in __aa_create_ns (bsc#1079834). - apparmor: fix ptrace label match when matching stacked labels (bsc#1079851). - apparmor: fix regression in mount mediation when feature set is pinned (bsc#1079828). - Update patches.apparmor/apparmor-fix-oops-in-audit_signal_cb-hook.patch (bsc#1070227). - commit d71c37d - IB/hfi1: Remove blind constants from 16B update (bsc#1060463 FATE#323043). - IB/hfi1: Remove dependence on qp->s_hdrwords (bsc#1060463 FATE#323043). - IB/hfi1: Add RQ/SRQ information to QP stats (bsc#1060463 FATE#323043). - commit 5e5aecf - RDMA/cma: Check existence of netdevice during port validation (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Introduce API to read GIDs for multiple transports (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Fix rdma_cm path querying for RoCE (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Fix rdma_cm raw IB path setting for RoCE (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/{cma, ucma}: Simplify and rename rdma_set_ib_paths (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Provide a function to set RoCE path record L2 parameters (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Use the right net namespace for the rdma_cm_id (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Introduce and use helper functions to init work (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Avoid setting path record type twice (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Simplify netdev check (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Set default GID type as RoCE when resolving RoCE route (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - commit 82aa918 - s390/ctl_reg: move control register definitions to ctl_reg.h (bsc#1077761). - commit 0ecc113 - s390/runtime_instrumentation: clean up struct runtime_instr_cb (bsc#1077761). - commit 51c2ad5 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Check GITS_BASER Valid bit before saving tables (bsc#1077761). - commit c657664 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Check CBASER/BASER validity before enabling the ITS (bsc#1077761). - commit 3e240a3 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Fix vgic_its_restore_collection_table returned value (bsc#1077761). - commit f6dcef1 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-its: Fix return value for device table restore (bsc#1077761). - commit e5ec1bc - arm/arm64: kvm: Disable branch profiling in HYP code (bsc#1077761). - commit bea11c5 - arm/arm64: kvm: Move initialization completion message (bsc#1077761). - commit 32dee34 - arm/arm64: KVM: set right LR register value for 32 bit guest when inject abort (bsc#1077761). - commit 1f9a389 - KVM: arm64: its: Fix missing dynamic allocation check in scan_its_table (bsc#1077761). - commit b1a2351 - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: install ksym-provides tool (bsc#1077692). - commit 679f5c5 - KVM: x86: Update APICv on APIC reset (bsc#1077761). - commit 81a4412 - KVM: VMX: Do not fully reset PI descriptor on vCPU reset (bsc#1077761). - commit 780175d - KVM: nVMX: fix guest CR4 loading when emulating L2 to L1 exit (bsc#1077761). - commit 6272cb9 - KVM: MMU: always terminate page walks at level 1 (bsc#1077761). - commit 012351b - KVM: nVMX: update last_nonleaf_level when initializing nested EPT (bsc#1077761). - commit fba7c5e - KVM: add X86_LOCAL_APIC dependency (bsc#1077761). - commit b0c57c5 - kvm/x86: Avoid async PF preempting the kernel incorrectly (bsc#1077761). - commit 33e3762 - kvm/x86: Handle async PF in RCU read-side critical sections (bsc#1077761). - commit d538f32 - KVM: nVMX: Fix nested #PF intends to break L1's vmlauch/vmresume (bsc#1077761). - commit e5c273a - KVM: VMX: use cmpxchg64 (bsc#1077761). - commit ccea3eb - KVM: VMX: simplify and fix vmx_vcpu_pi_load (bsc#1077761). - commit 9131f7c - KVM: VMX: avoid double list add with VT-d posted interrupts (bsc#1077761). - commit efab819 - KVM: VMX: extract __pi_post_block (bsc#1077761). - commit 6de20b1 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Check for updated HDSISR on P9 HDSI exception (bsc#1077761). - commit 1bf0fea - KVM: x86: Fix the NULL pointer parameter in check_cr_write() (bsc#1077761). - commit ac5bf85 - Revert "KVM: Don't accept obviously wrong gsi values via KVM_IRQFD" (bsc#1077761). - commit 7ff728f - kvm: nVMX: Handle deferred early VMLAUNCH/VMRESUME failure properly (bsc#1077761). - commit 3210b1f - kvm: vmx: Handle VMLAUNCH/VMRESUME failure properly (bsc#1077761). - commit 23509b2 - kvm: nVMX: Remove nested_vmx_succeed after successful VM-entry (bsc#1077761). - commit 8fb1583 - KVM: Don't accept obviously wrong gsi values via KVM_IRQFD (bsc#1077761). - commit 9441090 - rpm/kernel-binary.spec.in: require bison for build. linux-next tends to have outdated generated files so it needs bison to regenerate them. - commit 4ad1ede - KVM: trace events: update list of exit reasons (bsc#1077761). - commit ebca120 - KVM: X86: Don't block vCPU if there is pending exception (bsc#1077761). - commit c6a59bd - KVM: x86: fix clang build (bsc#1077761). - commit bde54e4 - KVM: fix rcu warning on VM_CREATE errors (bsc#1077761). - commit 8b38d86 - KVM: x86: Fix handling of pending signal on uninitialized AP (bsc#1077761). - commit f17cb3c - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Protect updates to spapr_tce_tables list (bsc#1077761). - commit 4fb91d2 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix invalid use of register expression (bsc#1077761). - commit 3d56d7a - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix H_REGISTER_VPA VPA size validation (bsc#1077761). - commit dd5bcf7 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix setting of storage key in H_ENTER (bsc#1077761). - commit 41b5422 - KVM: PPC: e500mc: Fix a NULL dereference (bsc#1077761). - commit ece8d3c - KVM: PPC: e500: Fix some NULL dereferences on error (bsc#1077761). - commit b7887fb - KVM: arm/arm64: Support uaccess of GICC_APRn (bsc#1077761). - commit 9a096e3 - KVM: arm/arm64: Extract GICv3 max APRn index calculation (bsc#1077761). - commit ebeb5d5 - KVM: arm/arm64: vITS: Drop its_ite->lpi field (bsc#1077761). - commit 5cf62bb - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: constify seq_operations and file_operations (bsc#1077761). - commit dafbaeb - KVM: arm/arm64: Fix guest external abort matching (bsc#1077761). - commit 403db45 - KVM: s390: vsie: cleanup mcck reinjection (bsc#1077761). - commit a25bb09 - KVM: s390: use WARN_ON_ONCE only for checking (bsc#1077761). - commit 10b882b - KVM: s390: guestdbg: fix range check (bsc#1077761). - commit e525cc4 - KVM: s390: we are always in czam mode (bsc#1077761). - commit 2e46f1e - Add ksym-provides tool (bsc#1077692). - commit ee8ebe0 - KVM: s390: sthyi: remove invalid guest write access (bsc#1077761). - patches.arch/s390-sles15-00-10-01-kernel-sthyi-reorganize-sthyi-implementation.patch: (FATE#324258, LTC#160415, bsc#1068273). - commit 0a9d7cd - mlx5: fix mlx5_get_vector_affinity to start from completion vector 0 (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - IB/core: Avoid a potential OOPs for an unused optional parameter (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - IB/core: Map iWarp AH type to undefined in rdma_ah_find_type (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - IB/hfi1: Fix for potential refcount leak in hfi1_open_file() (bsc#1060463 FATE#323043). - RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix an error code in bnxt_qplib_create_srq() (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - net_sched: gen_estimator: fix lockdep splat (bsc#1056787). - i40e: fix reported mask for ntuple filters (bsc#1056658 FATE#322188). - igb: Free IRQs when device is hotplugged (bsc#1056651 FATE#322191). - net/mlx5: Separate ingress/egress namespaces for each vport (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - net/mlx5: Fix ingress/egress naming mistake (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - net/mlx5e: E-Switch, Use the name of static array instead of its address (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - net/mlx4_en: Change default QoS settings (bsc#1046299 FATE#322947). - net/mlx4_core: Cleanup FMR unmapping flow (bsc#1046300 FATE#322946). - RDMA/mlx5: Avoid memory leak in case of XRCD dealloc failure (bsc#1046305 FATE#322943). - IB/umad: Fix use of unprotected device pointer (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - i40iw: Free IEQ resources (bsc#1058659 FATE#322535). - i40iw: Remove limit on re-posting AEQ entries to HW (bsc#1058659 FATE#322535). - RDMA/core: Clarify rdma_ah_find_type (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - IB/mlx4: Fix incorrectly releasing steerable UD QPs when have only ETH ports (bsc#1046302 FATE#322945). - IB/srpt: Remove an unused structure member (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - IB/core: Fix two kernel warnings triggered by rxe registration (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - i40iw: Fix the connection ORD value for loopback (bsc#1058659 FATE#322535). - i40iw: Validate correct IRD/ORD connection parameters (bsc#1058659 FATE#322535). - i40iw: Fix sequence number for the first partial FPDU (bsc#1058659 FATE#322535). - i40iw: Selectively teardown QPs on IP addr change event (bsc#1058659 FATE#322535). - i40iw: Correct Q1/XF object count equation (bsc#1058659 FATE#322535). - IB/SA: Check dlid before SA agent queries for ClassPortInfo (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - IB/umem: Fix use of npages/nmap fields (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/cma: Use correct size when writing netlink stats (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/iwpm: Fix uninitialized error code in iwpm_send_mapinfo() (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - IB/mlx5: revisit -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning (bsc#1046305 FATE#322943). - commit 5f2318b - KVM: s390: Multiple Epoch Facility support (bsc#1077761). - patches.arch/s390-sles15-00-10-01-kernel-sthyi-reorganize-sthyi-implementation.patch: (FATE#324258, LTC#160415, bsc#1068273). - commit 69d2bea - kvm: nVMX: Validate the virtual-APIC address on nested VM-entry (bsc#1077761). - commit 02cdfc0 - KVM: nVMX: Fix trying to cancel vmlauch/vmresume (bsc#1077761). - commit d7cc599 - KVM: X86: Fix loss of exception which has not yet been injected (bsc#1077761). - commit 0c65010 - KVM: VMX: use kvm_event_needs_reinjection (bsc#1077761). - commit c9110ef - KVM: MMU: speedup update_permission_bitmask (bsc#1077761). - commit 6c779fb - KVM: MMU: Expose the LA57 feature to VM (bsc#1077761). - commit 6626022 - KVM: MMU: Add 5 level EPT & Shadow page table support (bsc#1077761). - commit 02cce94 - KVM: MMU: Rename PT64_ROOT_LEVEL to PT64_ROOT_4LEVEL (bsc#1077761). - commit 5957c99 - KVM: MMU: check guest CR3 reserved bits based on its physical address width (bsc#1077761). - commit 74530a7 - KVM: x86: Add return value to kvm_cpuid() (bsc#1077761). - commit 2260172 - kvm: vmx: Raise #UD on unsupported XSAVES/XRSTORS (bsc#1077761). - commit 1ca81c7 - kvm: vmx: Raise #UD on unsupported RDSEED (bsc#1077761). - commit 416b7c0 - kvm: vmx: Raise #UD on unsupported RDRAND (bsc#1077761). - commit d990f93 - KVM: VMX: cache secondary exec controls (bsc#1077761). - commit aee234d - KVM: VMX: always require WB memory type for EPT (bsc#1077761). - commit 004c65c - KVM: VMX: cleanup EPTP definitions (bsc#1077761). - commit a0416af - KVM: x86: fix use of L1 MMIO areas in nested guests (bsc#1077761). - commit 5c78d98 - KVM: x86: Avoid guest page table walk when gpa_available is set (bsc#1077761). - commit 9101925 - KVM: x86: simplify ept_misconfig (bsc#1077761). - commit c81e473 - kvm: avoid uninitialized-variable warnings (bsc#1077761). - commit 138f617 - kvm: x86: Disallow illegal IA32_APIC_BASE MSR values (bsc#1077761). - commit 41bb0d9 - KVM: MMU: Bail out immediately if there is no available mmu page (bsc#1077761). - commit a95ac0e - KVM: MMU: Fix softlockup due to mmu_lock is held too long (bsc#1077761). - commit 2e9e45e - KVM: nVMX: validate eptp pointer (bsc#1077761). - commit b202868 - kvm: nVMX: Add support for fast unprotection of nested guest page tables (bsc#1077761). - commit dbe7eff - KVM: X86: Fix residual mmio emulation request to userspace (bsc#1077761). - commit ba3cd5b - KVM: arm: implements the kvm_arch_vcpu_in_kernel() (bsc#1077761). - commit bc61a6f - KVM: s390: implements the kvm_arch_vcpu_in_kernel() (bsc#1077761). - commit ccf0426 - KVM: X86: implement the logic for spinlock optimization (bsc#1077761). - commit cd89a32 - KVM: add spinlock optimization framework (bsc#1077761). - commit 9be0d73 - KVM: x86: use general helpers for some cpuid manipulation (bsc#1077761). - commit 7c96559 - KVM: x86: generalize guest_cpuid_has_ helpers (bsc#1077761). - commit 6253831 - KVM: x86: X86_FEATURE_NRIPS is not scattered anymore (bsc#1077761). - commit 8fc76c4 - KVM: nVMX: Emulate EPTP switching for the L1 hypervisor (bsc#1077761). - commit 41af192 - KVM: nVMX: Enable VMFUNC for the L1 hypervisor (bsc#1077761). - commit 03e08c3 - KVM: vmx: Enable VMFUNCs (bsc#1077761). - commit febad7f - KVM: nVMX: get rid of nested_release_page* (bsc#1077761). - commit 8dfa692 - KVM: nVMX: get rid of nested_get_page() (bsc#1077761). - commit 18480de - KVM: nVMX: INVPCID support (bsc#1077761). - commit c42b719 - KVM: hyperv: support HV_X64_MSR_TSC_FREQUENCY and HV_X64_MSR_APIC_FREQUENCY (bsc#1077761). - commit 3211c0a - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: POWER9 does not require secondary thread management (bsc#1077761). - commit c66a49a - powerpc/mm: Update definitions of DSISR bits (bsc#1077761). - commit 67bca61 - arm64: Remove the !CONFIG_ARM64_HW_AFDBM alternative code paths (bsc#1077761). - commit 6e5f833 - kvm/x86: Avoid clearing the C-bit in rsvd_bits() (bsc#1077761). - commit 420d917 - KVM: update to new mmu_notifier semantic v2 (bsc#1077761). - commit 20cbd84 - KVM: PPC: Book3S: Fix race and leak in kvm_vm_ioctl_create_spapr_tce() (bsc#1077761). - commit 7e876d5 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic: Use READ_ONCE fo cmpxchg (bsc#1077761). - commit 0963889 - KVM: arm/arm64: PMU: Fix overflow interrupt injection (bsc#1077761). - commit 0e13c71 - KVM: arm/arm64: Fix bug in advertising KVM_CAP_MSI_DEVID capability (bsc#1077761). - commit f588e1d - KVM: nVMX: Fix interrupt window request with "Acknowledge interrupt on exit" (bsc#1077761). - commit 96a9aa1 - KVM: nVMX: mark vmcs12 pages dirty on L2 exit (bsc#1077761). - commit d690017 - kvm: nVMX: don't flush VMCS12 during VMXOFF or VCPU teardown (bsc#1077761). - commit 7f92ce5 - KVM: nVMX: do not pin the VMCS12 (bsc#1077761). - commit 9c1a723 - KVM: avoid using rcu_dereference_protected (bsc#1077761). - commit d8f2f42 - KVM: X86: init irq->level in kvm_pv_kick_cpu_op (bsc#1077761). - commit daa60bc - KVM: X86: Fix loss of pending INIT due to race (bsc#1077761). - commit 0c6ceeb - KVM: nVMX: fixes to nested virt interrupt injection (bsc#1077761). - commit a1131d2 - KVM: nVMX: do not fill vm_exit_intr_error_code in prepare_vmcs12 (bsc#1077761). - commit 483e7f3 - KVM: LAPIC: Fix reentrancy issues with preempt notifiers (bsc#1077761). - commit 1f7a6ad - KVM: s390: take srcu lock when getting/setting storage keys (bsc#1077761). - commit 4f1fa14 - KVM: nVMX: Fix loss of L2's NMI blocking state (bsc#1077761). - commit b30d4e0 - KVM: nVMX: Fix posted intr delivery when vcpu is in guest mode (bsc#1077761). - Refresh patches.arch/0002-kvm-vmx-remove-warn_on_once-in-kvm_vcpu_trigger_posted_interrupt. - commit 1d74271 - x86: irq: Define a global vector for nested posted interrupts (bsc#1077761). - commit 1a7d98c - KVM: x86: do mask out upper bits of PAE CR3 (bsc#1077761). - commit 2851b3a - KVM: VMX: remove unused field (bsc#1077761). - commit c2fa409 - kvm: x86: hyperv: avoid livelock in oneshot SynIC timers (bsc#1077761). - commit e399bf8 - KVM: VMX: Fix invalid guest state detection after task-switch emulation (bsc#1077761). - commit 2f44a61 - x86: add MULTIUSER dependency for KVM (bsc#1077761). - commit 12a5533 - KVM: nVMX: Disallow VM-entry in MOV-SS shadow (bsc#1077761). - commit 77d8ab1 - KVM: nVMX: track NMI blocking state separately for each VMCS (bsc#1077761). - Refresh patches.arch/18.2-kvm-nvmx-fix-host_cr3-host_cr4-cache.patch. - commit 080adef - KVM: x86: masking out upper bits (bsc#1077761). - commit 78f98d2 - kvm: x86: hyperv: make VP_INDEX managed by userspace (bsc#1077761). - commit b7577ef - KVM: async_pf: Let guest support delivery of async_pf from guest mode (bsc#1077761). - Refresh patches.arch/0003-kvm-async_pf-fix-df-due-to-inject-page-not-present-and-page-ready-exceptions-simultaneously. - commit 421024f - KVM: async_pf: Force a nested vmexit if the injected #PF is async_pf (bsc#1077761). Refresh patches.arch/0003-kvm-async_pf-fix-df-due-to-inject-page-not-present-and-page-ready-exceptions-simultaneously. - commit 0c8c65c - KVM: async_pf: Add L1 guest async_pf #PF vmexit handler (bsc#1077761). - commit 05fcb6b - KVM: x86: Simplify kvm_x86_ops->queue_exception parameter list (bsc#1077761). - commit b0fb424 - kvm: x86: hyperv: add KVM_CAP_HYPERV_SYNIC2 (bsc#1077761). - commit 56fe2cc - KVM: x86: make backwards_tsc_observed a per-VM variable (bsc#1077761). - commit c612bf5 - KVM: SVM: handle singlestep exception when skipping emulated instructions (bsc#1077761). - Refresh patches.arch/0007-kvm-svm-enable-virtual-gif-feature. - Refresh patches.arch/kvm-svm-delete-avic_vm_id_bitmap-2-megabyte-static-array. - commit 77f3e25 - blacklist acb1feab320e powerpc/64: Don't trace irqs-off at interrupt return to soft-disabled context - commit ef64ee1 - Refresh patches.suse/0002-futex-futex_wake_op-fix-sign_extend32-sign-bits.patch. Update upstream status. - commit a44be7b - x86/dumpstack: Avoid uninitlized variable (git-fixes). - commit 7668118 - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Use correct timestamp in child receive flow (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5: Update ptp_clock_event foreach PPS event (bsc#1075020). - IB/ipoib: Fix lockdep issue found on ipoib_ib_dev_heavy_flush (bsc#1075020). - commit 6acdbe8 - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Modify rdma netdev allocate and free to support PKEY (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface ethtool ops (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface ndos (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Add PKEY child interface nic profile (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Use hash-table to map between QPN to child netdev (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Support for setting PKEY index to underlay QP (bsc#1075020). - IB/ipoib: Add ability to set PKEY index to lower device driver (bsc#1075020). - IB/ipoib: Grab rtnl lock on heavy flush when calling ndo_open/stop (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5: Support for attaching multiple underlay QPs to root flow table (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Move underlay QP init/uninit to separate functions (bsc#1075020). - net/mlx5: PTP code migration to driver core section (bsc#1075020). Refresh patches.drivers/Revert-mlx5-move-affinity-hints-assignments-to-gener.patch. - net/mlx5: File renaming towards ptp core implementation (bsc#1075020). - commit e473354 - Move KVM patches to sorted section Refresh patches.arch/0001-kvm-nVMX-Don-t-allow-L2-to-access-the-hardware-CR8.patch. - commit 5d643b3 - s390/zcrypt: externalize AP queue interrupt control (FATE#324118, LTC#158322). - s390/zcrypt: externalize AP config info query (FATE#324118, LTC#158322). - s390/zcrypt: externalize test AP queue (FATE#324118, LTC#158322). - commit 0c2b243 - rfi-flush: Switch to new linear fallback flush (bsc#1068032). Refresh patches.arch/powerpc-xmon-Add-RFI-flush-related-fields-to-paca-du.patch. - commit 0b9f66c - powerpc/radix: Remove trace_tlbie call from radix__flush_tlb_all (bsc#1055117, fate#323286, git-fixes). - commit e6674e9 - iw_cxgb4: Change error/warn prints to pr_debug (bsc#1079355). - iser-target: avoid reinitializing rdma contexts for isert commands (bsc#1079355). - iw_cxgb4: Only validate the MSN for successful completions (bsc#1079355). - commit f364c92 - cxgb4: add geneve offload support for T6 (bsc#1074220). - cxgb4: implement ndo_features_check (bsc#1074220). - cxgb4: add support for vxlan segmentation offload (bsc#1074220). - cxgb4: implement udp tunnel callbacks (bsc#1074220). - cxgb4: add data structures to support vxlan (bsc#1074220). - IB/qib: Fix comparison error with qperf compare/swap test (bsc#1027067 FATE#322649). - commit a50f30f - cpufreq: intel_pstate: Add Skylake servers support (bnc#1068680 Update schedutil and intel_pstate to default to load-based policy). - cpufreq: intel_pstate: Replace bxt_funcs with core_funcs (bnc#1068680 Update schedutil and intel_pstate to default to load-based policy). - commit 5047ebd - Refresh patches.suse/mm-numa-do-not-trap-faults-on-shared-data-section-pages.patch. - commit 8c37e01 - ibmvnic: fix empty firmware version and errors cleanup (bsc#1079038). - commit 0b2f959 - Refresh sorted section. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Wait-for-device-response-when-changing-MAC.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-fix-firmware-version-when-no-firmware-level-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-cxlflash-Reset-command-ioasc.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/ipvlan-remove-excessive-packet-scrubbing.patch. - commit f04d16a - printk: Never set console_may_schedule in console_trylock() (bnc#744692, bnc#789311, bsc#1078391). - commit d2af2e6 - printk: Hide console waiter logic into helpers (bnc#744692, bnc#789311, bsc#1078391). - commit 9d02b3e - printk: Add console owner and waiter logic to load balance console writes (bnc#744692, bnc#789311, bsc#1078391). - commit 5d9e509 - Remove the SUSE-specific print-softlockup fix (bnc#744692, bnc#789311) It is going to be replaced by the upstream solution using console waiter logic. - Delete patches.suse/printk-Switch-to-the-sync-mode-when-an-emergency-mes.patch. - Delete patches.suse/printk-default-to-async-printing.patch. - Delete patches.suse/printk-fix-suspend-hang.patch. - Delete patches.suse/printk-make-async.patch. - Delete patches.suse/printk-make-kthread-priority-normal.patch. - Delete patches.suse/printk-make-synchronous-param-rw.patch. - Delete patches.suse/printk-make-wakeup-klogd-async-fixup.patch. - Delete patches.suse/printk-make-wakeup-klogd-async.patch. - Delete patches.suse/printk-xen-Force-printk-sync-mode-when-migrating-Xen.patch. - commit 3ed9739 - cxgb4: add new T5 and T6 device id's (bsc#1079352). - scsi: libcxgbi: use GFP_ATOMIC in cxgbi_conn_alloc_pdu() (bsc#1079355). - commit e0eecbf - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-don-t-free-uuid-pointer-before-printing-it.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-fabrics-fix-memory-leak-when-parsing-host-ID-op.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-fabrics-protect-against-module-unload-during-cr.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-fix-comment-typos-in-nvme_create_io_queues.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-fix-subsystem-multiple-controllers-support-chec.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-host-delete_work-and-reset_work-on-separate-wor.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-modify-the-debug-level-for-setting-shutdown-tim.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-Fix-queue-double-allocations.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-Suspend-queues-after-deleting-them.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-allocate-device-queues-storage-space-at-pro.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-clean-up-CMB-initialization.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-clean-up-SMBSZ-bit-definitions.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-don-t-open-code-nvme_reset_ctrl.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-fix-NULL-pointer-reference-in-nvme_alloc_ns.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-introduce-RECONNECTING-state-to-mark-initia.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-remove-an-unnecessary-initialization-in-HMB.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-serialize-pci-resets.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-rdma-remove-redundant-boolean-for-inline_data.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-take-refcount-on-transport-module.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme_fcloop-disassocate-local-port-structs.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme_fcloop-fix-abort-race-condition.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme_fcloop-refactor-host-target-io-job-access.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme_fcloop-rework-to-remove-xxx_IN_ISR-feature-flag.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvmet-fix-error-flow-in-nvmet_alloc_ctrl.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvmet-lower-log-level-for-each-queue-creation.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvmet-rdma-lowering-log-level-for-chatty-debug-messa.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvmet-rdma-removed-queue-cleanup-from-module-exit.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvmet-rearrange-nvmet_ctrl_free.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvmet-release-a-ns-reference-in-nvmet_req_uninit-if-.patch. - nvme-fc: correct hang in nvme_ns_remove() (bsc#1075811). - nvme-fc: fix rogue admin cmds stalling teardown (bsc#1075811). - commit dc349bb - nvme-pci: introduce RECONNECTING state to mark initializing procedure (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-rdma: remove redundant boolean for inline_data (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: don't free uuid pointer before printing it (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: Suspend queues after deleting them (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: Fix queue double allocations (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: clean up SMBSZ bit definitions (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: clean up CMB initialization (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvmet: release a ns reference in nvmet_req_uninit if needed (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-fabrics: fix memory leak when parsing host ID option (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: fix comment typos in nvme_create_io_queues (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: host delete_work and reset_work on separate workqueues (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: allocate device queues storage space at probe (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: serialize pci resets (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: fix subsystem multiple controllers support check (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: take refcount on transport module (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: fix NULL pointer reference in nvme_alloc_ns (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: modify the debug level for setting shutdown timeout (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: don't open-code nvme_reset_ctrl (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvmet: rearrange nvmet_ctrl_free() (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvmet: fix error flow in nvmet_alloc_ctrl() (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: remove an unnecessary initialization in HMB code (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-fabrics: protect against module unload during create_ctrl (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme_fcloop: refactor host/target io job access (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme_fcloop: rework to remove xxx_IN_ISR feature flags (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme_fcloop: disassocate local port structs (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme_fcloop: fix abort race condition (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvmet: lower log level for each queue creation (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvmet-rdma: lowering log level for chatty debug messages (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvmet-rdma: removed queue cleanup from module exit (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - commit be5f8ed - nvme-pci: check segement valid for SGL use (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: move use_sgl initialization to nvme_init_iod() (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-take-sglist-coalescing-in-dma_map_sg-into-a.patch. - commit ccc76c3 - powerpc/pseries: Fix cpu hotplug crash with memoryless nodes (FATE#323746, bsc#1079524). - powerpc/numa: Ensure nodes initialized for hotplug (FATE#323746, bsc#1079524). - powerpc/numa: Use ibm,max-associativity-domains to discover possible nodes (FATE#323746, bsc#1079524). - commit a5a5351 - nvme-fabrics: initialize default host->id in nvmf_host_default() (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-fcloop: avoid possible uninitialized variable warning (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-rdma: fix concurrent reset and reconnect (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: fix sector units when going between formats (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: setup streams after initializing namespace head (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: check hw sectors before setting chunk sectors (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: call blk_integrity_unregister after queue is cleaned up (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: set discard_alignment to zero (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: fix NULL pointer dereference in nvme_free_host_mem() (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-rdma: fix memory leak during queue allocation (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - commit 4cd5e8f - nvme: Suppress static analyis warning (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-mpath-fix-last-path-removal-during-traffic.patch. - commit 8ff7b73 - nvme-rdma: Use mr pool (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-rdma: Check remotely invalidated rkey matches our expected rkey (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-rdma: wait for local invalidation before completing a request (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-rdma: don't complete requests before a send work request has completed (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-rdma: don't suppress send completions (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: add quirk for delay before CHK RDY for WDC SN200 (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: fix spelling mistake: "requeing" -> "requeuing" (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: avoid hmb desc array idx out-of-bound when hmmaxd set (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme-pci: disable APST on Samsung SSD 960 EVO + ASUS PRIME B350M-A (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - commit 98c37e8 - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Wait-for-device-response-when-changing-MAC.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-fix-firmware-version-when-no-firmware-level-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-cxlflash-Reset-command-ioasc.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/ipvlan-remove-excessive-packet-scrubbing.patch. Re-sort series.conf - commit ff52d23 - Refresh patch order in sorted section - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Wait-for-device-response-when-changing-MAC.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-fix-firmware-version-when-no-firmware-level-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-cxlflash-Reset-command-ioasc.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/ipvlan-remove-excessive-packet-scrubbing.patch. - scripts/git_sort/git_sort.py: - scripts/git_sort/tests/test_git_sort.py: - commit afdc520 - livepatch: Remove immediate feature (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). From upstream klp tree, branch for-4.16/remove-immediate. - commit b4083e7 - livepatch: add locking to force and signal functions (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). Coming from upstream klp tree, branch for-4.16/signal-sysfs-force-v2. - commit a2bfaf3 - livepatch: force transition to finish (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). Coming from upstream klp tree, branch for-4.16/signal-sysfs-force-v2. - commit 15e3f65 - livepatch: send a fake signal to all blocking tasks (bsc#1071995 fate#323487). Fake signal support. Coming from upstream klp tree, branch for-4.16/signal-sysfs-force-v2. - commit c16c12d - iser-target: Fix possible use-after-free in connection establishment error (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - net/mlx5e: Check support before TC swap in ETS init (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - net/mlx5e: Add error print in ETS init (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - IB/core: Fix unable to change lifespan entry for hw_counters (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - commit 14a58fe - Re-sorted with series_sort - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Wait-for-device-response-when-changing-MAC.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-fix-firmware-version-when-no-firmware-level-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-cxlflash-Reset-command-ioasc.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/ipvlan-remove-excessive-packet-scrubbing.patch. - commit 6db6f83 - usbip: fix stub_rx: harden CMD_SUBMIT path to handle malicious input (bsc#1078672 CVE-2017-16913). - commit 317c5b6 - ahci: Add Intel Cannon Lake PCH-H PCI ID (bsc#1079088 FATE#321195 FATE#322631). - commit 1ad2ccd - x86/cpufeatures: Add Intel feature bits for Speculation Control (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - commit f45d5d3 - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Wait-for-device-response-when-changing-MAC.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-fix-firmware-version-when-no-firmware-level-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-cxlflash-Reset-command-ioasc.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/ipvlan-remove-excessive-packet-scrubbing.patch. - commit 41ae0d8 - x86/cpufeatures: Add CPUID_7_EDX CPUID leaf (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - commit 914add9 - x86/bugs: Drop one "mitigation" from dmesg (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - commit 53d0557 - blacklist.conf: - commit f67c619 - enic: add wq clean up budget (bsc#1075697). - commit 245a193 - ocfs2: try a blocking lock before return AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE (bsc#1073440). - commit 26c40f8 - NFS: Add a cond_resched() to nfs_commit_release_pages() (bsc#1077779). - commit 012a157 - nfsd: auth: Fix gid sorting when rootsquash enabled (CVE-2018-1000028, bsc#1078287). - commit dda492e - rbd: set max_segments to USHRT_MAX (bsc#1078861). - rbd: reacquire lock should update lock owner client id (bsc#1078873). - netfilter: uapi: correct UNTRACKED conntrack state bit number (bsc#1078865). - scsi: libiscsi: fix shifting of DID_REQUEUE host byte (bsc#1078875). - commit 9a95b4e - ASN.1: fix out-of-bounds read when parsing indefinite length item (bsc#1078868). - ASN.1: check for error from ASN1_OP_END__ACT actions (bsc#1078867). - KEYS: fix NULL pointer dereference during ASN.1 parsing (bsc#1078866). - KEYS: fix out-of-bounds read during ASN.1 parsing (bsc#1078862). - commit 49124a8 - lib/digsig: fix dereference of NULL user_key_payload (bsc#1078860). - commit e74597f - Update config files. - commit 9008ce2 - README.BRANCH: make Jeff co-maintainer during my absence - commit a8ed74e - x86/retpoline: Remove the esp/rsp thunk (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/intel_rdt/cqm: Prevent use after free (fate#323965). - commit e562833 - ibmvnic: fix firmware version when no firmware level has been provided by the VIOS server (bsc#1079038). - commit 3aa382e - x86/hyper-v: stop suppressing X86_FEATURE_PCID (bsc#1077499). - commit d007750 - ibmvnic: Wait for device response when changing MAC (bsc#1078681). - commit 4a4b78c - blacklist 070e004912fe powerpc/4xx: Fix compile error with 64K pages on 40x, 44x - commit cafc1fc - scsi: cxlflash: Reset command ioasc (fate#322239, git-fixes). - commit 930f93e - KVM: x86: take slots_lock in kvm_free_pit (bsc#1077761). - commit 5c47320 - kvm: vmx: Properly handle machine check during VM-entry (bsc#1077761). - commit 630935e - KVM: x86: update master clock before computing kvmclock_offset (bsc#1077761). - commit 5546449 - kvm: nVMX: Shadow "high" parts of shadowed 64-bit VMCS fields (bsc#1077761). - commit 9c9cd12 - Move patches.fixes/kvm-nvmx-fix-nested_vmx_check_msr_bitmap_controls into sorted section - commit 597672f - kvm: nVMX: Validate the I/O bitmaps on nested VM-entry (bsc#1077761). - commit ae097f9 - kvm: nVMX: Don't set vmcs12 to "launched" when VMLAUNCH fails (bsc#1077761). - commit fb500c7 - KVM: use correct accessor function for __kvm_memslots (bsc#1077761). - commit e6f2939 - KVM: mark memory slots as rcu (bsc#1077761). - commit a4d1b3d - KVM: mark kvm->busses as rcu protected (bsc#1077761). - commit ba3fd3a - KVM: use rcu access function for irq routing (bsc#1077761). - commit d866df7 - KVM: mark vcpu->pid pointer as rcu protected (bsc#1077761). - commit f2e0948 - KVM: vmx: expose more information for KVM_INTERNAL_ERROR_DELIVERY_EV exits (bsc#1077761). - commit 0622f81 - kvm: avoid unused variable warning for UP builds (bsc#1077761). - commit 2e79598 - x86: kvm: mmu: use ept a/d in vmcs02 iff used in vmcs12 (bsc#1077761). - commit b81235c - kvm: x86: mmu: allow A/D bits to be disabled in an mmu (bsc#1077761). - commit aa98336 - x86: kvm: mmu: make spte mmio mask more explicit (bsc#1077761). - commit 05b622d - x86: kvm: mmu: dead code thanks to access tracking (bsc#1077761). - commit 8c29652 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Add capability to report possible virtual SMT modes (bsc#1077761). - commit ff30e98 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Virtualize doorbell facility on POWER9 (bsc#1077761). - commit 73e258b - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Allow userspace to set the desired SMT mode (bsc#1077761). - commit ef28960 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Context-switch HFSCR between host and guest on POWER9 (bsc#1077761). - commit f4ba5c4 - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Enable guests to use large decrementer mode on POWER9 (bsc#1077761). - commit 5e26c30 - KVM: x86: remove ignored type attribute (bsc#1077761). - commit f488813 - KVM: arm/arm64: Signal SIGBUS when stage2 discovers hwpoison memory (bsc#1077761). - commit 94ecc41 - arm64/kvm: vgic: use SYS_DESC() (bsc#1077761). - commit 35d3070 - arm64/kvm: sysreg: fix typo'd SYS_ICC_IGRPEN*_EL1 (bsc#1077761). - commit 4396c4d - KVM: arm64: Log an error if trapping a write-to-read-only GICv3 access (bsc#1077761). - commit f14efa3 - KVM: arm64: Log an error if trapping a read-from-write-only GICv3 access (bsc#1077761). - commit e878ccd - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Log which GICv3 system registers are trapped (bsc#1077761). - commit c2ec271 - KVM: arm64: Enable GICv3 common sysreg trapping via command-line (bsc#1077761). - commit 83b2209 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_PMR_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit b32111f - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_CTLR_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit c6056fb - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_RPR_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit 4d8e18a - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_DIR_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit dc81a76 - arm64: Add workaround for Cavium Thunder erratum 30115 (bsc#1077761). - Refresh patches.drivers/0003-iommu-arm-smmu-v3-Add-workaround-for-Cavium-ThunderX.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/0004-iommu-arm-smmu-v3-Add-workaround-for-Cavium-ThunderX.patch. - commit 672e3a4 - KVM: arm64: Enable GICv3 Group-0 sysreg trapping via command-line (bsc#1077761). - commit a43257d - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Enable trapping of Group-0 system registers (bsc#1077761). - commit 6704cd7 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add misc Group-0 handlers (bsc#1077761). - commit f366ea5 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_IGNREN0_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit 843e1f8 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_BPR0_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit 4da31c6 - KVM: arm64: Enable GICv3 Group-1 sysreg trapping via command-line (bsc#1077761). - commit 11e3aa3 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Enable trapping of Group-1 system registers (bsc#1077761). - commit 98ed82e - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_HPPIR1_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit ae8c87c - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_AP1Rn_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit 43c6bc4 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_EOIR1_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit ceeaa18 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_IAR1_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit 12da559 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_IGRPEN1_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit e1b4ec3 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add ICV_BPR1_EL1 handler (bsc#1077761). - commit 559ee43 - KVM: arm64: vgic-v3: Add hook to handle guest GICv3 sysreg accesses at EL2 (bsc#1077761). - commit 08361be - KVM: arm64: Make kvm_condition_valid32() accessible from EL2 (bsc#1077761). - commit accb6b5 - CIFS: dump IPC tcon in debug proc file (bsc#1071306). - commit e844d61 - CIFS: use tcon_ipc instead of use_ipc parameter of SMB2_ioctl (bsc#1071306). - commit 31e7d7b - CIFS: make IPC a regular tcon (bsc#1071306). - commit baba794 - KVM: arm/arm64: vgic-v3: Add accessors for the ICH_APxRn_EL2 registers (bsc#1077761). - commit e0e50a9 - xfs: reinit btree pointer on attr tree inactivation walk (bsc#1078787). - commit 00accea - cxgb4: make symbol pedits static (bsc#1064802 bsc#1066129). - nfp: fix error return code in nfp_pci_probe() (bsc#1055968). - IB/core: Fix ib_wc structure size to remain in 64 bytes boundary (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - net/mlx5: Fix race for multiple RoCE enable (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - RDMA/cma: Mark end of CMA ID messages (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - RDMA/vmw_pvrdma: Add UAR SRQ macros in ABI header file (bsc#1046306 FATE#322942). - iw_cxgb4: make pointer reg_workq static (bsc#1064802 bsc#1066129). - net/mlx5e: Fix ETS BW check (bsc#1075360). - commit 76cecfb - Re-sorted series and Updated patch-mainline - Refresh patches.drivers/IB-CM-Change-sgid-to-IB-GID-when-handling-CM-request.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/IB-hfi1-Mask-the-path-bits-with-the-LMC-for-16B-RC-A.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/IB-hfi1-Use-4096-for-default-active-MTU-in-query_qp.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/RDMA-bnxt_re-Add-SRQ-support-for-Broadcom-adapters.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/RDMA-bnxt_re-Add-support-for-MRs-with-Huge-pages.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/RDMA-bnxt_re-Add-support-for-query-firmware-version.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/RDMA-bnxt_re-Enable-RoCE-on-virtual-functions.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/RDMA-bnxt_re-expose-detailed-stats-retrieved-from-HW.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/bnxt_en-Add-ETH_RESET_AP-support.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/bnxt_en-Don-t-print-Link-speed-1-no-longer-supported.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/bnxt_en-Uninitialized-variable-in-bnxt_tc_parse_acti.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/bnxt_en-Use-NETIF_F_GRO_HW.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/cxgb4-RSS-table-is-4k-for-T6.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/cxgb4-collect-HMA-memory-dump.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/cxgb4-collect-MC-memory-dump.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/cxgb4-collect-PCIe-configuration-logs.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/cxgb4-collect-TX-rate-limit-info-in-UP-CIM-logs.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/cxgb4-collect-egress-and-ingress-SGE-queue-contexts.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/cxgb4-collect-on-chip-memory-information.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/cxgb4-skip-TX-and-RX-payload-regions-in-memory-dumps.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Don-t-handle-RX-interrupts-when-not-up.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Include-header-descriptor-support-for-ARP-pa.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Increase-maximum-number-of-RX-TX-queues.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Rename-IBMVNIC_MAX_TX_QUEUES-to-IBMVNIC_MAX_.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Adjust-default-value-of-lpfc_nvmet_mrq.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Beef-up-stat-counters-for-debug.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Correct-driver-deregistrations-with-host-n.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Driver-fails-to-detect-direct-attach-stora.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Expand-WQE-capability-of-every-NVME-hardwa.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-FLOGI-failures-are-reported-when-connected.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-EOVERFLOW-behavior-for-NVMET-and-defer.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-NVME-LS-abort_xri.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-SCSI-LUN-discovery-when-SCSI-and-NVME-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-crash-after-bad-bar-setup-on-driver-at.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-crash-during-driver-unload-with-runnin.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-display-for-debugfs-queInfo.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-driver-handling-of-nvme-resources-duri.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-infinite-wait-when-driver-unregisters-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-issues-connecting-with-nvme-initiator.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-ndlp-ref-count-for-pt2pt-mode-issue-RS.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-random-heartbeat-timeouts-during-heavy.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Fix-receive-PRLI-handling.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Handle-XRI_ABORTED_CQE-in-soft-IRQ.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Increase-SCSI-CQ-and-WQ-sizes.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Linux-LPFC-driver-does-not-process-all-RSC.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-Raise-maximum-NVME-sg-list-size-for-256-el.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-correct-port-registrations-with-nvme_fc.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-correct-sg_seg_cnt-attribute-min-vs-defaul.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-don-t-dereference-localport-before-it-has-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-fix-a-couple-of-minor-indentation-issues.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-small-sg-cnt-cleanup.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-update-driver-version-to- - Refresh patches.drivers/lpfc-update-driver-version-to- - Refresh patches.drivers/net-Disable-GRO_HW-when-generic-XDP-is-installed-on-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/net-Introduce-NETIF_F_GRO_HW.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/net-ethtool-add-support-for-reset-of-AP-inside-NIC-i.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-libiscsi-allow-sd_shutdown-on-bad-transport. - Refresh patches.drivers/scsi-qla2xxx-Fix-recursion-while-sending-terminate-e.patch. - commit f6992cb - KVM: arm/arm64: Don't assume initialized vgic when setting PMU IRQ (bsc#1077761). - commit e46c7d2 - KVM: arm/arm64: Disallow userspace control of in-kernel IRQ lines (bsc#1077761). - commit 17a802a - KVM: arm/arm64: Check if irq lines to the GIC are already used (bsc#1077761). - commit c6c6bff - KVM: arm/arm64: Introduce an allocator for in-kernel irq lines (bsc#1077761). - commit 3904963 - KVM: arm/arm64: Allow setting the timer IRQ numbers from userspace (bsc#1077761). - commit 46f128d - KVM: arm/arm64: Move timer IRQ default init to arch_timer.c (bsc#1077761). - commit e809754 - KVM: arm/arm64: Move irq_is_ppi() to header file (bsc#1077761). - commit e5a67f0 - KVM: arm: Handle VCPU device attributes in guest.c (bsc#1077761). - commit 550f6bb - KVM: arm64: Allow creating the PMU without the in-kernel GIC (bsc#1077761). - commit ed17f94 - KVM: arm/arm64: timer: remove request-less vcpu kick (bsc#1077761). - commit c014526 - KVM: arm/arm64: PMU: remove request-less vcpu kick (bsc#1077761). - commit fd61d9a - KVM: arm/arm64: use vcpu requests for irq injection (bsc#1077761). - commit 9f686bf - KVM: arm/arm64: change exit request to sleep request (bsc#1077761). - commit e8990de - KVM: arm/arm64: optimize VCPU RUN (bsc#1077761). - commit 5d5c02d - KVM: arm/arm64: use vcpu requests for power_off (bsc#1077761). - commit 3b24c3f - KVM: arm/arm64: replace pause checks with vcpu request checks (bsc#1077761). - commit 1df0a22 - KVM: arm/arm64: properly use vcpu requests (bsc#1077761). - commit c19d6ba - KVM: add kvm_request_pending (bsc#1077761). - commit 7d071ca - KVM: improve arch vcpu request defining (bsc#1077761). - commit fcdd37e - KVM: arm/arm64: Use uaccess functions for GICv3 {sc}active (bsc#1077761). - commit a6aa308 - KVM: arm/arm64: Simplify active_change_prepare and plug race (bsc#1077761). - commit 5f251f5 - KVM: arm/arm64: Separate guest and uaccess writes to dist {sc}active (bsc#1077761). - commit 06c1e27 - KVM: arm/arm64: Allow GICv2 to supply a uaccess register function (bsc#1077761). - commit a828f2c - KVM: arm64: Restore host physical timer access on hyp_panic() (bsc#1077761). - commit 3c9a486 - KVM: arm: Restore banked registers and physical timer access on hyp_panic() (bsc#1077761). - commit 81c5b15 - KVM: LAPIC: Fix lapic timer injection delay (bsc#1077761). - commit 2887434 - KVM: lapic: reorganize restart_apic_timer (bsc#1077761). - commit b3c54e2 - KVM: lapic: reorganize start_hv_timer (bsc#1077761). - commit d1ec16e - KVM: s390: avoid packed attribute (bsc#1077761). - Refresh patches.drivers/kvm-Inject-machine-check-into-the-nested-guest.patch. - commit 0fb9b38 - KVM: S390: add new group for flic (bsc#1077761). - commit 957f3a8 - KVM: s390: implement instruction execution protection for emulated ifetch (bsc#1077761). - commit 9f7e596 - kvm: nVMX: Check memory operand to INVVPID (bsc#1077761). - commit a142483 - KVM: explain missing kvm_put_kvm in case of failure (bsc#1077761). - commit f859907 - KVM: Replaces symbolic permissions with numeric (bsc#1077761). - commit c981562 - KVM: nVMX: Don't update vmcs12->xss_exit_bitmap on nested VM-exit (bsc#1077761). - commit 334fe01 - KVM: x86: avoid large stack allocations in em_fxrstor (bsc#1077761). - commit 2980e35 - KVM: white space cleanup in nested_vmx_setup_ctls_msrs() (bsc#1077761). - commit 4ba3a7c - KVM: Tidy the whitespace in nested_svm_check_permissions() (bsc#1077761). - commit 8351f67 - s390: rename struct psw_bits members (bsc#1077761). - commit b1352ea - s390: rename psw_bits enums (bsc#1077761). - commit df2b8ca - Refresh patches.arch/powerpc-pseries-rfi-flush-Call-setup_rfi_flush-after.patch. Fix return value - commit b1d44b2 - ftrace, orc, x86: Handle ftrace dynamically allocated trampolines (bnc#1058115). - objtool: Fix seg fault caused by missing parameter (bnc#1058115). - objtool: Move synced files to their original relative locations (bnc#1058115). - objtool: Fix seg fault with clang-compiled objects (bnc#1058115). - objtool: Move kernel headers/code sync check to a script (bnc#1058115). - tracing: Update stack trace skipping for ORC unwinder (bnc#1058115). - objtool: Fix 64-bit build on 32-bit host (bnc#1058115). - objtool: Fix Clang enum conversion warning (bnc#1058115). - objtool: Fix cross-build (bnc#1058115). - tools/objtool/Makefile: don't assume sync-check.sh is executable (bnc#1058115). - x86/ftrace: Add one more ENDPROC annotation (bnc#1058115). - x86/ftrace: Fix ORC unwinding from ftrace handlers (bnc#1058115). - x86/stacktrace: Make zombie stack traces reliable (bnc#1058115). - Refresh patches.arch/10-x86-dumpstack-handle-stack-overflow-on-all-stacks.patch. - Refresh patches.arch/11-x86-entry-rename-sysenter_stack-to-cpu_entry_area_entry_stack.patch. - Refresh patches.arch/24-x86-retpoline-ftrace-convert-ftrace-assembler-indirect-jumps.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/0002-x86-stacktrace-make-clear-the-success-paths.patch. Update ORC to the upstream status. - commit 3cd5617 - include/linux/mm.h: fix typo in VM_MPX definition (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - commit 981f4b2 - Update config files. - commit c74eda6 - selftests/powerpc: Add core file test for Protection Key register (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/powerpc: Add ptrace tests for Protection Key register (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: Fix deadlock in protection_keys.c (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: sub-page allocator (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: testcases must restore pkey-permissions (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: detect write violation on a mapped access-denied-key page (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: associate key on a mapped page and detect write violation (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: associate key on a mapped page and detect access violation (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: fix an assertion in test_pkey_alloc_exhaust() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: powerpc implementation to check support for pkey (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: clear the bits in shadow reg when a pkey is freed (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: powerpc implementation for generic abstraction (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: generic cleanup (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: pkey register should match shadow pkey (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: introduce two arch independent abstraction (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: fix alloc_random_pkey() to make it really random (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: clear the bits in shadow reg when a pkey is freed (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: fixed bugs in pkey_disable_clear() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: fix the wrong assert in pkey_disable_set() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: generic function to handle shadow key register (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: typecast the pkey register (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: move generic definitions to header file (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/vm: rename all references to pkru to a generic name (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/x86: Move protecton key selftest to arch neutral directory (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - x86/pkeys/selftests: Fix protection keys write() warning (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - x86/pkeys/selftests: Rename 'si_pkey' to 'siginfo_pkey' (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - selftests/x86/protection_keys: Fix syscall NR redefinition warnings (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - signal/testing: Don't look for __SI_FAULT in userspace (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - Documentation/vm: PowerPC specific updates to memory protection keys (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - Documentation/x86: Move protecton key documentation to arch neutral directory (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - mm, x86: display pkey in smaps only if arch supports pkeys (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - Refresh patches.suse/mm-fix-KSM-data-corruption.patch. - powerpc: sys_pkey_mprotect() system call (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: sys_pkey_alloc() and sys_pkey_free() system calls (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: Enable pkey subsystem (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/ptrace: Add memory protection key regset (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: Deliver SEGV signal on pkey violation (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: introduce get_mm_addr_key() helper (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: Handle exceptions caused by pkey violation (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: implementation for arch_vma_access_permitted() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: check key protection for user page access (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: helper to validate key-access permissions of a pte (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: Program HPTE key protection bits (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: map vma key-protection bits to pte key bits (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: implementation for arch_override_mprotect_pkey() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: ability to associate pkey to a vma (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: introduce execute-only pkey (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: store and restore the pkey state across context switches (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: ability to create execute-disabled pkeys (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: implementation for arch_set_user_pkey_access() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: cleanup AMR, IAMR when a key is allocated or freed (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: helper functions to initialize AMR, IAMR and UAMOR registers (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: helper function to read, write AMR, IAMR, UAMOR registers (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: track allocation status of all pkeys (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: initial pkey plumbing (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - mm, powerpc, x86: introduce an additional vma bit for powerpc pkey (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - mm, powerpc, x86: define VM_PKEY_BITx bits if CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_PKEYS is enabled (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: capture the PTE format changes in the dump pte report (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: use helper functions to get and set hash slots (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: Swizzle around 4K PTE bits to free up bit 5 and bit 6 (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: shifted-by-one hidx value (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: Free up four 64K PTE bits in 64K backed HPTE pages (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: Free up four 64K PTE bits in 4K backed HPTE pages (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: introduce pte_get_hash_gslot() helper (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: introduce pte_set_hidx() helper (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm/book3s/64: Add proper pte access check helper (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm: Don't lose "major" fault indication on retry (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm: Set fault flags earlier (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm: Evaluate user_mode(regs) only once in do_page_fault() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm: Remove a redundant test in do_page_fault() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm: Only call store_updates_sp() on stores in do_page_fault() (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc: Fix DABR match on hash based systems (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/64s: Replace CONFIG_PPC_STD_MMU_64 with CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64 (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm: Update bits used to skip hash_page (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - powerpc/mm: Update definitions of DSISR bits (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - x86,mpx: make mpx depend on x86-64 to free up VMA flag (FATE#322447, bsc#1078248). - commit 90fbf25 - arm64: Branch predictor hardening for Cavium ThunderX2 (bsc#1068032). - commit c0ea639 - Refresh patches.fixes/mm-Batch-radix-tree-operations-when-truncating-pages.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/mm-Factor-out-checks-and-accounting-from-__delete_fr.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/mm-Factor-out-page-cache-page-freeing-into-a-separat.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/mm-Move-accounting-updates-before-page_cache_tree_de.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/mm-Move-clearing-of-page-mapping-to-page_cache_tree_.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/mm-Refactor-truncate_complete_page.patch. - Refresh patches.fixes/mm-Speedup-cancel_dirty_page-for-clean-pages.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/sched-Only-immediately-migrate-tasks-due-to-interrupts-if-prev-and-target-CPUs-share-cache.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/sched-wait-fix-add_wait_queue-behavior-change.patch. - commit c2de752 - scsi: qla2xxx: Initialize Work element before requesting IRQs (bsc#1050313). - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix uninitialized work element (bsc#1050313). - commit 20470eb - Refresh patches.drivers/block-Provide-blk_status_t-decoding-for-path-errors.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/dm-mpath-Use-blk_path_error.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-Add-more-command-status-translation.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-add-tracepoint-for-nvme_complete_rq.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-add-tracepoint-for-nvme_setup_cmd.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-also-expose-the-namespace-identification-sysfs-.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-fix-visibility-of-uuid-ns-attribute.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-introduce-a-nvme_ns_ids-structure.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-multipath-Consult-blk_status_t-for-failover.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-multipath-Use-blk_path_error.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-track-shared-namespaces.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvmet-fc-cleanup-nvmet-add_port-remove_port.patch. Re-sort series.conf - commit 2edda93 - RDS: Heap OOB write in rds_message_alloc_sgs() (CVE-2018-5332 bsc#1075621). - commit 8848928 - RDS: null pointer dereference in rds_atomic_free_op (CVE-2018-5333 bsc#1075617). - commit 4d458e8 - net: Fix double free and memory corruption in get_net_ns_by_id() (CVE-2017-15129 bsc#1074839). - commit 249e5ac - net: ipv4: emulate READ_ONCE() on ->hdrincl bit-field in raw_sendmsg() (CVE-2017-17712 bsc#1073229). - net: ipv4: fix for a race condition in raw_sendmsg (CVE-2017-17712 bsc#1073229). - commit 34b8075 - sched/fair: Use a recently used CPU as an idle candidate and the basis for SIS (bnc#1066110). - sched/fair: Do not migrate if the prev_cpu is idle (bnc#1066110). - sched/fair: Restructure wake_affine to return a CPU id (bnc#1066110). - sched/fair: Remove unnecessary parameters from wake_affine_idle (bnc#1066110). - sched/fair: Sync task util before slow-path wakeup (bnc#1066110). - commit f574d1e - ipvlan: remove excessive packet scrubbing (bsc#1070799). - commit 0cc2da1 - tipc: improve link resiliency when rps is activated (bsc#1068038). - commit edad3d6 - series.conf: refresh (ran series_sort.py) - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-also-expose-the-namespace-identification-sysfs-.patch. patches.drivers/nvme-fix-visibility-of-uuid-ns-attribute.patch. patches.drivers/nvme-introduce-a-nvme_ns_ids-structure.patch. patches.drivers/nvme-track-shared-namespaces.patch. - Update upstream reference: patches.drivers/block-Provide-blk_status_t-decoding-for-path-errors.patch. patches.drivers/dm-mpath-Use-blk_path_error.patch. patches.drivers/nvme-Add-more-command-status-translation.patch. patches.drivers/nvme-add-tracepoint-for-nvme_complete_rq.patch. patches.drivers/nvme-add-tracepoint-for-nvme_setup_cmd.patch. patches.drivers/nvme-multipath-Consult-blk_status_t-for-failover.patch. patches.drivers/nvme-multipath-Use-blk_path_error.patch. patches.drivers/nvmet-fc-cleanup-nvmet-add_port-remove_port.patch. - commit 8073960 - btrfs: fix btrfs_evict_inode to handle abnormal inodes correctly (bsc#1078019). - commit 776dc75 - Btrfs: fix unexpected return value of bio_readpage_error (bsc#1067598). - commit 30d5aee - scsi: lpfc: fix a couple of minor indentation issues (bsc#1076693,bsc#1076672). - scsi: lpfc: don't dereference localport before it has been null checked (bsc#1076693,bsc#1076672). - scsi: lpfc: correct sg_seg_cnt attribute min vs default (bsc#1076693,bsc#1076672). - commit 5817551 - scsi: lpfc: update driver version to (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Beef up stat counters for debug (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix infinite wait when driver unregisters a remote NVME port (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix issues connecting with nvme initiator (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix SCSI LUN discovery when SCSI and NVME enabled (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Increase SCSI CQ and WQ sizes (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix receive PRLI handling (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix -EOVERFLOW behavior for NVMET and defer_rcv (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix random heartbeat timeouts during heavy IO (bsc#1076693). - commit 89d95b9 - nvme: add tracepoint for nvme_complete_rq (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - nvme: add tracepoint for nvme_setup_cmd (FATE#323952, FATE#322506). - commit 870ce83 - Update patch header for ibmvnic patches - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Allocate-and-request-vpd-in-init_resources.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Modify-buffer-size-and-number-of-queues-on-f.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Revert-to-previous-mtu-when-unsupported-valu.patch. - commit ac37059 - scsi: lpfc: update driver version to (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: small sg cnt cleanup (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix driver handling of nvme resources during unload (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix crash during driver unload with running nvme traffic (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Correct driver deregistrations with host nvme transport (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: correct port registrations with nvme_fc (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Linux LPFC driver does not process all RSCNs (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix ndlp ref count for pt2pt mode issue RSCN (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Adjust default value of lpfc_nvmet_mrq (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix display for debugfs queInfo (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Driver fails to detect direct attach storage array (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Raise maximum NVME sg list size for 256 elements (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix NVME LS abort_xri (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Fix crash after bad bar setup on driver attachment (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Handle XRI_ABORTED_CQE in soft IRQ (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: Expand WQE capability of every NVME hardware queue (bsc#1076693). - scsi: lpfc: FLOGI failures are reported when connected to a private loop (bsc#1076693). - commit 1f4d880 - net/mlx5e: Keep updating ethtool statistics when the interface is down (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - commit 4075ba4 - KEYS: Fix race between updating and finding a negative key (CVE-2017-15951, bsc#1065615, bsc#1071927). - KEYS: don't let add_key() update an uninstantiated key (CVE-2017-15951, bsc#1065615, bsc#1071927). - commit d6cb5a2 - net/mlx5: Fix memory leak in bad flow of mlx5_alloc_irq_vectors (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - commit c5e8efb - mm/mprotect: add a cond_resched() inside change_pmd_range() (bnc#1077871). - commit e2d94df - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-fix-visibility-of-uuid-ns-attribute.patch. Fix upstream commit-id. - commit 4210304 - blacklist.conf: add 040ee69226f8 - commit bc8f9b1 - ipv6: ip6_make_skb() needs to clear cork.base.dst (bsc#1076830). - xfrm: Use __skb_queue_tail in xfrm_trans_queue (bsc#1076830). - tcp/dccp: fix other lockdep splats accessing ireq_opt (bsc#1076830). - tcp/dccp: fix lockdep splat in inet_csk_route_req() (bsc#1076830). - udp: fix bcast packet reception (bsc#1076830). - vti: fix NULL dereference in xfrm_input() (bsc#1076830). - sctp: Fix a big endian bug in sctp_diag_dump() (bsc#1076830). - commit 08c4a13 - Update upstream reference: patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Allocate-and-request-vpd-in-init_resources.patch. patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Modify-buffer-size-and-number-of-queues-on-f.patch. patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Revert-to-previous-mtu-when-unsupported-valu.patch. - commit 3fd778c - xfs: validate sb_logsunit is a multiple of the fs blocksize (bsc#1077513). - commit b3bd89b - config: arm64: enable ARM64_HW_AFDBM and ARM64_PAN - commit 45aa9c3 - lpfc: Fix hard lock up NMI in els timeout handling (bsc#1076672). - commit 203b3e9 - lpfc: tie in to new dev_loss_tmo interface in nvme transport (bsc#1076672). - commit ccb6905 - scsi: qla2xxx: Fix recursion while sending terminate exchange (bsc#1076093). - commit e94594b - qed* - bump drivers to version (bsc#1050536 FATE#322898 bsc#1050538 FATE#322897). - commit c7852cd - powerpc: Don't preempt_disable() in show_cpuinfo() (bsc#1065729). - commit 54d3151 - genirq/msi: Fix populating multiple interrupts (bsc#1070194). - genirq: Track whether the trigger type has been set (bsc#1070194). - genirq: Fix for_each_action_of_desc() macro (bsc#1070194). - genirq: Make sparse_irq_lock protect what it should protect (bsc#1070194). - powerpc/xmon: Check before calling xive functions (FATE#322438, bsc#1065729). - powerpc/powernv/cpufreq: Fix the frequency read by /proc/cpuinfo (bsc#1065729). - powerpc/jprobes: Disable preemption when triggered through ftrace (bsc#1065729). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Always flush TLB in kvmppc_alloc_reset_hpt() (bsc#1061840). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix use after free in case of multiple resize requests (bsc#1061840). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Drop prepare_done from struct kvm_resize_hpt (bsc#1061840). - genirq/msi: Fix populating multiple interrupts (bsc#1070194). - genirq: Track whether the trigger type has been set (bsc#1070194). - genirq: Fix for_each_action_of_desc() macro (bsc#1070194). - genirq: Make sparse_irq_lock protect what it should protect (bsc#1070194). - powerpc/xmon: Check before calling xive functions (FATE#322438, bsc#1065729). - powerpc/powernv/cpufreq: Fix the frequency read by /proc/cpuinfo (bsc#1065729). - powerpc/jprobes: Disable preemption when triggered through ftrace (bsc#1065729). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Always flush TLB in kvmppc_alloc_reset_hpt() (bsc#1061840). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix use after free in case of multiple resize requests (bsc#1061840). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Drop prepare_done from struct kvm_resize_hpt (bsc#1061840). - commit 265931d - fs: Avoid invalidation in interrupt context in dio_complete() (bsc#1073407 bsc#1069135). - Refresh patches.suse/0023-block-switch-bios-to-blk_status_t.patch. - commit 4cb0a08 - arm64: Move BP hardening to check_and_switch_context (bsc#1068032). - commit 45ddc1d - RDMA/bnxt_re: Add SRQ support for Broadcom adapters (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: expose detailed stats retrieved from HW (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: Add support for MRs with Huge pages (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: Add support for query firmware version (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable RoCE on virtual functions (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: Add SRQ support for Broadcom adapters (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: expose detailed stats retrieved from HW (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: Add support for MRs with Huge pages (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: Add support for query firmware version (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - RDMA/bnxt_re: Enable RoCE on virtual functions (bsc#1050244 FATE#322915). - commit 75e0deb - be2net: restore properly promisc mode after queues reconfiguration (bsc#1050252 FATE#322920). - net/mlx5e: Fix fixpoint divide exception in mlx5e_am_stats_compare (bsc#1071289). - be2net: restore properly promisc mode after queues reconfiguration (bsc#1050252 FATE#322920). - net/mlx5e: Fix fixpoint divide exception in mlx5e_am_stats_compare (bsc#1071289). - commit 8395ca0 - Documentation: document array_ptr (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - asm/nospec, array_ptr: sanitize speculative array de-references (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86: implement array_ptr_mask() (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86: introduce __uaccess_begin_nospec and ifence (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86, __get_user: use __uaccess_begin_nospec (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86, get_user: use pointer masking to limit speculation (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86: narrow out of bounds syscalls to sys_read under speculation (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - vfs, fdtable: prevent bounds-check bypass via speculative execution (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - kvm, x86: update spectre-v1 mitigation (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - nl80211: sanitize array index in parse_txq_params (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - KVM: x86: Add memory barrier on vmcs field lookup (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - Refresh patches.arch/23-x86-retpoline-entry-convert-entry-assembler-indirect-jumps.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/0002-objtool-x86-Add-several-functions-and-files-to-the-o.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/0003-locking-barriers-introduce-new-observable-speculatio.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/0007-x86-entry-64-Add-unwind-hint-annotations.patch. - Refresh patches.suse/0014-fs-prevent-speculative-execution.patch. Usee array_ptr on x86. This should put things back to normal. - commit 469e0d1 - PCI: Do not allocate more buses than available in parent (FATE#323948). - Refresh patches.drivers/0001-thunderbolt-tb-fix-use-after-free-in-tb_activate_pci.patch. - commit 4836e10 - Delete patches.suse/net-mlx5-Fix-fixpoint-divide-exception-in-mlx5e_am_s.patch. replace with upstreamed patch - commit 4970de8 - powerpc/pseries: rfi-flush: Call setup_rfi_flush() after LPM migration (bsc#1068032). Really fix the migration patch - Delete patches.arch/powerpc-rfi-flush-Make-setup_rfi_flush-not-__init.patch. - Delete patches.arch/powerpc-rfi-flush-prevent-crash-when-changing-flush-.patch. - commit 4efb860 - Fix build error in drmem.c (bsc#1077428). - commit 522031e - Move fadump patches to powerpc section. - commit d2c2ae6 - powerpc/pseries: Enable support of ibm,dynamic-memory-v2 (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/drmem: Add support for ibm, dynamic-memory-v2 property (bsc#1077428). - powerpc: Move of_drconf_cell struct to asm/drmem.h (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/pseries: Update memory hotplug code to use drmem LMB array (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/numa: Update numa code use walk_drmem_lmbs (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/mm: Separate ibm, dynamic-memory data from DT format (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/numa: Look up associativity array in of_drconf_to_nid_single (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/numa: Look up device node in of_get_usable_memory() (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/numa: Look up device node in of_get_assoc_arrays() (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/pseries: Enable support of ibm,dynamic-memory-v2 (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/drmem: Add support for ibm, dynamic-memory-v2 property (bsc#1077428). - powerpc: Move of_drconf_cell struct to asm/drmem.h (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/pseries: Update memory hotplug code to use drmem LMB array (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/numa: Update numa code use walk_drmem_lmbs (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/mm: Separate ibm, dynamic-memory data from DT format (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/numa: Look up associativity array in of_drconf_to_nid_single (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/numa: Look up device node in of_get_usable_memory() (bsc#1077428). - powerpc/numa: Look up device node in of_get_assoc_arrays() (bsc#1077428). - commit 25a4560 - mm: numa: do not trap faults on shared data section pages (Automatic NUMA Balancing (fate#315482)). - commit ccce19f - fs: invalidate page cache after end_io() in dio completion (bsc#1073407 bsc#1069135). - fs: Fix page cache inconsistency when mixing buffered and AIO DIO (bsc#1073407 bsc#1069135). - commit fcc82bf - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Allocate-and-request-vpd-in-init_resources.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Modify-buffer-size-and-number-of-queues-on-f.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/ibmvnic-Revert-to-previous-mtu-when-unsupported-valu.patch. Add commit hash - commit 917e6ff - powerpc/64s: Wire up cpu_show_meltdown() (bsc#1068032). - commit 066f80a - CDC-ACM: apply quirk for card reader (bsc#1060279). - commit b9670bb - x86/mce: Make machine check speculation protected (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - commit 6961313 - ibmvnic: Allocate and request vpd in init_resources (bsc#1076872). - ibmvnic: Revert to previous mtu when unsupported value requested (bsc#1076872). - ibmvnic: Modify buffer size and number of queues on failover (bsc#1076872). - commit 2ae4beb - ibmvnic: Fix IPv6 packet descriptors (bsc#1076899). - ibmvnic: Fix IP offload control buffer (bsc#1076899). - commit b164618 - Refresh patches.drivers/nvmet-fc-cleanup-nvmet-add_port-remove_port.patch. - commit 04a2099 - arm64: Turn on KPTI only on CPUs that need it (bsc#1076187). - arm64: kpti: Fix the interaction between ASID switching and software PAN (bsc#1068032). - arm64: SW PAN: Update saved ttbr0 value on enter_lazy_tlb (bsc#1068032). - arm64: SW PAN: Point saved ttbr0 at the zero page when switching to init_mm (bsc#1068032). - arm64: KVM: Fix SMCCC handling of unimplemented SMC/HVC calls (bsc#1068032). - arm64: cputype: Add MIDR values for Cavium ThunderX2 CPUs (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Implement branch predictor hardening for Falkor (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Implement branch predictor hardening for affected Cortex-A CPUs (bsc#1068032). - drivers/firmware: Expose psci_get_version through psci_ops structure (bsc#1068032). - arm64: cputype: Add missing MIDR values for Cortex-A72 and Cortex-A75 (bsc#1068032). - arm64: KVM: Make PSCI_VERSION a fast path (bsc#1068032). - arm64: KVM: Use per-CPU vector when BP hardening is enabled (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Add skeleton to harden the branch predictor against aliasing attacks (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Move post_ttbr_update_workaround to C code (bsc#1068032). - arm64: cpufeature: Pass capability structure to ->enable callback (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Take into account ID_AA64PFR0_EL1.CSV3 (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Kconfig: Reword UNMAP_KERNEL_AT_EL0 kconfig entry (bsc#1068032). - arm64: use RET instruction for exiting the trampoline (bsc#1068032). - arm64: Define cputype macros for Falkor CPU (bsc#1068032). - arm64: entry.S: convert elX_irq (bsc#1068032). - arm64: entry.S convert el0_sync (bsc#1068032). - arm64: entry.S: convert el1_sync (bsc#1068032). - arm64: entry.S: Remove disable_dbg (bsc#1068032). - commit ff2c728 - x86: Use __nostackprotect for sme_encrypt_kernel (fate#322123). - commit 26b52c7 - scsi: fnic: do not call host reset from command abort (bsc#1075700). - commit d6f2a44 - x86/mm: Rework wbinvd, hlt operation in stop_this_cpu() (fate#322123). - x86/mm: Encrypt the initrd earlier for BSP microcode update (fate#322123). - x86/mm: Prepare sme_encrypt_kernel() for PAGE aligned encryption (fate#322123). - x86/mm: Centralize PMD flags in sme_encrypt_kernel() (fate#322123). - x86/mm: Use a struct to reduce parameters for SME PGD mapping (fate#322123). - x86/mm: Clean up register saving in the __enc_copy() assembly code (fate#322123). - commit 1891f37 - config: arm64: enable HARDEN_BRANCH_PREDICTOR - commit 4d0bfd9 - RDMA/mlx5: Fix out-of-bound access while querying AH (bsc#1046305 FATE#322943). - IB/hfi1: Prevent a NULL dereference (bsc#1060463 FATE#323043). - nfp: use the correct index for link speed table (bsc#1055968). - net/mlx5e: Don't override netdev features field unless in error flow (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - net/mlx5: Fix error handling in load one (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - net/mlx5: Fix mlx5_get_uars_page to return error code (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - net/mlx5: Fix get vector affinity helper function (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944 bsc#1075185). - {net,ib}/mlx5: Don't disable local loopback multicast traffic when needed (bsc#1046303 FATE#322944). - commit f819e2e - rpm/mkspec-dtb: Remove COPYING file (bsc#1076905). It conflicts between different versions of dtb package. - commit 0e5fcf9 - scsi: core: check for device state in __scsi_remove_target() (bsc#1071302). - scsi: fixup kernel warning during rmmod() (bsc#1071302). - commit df49e29 - Refresh patches.drivers/block-Provide-blk_status_t-decoding-for-path-errors.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/dm-mpath-Use-blk_path_error.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-Add-more-command-status-translation.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-multipath-Consult-blk_status_t-for-failover.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-multipath-Use-blk_path_error.patch. - Refresh patches.drivers/nvme-pci-take-sglist-coalescing-in-dma_map_sg-into-a.patch. Re-sort series.conf - commit b506849 - Delete patches.suse/e1000e-Avoid-receiver-overrun-interrupt-bursts.patch. See bsc#1075428 comment 24. A workaround is being discussed upstream. Remove this patch for now. I'll re-add it once the workaround lands upstream. - commit 5a22940 - module: Add retpoline tag to VERMAGIC (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/cpufeature: Move processor tracing out of scattered features (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - objtool: Improve error message for bad file argument (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - objtool: Fix seg fault with gold linker (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline: Add LFENCE to the retpoline/RSB filling RSB macros (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline: Fill RSB on context switch for affected CPUs (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - commit ffce37e - x86/retpoline: Remove compile time warning (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - Update config files. - x86/retpoline: Fill return stack buffer on vmexit (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline/xen: Convert Xen hypercall indirect jumps (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline/hyperv: Convert assembler indirect jumps (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline/ftrace: Convert ftrace assembler indirect jumps (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline/entry: Convert entry assembler indirect jumps (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline/crypto: Convert crypto assembler indirect jumps (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/spectre: Add boot time option to select Spectre v2 mitigation (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/retpoline: Add initial retpoline support (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - objtool: Allow alternatives to be ignored (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - objtool: Detect jumps to retpoline thunks (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/alternatives: Fix optimize_nops() checking (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - sysfs/cpu: Fix typos in vulnerability documentation (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/cpu: Implement CPU vulnerabilites sysfs functions (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - sysfs/cpu: Add vulnerability folder (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/cpufeatures: Add X86_BUG_SPECTRE_V (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/Documentation: Add PTI description (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/pti: Unbreak EFI old_memmap (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/pti: Rename BUG_CPU_INSECURE to BUG_CPU_MELTDOWN (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/alternatives: Add missing '\n' at end of ALTERNATIVE inline asm (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/mm: Map cpu_entry_area at the same place on 4/5 level (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/mm: Set MODULES_END to 0xffffffffff000000 (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/dumpstack: Print registers for first stack frame (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/cpu, x86/pti: Do not enable PTI on AMD processors (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/pti: Enable PTI by default (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/ldt: Make LDT pgtable free conditional (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/mm: Remove preempt_disable/enable() from __native_flush_tlb() (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - x86/smpboot: Remove stale TLB flush invocations (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5754). - commit 1c37e0f - x86/cpu/AMD: Make LFENCE a serializing instruction (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - x86/cpu/AMD: Use LFENCE_RDTSC in preference to MFENCE_RDTSC (bsc#1068032 CVE-2017-5753). - Delete patches.suse/0001-x86-cpu-AMD-Make-the-LFENCE-instruction-serialized.patch. - Delete patches.suse/0002-x86-cpu-AMD-Remove-now-unused-definition-of-MFENCE_R.patch. - commit 739d51a ==== kfilemetadata5 ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kfilemetadata5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix build with >=attr-2.4.48 ==== kgamma5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kgamma5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== kgeography ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kgeography-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kglobalaccel ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kglobalaccel5 libKF5GlobalAccel5 libKF5GlobalAccel5-lang libKF5GlobalAccelPrivate5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Use cmake function 'kdbusaddons_generate_dbus_service_file' from kdbusaddons to generate dbus service file (kde#382460) ==== kguiaddons ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix linking of created QCH file into QtGui docs ==== khangman ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: khangman-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kholidays ==== Version update (17.12.2 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * Now part of KDE Frameworks 5 * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php ==== khotkeys5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== khtml ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5KHtml5 libKF5KHtml5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== ki18n ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5I18n5 libKF5I18n5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix finding libintl when "cross"-compiling native Yocto packages ==== kiconthemes ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5IconThemes5 libKF5IconThemes5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kidletime ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kig ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kig-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kimageformats ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kinfocenter5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Ensure Registry gets destroyed before the Wayland connection (kde#387479) * Show high-resolution and vector logos properly in HighDPI mode (kde#388633) ==== kinit ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kinit-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix cross-compiling with MinGW (MXE) ==== kio ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kio-core kio-lang - Add patch to fix a problem that made kio copy files too slowly (kde#384561) * 0001-Dont-stat-etc-localtime-between-read-and-write.patch - Add patch to fix kdialog writing files with .bin extension in chrome when downloading files (kde#382437) * 0001-Fix-bug-382437-Regression-in-kdialog-causes-wrong-file-ext.patch - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Too many changes to list here - Dropped patches, now upstream: * 0001-Fix-KFilePreviewGenerator-LayoutBlocker.patch * fix-overlap-of-first-item-in-kfileplacesview.patch ==== kirigami2 ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kirigami2-lang libKF5Kirigami2-5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Too many changes to list here ==== kitemmodels ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: fix crash when there's no source model * KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: reimplement sibling() so it works as expected ==== kitemviews ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5ItemViews5 libKF5ItemViews5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kiten ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders kiten-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kjobwidgets ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5JobWidgets5 libKF5JobWidgets5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Code de-duplication in byteSize(double size) (kde#384561) ==== kjs ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5JS5 libKF5JSApi5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Make kdoctools dependency optional ==== kjsembed ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5JsEmbed5 libKF5JsEmbed5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Unexport kjscmd * Make kdoctools dependency optional ==== klettres ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: klettres-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kmahjongg ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kmahjongg-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kmenuedit5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== kmines ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kmines-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kmplot ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kmplot-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== knewstuff ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5NewStuff5 libKF5NewStuff5-lang libKF5NewStuffCore5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== knotifications ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Notifications5 libKF5Notifications5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix loading NotifyByExecute (kde#389284) ==== knotifyconfig ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5NotifyConfig5 libKF5NotifyConfig5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kpackage ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kpackage-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kparts ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Parts5 libKF5Parts5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kpat ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kpat-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kpeople5 ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kpeople5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kplotting ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kpty ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Pty5 libKF5Pty5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kqtquickcharts ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kreversi ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kreversi-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kross ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kross-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== krunner ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kscreen5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kscreen5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== kscreenlocker ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5 - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Require Qt 5.9 ==== kservice ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kservice-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== ksshaskpass5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== ksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: ksysguard5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.9 * Correction with the & problem in tabs (kde#382512) ==== ktexteditor ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: ktexteditor-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * improve line heigh computation try to avoid cutting of parts of glyphs * Fix: View jumps when Scroll past end of document is enabled (kde#306745) * KateView unit test: simplify finding KateViewInternal * Use at least the requested width for the argument hint tree * ExpandingWidgetModel: find the right-most column based on location * Simplify code: return early to reduce indentation depth ==== ktextwidgets ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5TextWidgets5 libKF5TextWidgets5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== ktouch ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: ktouch-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kunitconversion ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5UnitConversion5 libKF5UnitConversion5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kwallet ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: kwallet-tools kwallet-tools-lang kwalletd5 kwalletd5-lang libKF5Wallet5 libkwalletbackend5-5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kwayland ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix typo ==== kwayland-integration ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== kwidgetsaddons ==== Version update (5.42.1 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5WidgetsAddons5 libKF5WidgetsAddons5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.1: * autotest: enforce en_US locale and make it pass (it was relying on fr, oops) * Fix compiler warning, a quint16 is always <= 0xFFFF * autotests: more QCOMPAREs to debug CI failure * KDateComboBox: fix dateChanged() not emitted after typing a date (kde#364200) * KMultiTabBar: Fix regression in conversion to new style connect() ==== kwin5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: kwin5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Fix compilation without libinput * Make it possible to compile 5.12 branch with a kdecoration from master * [x11] Fix interactive point selection (kde#387720) * Block geometry updates on move resize finish and don't configure xdg shell surfaces while blocked (kde#388072) * Enable blending if a subsurface has an alpha channel ==== kwindowsystem ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5WindowSystem5 libKF5WindowSystem5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * autotests: set LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY so platform plugins are found uninstalled ==== kwordquiz ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kwordquiz-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== kxmlgui ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5XmlGui5 libKF5XmlGui5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== kxmlrpcclient5 ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5XmlRpcClient5 libKF5XmlRpcClient5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== ldb ==== Version update (1.2.2 -> 1.2.3) Subpackages: libldb1 python-ldb - Update to 1.2.3; (bsc#1080545); + Performance regression in DNS server with introduction of DNS wildcard; (bso#13191); ==== libKF5ModemManagerQt ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== libKF5NetworkManagerQt ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== libid3tag ==== - Added libid3tag-utf16.patch: Fixed id3_utf16_deserialize() in utf16.c, which previously misparsed ID3v2 tags encoded in UTF-16 with an odd number of bytes, triggering an endless loop allocating memory until OOM leading to DoS. (CVE-2004-2779 bsc#1081959 CVE-2017-11551 bsc#1081961) - Added libid3tag-unknown-encoding.patch: Fixed the handling of unknown encodings when parsing ID3 tags. (CVE-2017-11550 bsc#1081962 CVE-2008-2109 bsc#387731) - Removed libid3tag-0.15.1b-fix_overflow.patch, since it is handled differently by libid3tag-utf16.patch already. ==== libkdecoration2 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2private5 - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== libkdegames ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libkdegames-lang libkf5kdegames6 - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== libkeduvocdocument ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== libkmahjongg ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5 libkmahjongg-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== libkscreen2 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Fix missing Qt5::Gui in public link interface, pulled in by QQuaternion * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.9 ==== libksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: libksysguard5-helper libksysguard5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== libqt5-qtbase ==== Subpackages: libQt5Concurrent5 libQt5Core5 libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5OpenGL5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Sql5-mysql libQt5Sql5-sqlite libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5 libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3 - Add opengl-Bail-if-cached-shader-fails-to-load.patch: Fixing broken OpenGL rendering with cached shaders. This is especially systems with Mesa 18.0.0 or newer. Many thanks to Michal Srb and Fabian Vogt for hunting this down. This was truly a joint effort. Fixes boo#1080578 and all duplicates of boo#1079465. - Add -force-debug-info to also generate debug info in release builds (boo#1080551) ==== libqt5-qtwayland ==== Subpackages: libQt5WaylandClient5 libQt5WaylandCompositor5 - Add patch (pending upstream) to implement fullscreen windows for xdg-shell v6 (boo#1080447): * 0001-Handle-maximize-minimize-fullscreen-xdgshellv6.patch ==== libqt5-qtwebengine ==== - Switch to new build configuration system (boo#1043375) - Use better mechanism for limiting concurrent build jobs ==== libqt5-qtwebkit ==== Version update (5.9.0 -> 5.212~alpha2) Subpackages: libQt5WebKit5 libQt5WebKit5-imports libQt5WebKitWidgets5 - Use gcc-7 on 42.3 to fix mismatch with the optflags - Add patch to fix build failure with CMake 3.10 * fix-build-with-cmake-3.10.diff - Use Gstreamer for audio/video support optional - Add patch to keep the same private symbol version scheme: * tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch - Add patch to fix detection of OpenGL ES 2.0 with Qt >= 5.8: * fix-gles-detection.patch - Add patch to enable symbol versioning for libQt5WebKit.so.5 as well: * qt5webkit-symver.patch - Ported to Konstantin Tokarev's <annulen@yandex.ru> QtWebKit fork version 5.212.0 Alpha 2 (FATE#323918, bsc#1050469) * Based on WebKitGTK 2.12 (uses CMake instead of QMake) * Newer WebKit base * Improved support for web standards * Many bugfixes and patched security holes inherited from upstream WebKit * For more details please see: https://github.com/annulen/webkit/releases/tag/qtwebkit-5.212.0-alpha and https://github.com/annulen/webkit/releases/tag/qtwebkit-5.212.0-alpha2 - Drop unneeded patches * 03_hide_std_symbols.diff * 04_enable_debug_information.diff * 05-fix-linker-errors.diff * 7dac8c2d5f743563df76c2347c6ad394b6779ffc.patch * fix-build-icu59.patch * no-Werror-rpath.diff * reduce-link-optimization.diff * workaround-gcc7-crash.patch - Set minimum amount of RAM in _constraints to 10 GiB for x86_64 - Add patch to always enable X11 target build: * enable_x11_target_always.patch - Add patch to work around gcc7-related crash: * webkit-fix-WTF-StringImpl-copyChars-segfaults-with-gcc7.patch - Corrected License tag. QtWebKit is just LGPL-2.1+ and does not follow Qt's commercial-inspired licensing scheme of (L)GPLv3-only. - Update the license tag (boo#967696) - Update to 5.10 Beta 4 - Contains bugfixes - Update to 5.10 Beta 1 - For more information visit: https://blog.qt.io/blog/2017/10/09/qt-5-10-beta-released/ ==== libreoffice ==== Version update ( -> Subpackages: libreoffice-base libreoffice-base-drivers-mysql libreoffice-branding-upstream libreoffice-calc libreoffice-draw libreoffice-filters-optional libreoffice-gnome libreoffice-gtk3 libreoffice-icon-themes libreoffice-impress libreoffice-kde4 libreoffice-l10n-cs libreoffice-l10n-da libreoffice-l10n-de libreoffice-l10n-en libreoffice-l10n-es libreoffice-l10n-fi libreoffice-l10n-fr libreoffice-l10n-hu libreoffice-l10n-it libreoffice-l10n-ja libreoffice-l10n-nb libreoffice-l10n-nl libreoffice-l10n-pl libreoffice-l10n-pt_BR libreoffice-l10n-ru libreoffice-l10n-sv libreoffice-l10n-zh_CN libreoffice-l10n-zh_TW libreoffice-mailmerge libreoffice-math libreoffice-pyuno libreoffice-writer libreofficekit - Make sure we execute everything with python3 * 0001-Use-PYTHON_FOR_BUILD-instead-of-calling-python-direc.patch - Bump version of bundled gpgme to 1.9.0 - Version update to * various fixes all around * Fixes data exposure bsc#1080249 CVE-2018-1055 CVE-2018-6871 - Bump the version of libgpg-error - Drop the libreoffice-poppler-0.62.patch merged upstream ==== librsvg ==== Version update (2.40.18 -> 2.42.2) Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg librsvg-2-2 rsvg-thumbnailer typelib-1_0-Rsvg-2_0 - Update to version 2.42.2: + Don't crash when feConvolveMatrix doesn't specify orderx/ordery attributes (glgo#librsvg#193). + Parse stroke-dasharray property correctly. This code is in Rust now; yay! (glgo#librsvg#136). + Don't render markers if they are zero-sized, per the spec. + Performance: eliminate a bunch of string copies during parsing. + Update rust-cssparser to 0.23. - Update to version 2.42.1: + Parse the transform attribute in a faster/simpler way. We now use rust-cssparser instead of lalrpop. This is especially noticeable on SVGs with lots of "transform" attributes (glgo#librsvg#182). + Don't crash when setting a gradient on a zero-sized object (glgo#librsvg#187). + Inherit attributes in the <svg> element properly (glgo#librsvg#181). + rsvg-convert - fix error reporting when reading from stdin (glgo#librsvg#160). + Fix detection of image type in "data:" URIs when they don't specify a MIME type (glgo#librsvg#152). + More stringent parsing of path data; better tests (glgo#librsvg#133). + Fix typos and links in the .md files. - Update to version 2.42.0: + Fix a memory leak in rsvg_handle_new_from_file(). + Optimize the xml:space normalization function. + Fix a runtime warning in the feMergeNode code (glgo#GNOME/librsvg#179). + Clarify documentation about the rsvg_*_sub() APIs (glgo#GNOME/librsvg#175). + Stylistic fixes from cargo-clippy. + Port the Pango glue code to Rust. + New ARCHITECTURE.md with a description of librsvg's internals. - Clean up spec, use autosetup macro. - Update to version 2.41.2: + Bug fixes: - Mis-use of libxml2 (bgo#787895). - Allow masks and clips to reuse a node being drawn (bgo#761175). + Fixes: - xml:space normalization, per the spec. - Bugs from Coverity runs. - Loading files one byte at a time. - Some memory leaks. + Don't access the file system when deciding whether to load a remote file with a UNC path for a paint server (i.e. don't try to load it at all). + Add: - Support for cross-compilation of the Rust code. - Verbosity to Cargo. + Markers now have the correct default size per the SVG spec. + Don't render elements that establish a viewport if their viewBox size is 0, per the spec. + SVG elements ported to Rust: image, clipPath, mask, character data in elements. + Reference documentation now have an overview of the library and is DocBook 5.1. + Expanded the test suite. + Lots of internal refactoring. - Changes from version 2.41.0: + The big news is that parts of librsvg are now implemented in the Rust programming language, instead of C. The public API remains identical. Rust should provide us with memory safety and nicer built-in abstractions for the code, as well as an easier way to do unit tests. + Added an "--enable-debug" option to configure.ac - this will tell the Rust compiler to generate debugging code, instead of working in release mode. Note that you must still pass CFLAGS by hand by the regular means for the C code. + The path data parser now handles boolean values in Arc elements correctly. + Radial gradients now adjust the focus point correctly to be within the gradient's radius. + Stroke width normalization is now conformant to the spec. + Viewport-relative length normalization is now conformant to the spec. + Added some of the official SVG 1.1 test files to our test suite. Fixed a little bunch of conformance bugs. + Code that has been converted to Rust: marker orientations and rendering, path data parser, path building, length normalization, gradient inheritance, bounding boxes with affine transformations. + Added tests/README.md with instructions on how to run the test suite and update it. + rsvg-test can now skip files or directories that start with "ignore". + Fixes: - feImage filters when they reference SVG nodes. - eComponentTransferFunction when there are duplicated feFuncX. elements. - Conformance bugs in gradient inheritance. - A few minor issues. + Fixed bugs: bgo#763386, bgo#603550, bgo#776297, bgo#761871, bgo#686953. - Changes from version 2.41.1: + The feConvolveMatrix filter primitive now is working. + Pattern specifications can now have a fallback color, per the spec - https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#SpecifyingPaint + Tests now use a very basic form of reproducible font rendering. This means that "make check" should pass even if you have a custom Fontconfig setup. - A few cases of uninitialized struct fields. + Per the spec, we now don't render elements which have invalid attributes. + Don't crash in filters when one of them yields an invalid surface for an intermediate result. + Added a bunch of new test cases for the new features and the code converted to Rust. + cairo-rs 0.2.0 and lalrpop 0.13.1 are now required. + Fixes: - Recursive fallbacks in gradients. - Division by zero in feTile filter when the input surface is empty. - parsing of "azimuth", "elevation", "limitingConeAngle" for filter effects. + Fixed bugs: bgo#621088, bgo#587721, bgo#776932, bgo#777155, bgo#776297, bgo#777834, bgo#634324, bgo#783835, bgo#779489, bgo#782098, bgo#777833, bgo#786372, bgo#634514, bgo#785276, bgo#778666. - Update Url to https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/LibRsvg: current LibRsvg project's web page. - Add BuildRequires for the following new dependencies that upstream's rust implementation brought: cargo, rust and rust-std. - Add pkgconfig(cairo-png) BuildRequires: it was already being pulled with pkgconfig(cairo) and used, since they live in the same devel package. - Add gio-unix-2.0 and gthread-2.0 pkgconfig BuildRequires: they were already being pulled with pkgconfig(glib-2.0) and used, since they all live in glib2-devel package. - Adopt the use of %make_build rather than raw make command and switch %makeinstall by the preferred %make_install macros, following the best practices. - Remove obsoleted %clean section since RPM does this job now and replace old macro for number of jobs control with %make_build following best practices. - Change rsvg-thumbnailer subpackage group to Productivity/Graphics/Other as this is a better fit for it. - Export -Wl,-z,noexecstack LDFLAG to avoid executable-stack issues. It's only a temporary flag until upstream give feedback (glgo#GNOME/librsvg#177). - Fix RPM groups, drop redundant %clean section, update summaries. - Update to version 2.40.20: + Allow masks and clips to reuse a node being drawn (bgo#761175). + Don't access the file system when deciding whether to load a remote file with a UNC path for a paint server (i.e. don't try to load it at all). + Fix generation of Vala bindings when compiling in read-only source directories. - Update to version 2.40.19: + Fix the <switch> element; it wasn't working at all. + Fix loading when rsvg_handle_write() is called one byte at a time. + Backported the test suite machinery from the master branch. + Bugs fixed: bgo#587721, bgo#621088, bgo#634324, bgo#634514, bgo#777155, bgo#777833, bgo#782098, bgo#785276, bgo#786372, bgo#787895. - Add pkgconfig(fontconfig) and pkgconfig(pangoft2) BuildRequires: new dependencies verified by configure. ==== libsolv ==== Version update (0.6.31 -> 0.6.32) Subpackages: libsolv-tools python-solv - fixed bug that could make fileconflict detection very slow in some cases [bnc#953130] - bump version to 0.6.32 ==== libstorage-ng ==== Version update (3.3.163 -> 3.3.172) Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1 - Translated using Weblate (Finnish) - 3.3.172 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#475 - allow SystemCmd to verify program exit code - added base class for callbacks - added callbacks for probing (bsc#1070459 and many others) - use callbacks base class - use new verify feature of SystemCmd - improved error handling - work on handling errors during probe - updated pot file - use callbacks base class - coding style - extended documentation - 3.3.171 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#474 - fixed device existence check (bsc#1082143) - 3.3.170 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#473 - Default to GPT for creating partition tables (fate#323457) - 3.3.169 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#472 - insert mount and unmount actions for resize - added unit tests - 3.3.168 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#471 - fixed parsing /proc/mounts for ntfs - fixed error handling when ntfsresize fails - 3.3.167 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#470 - consistent names - remove duplicate actions - added helper functions - fixed integration test - adjust existing unit test to so far supported setup - coding style - renamed function to reflect recent changes - 3.3.166 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#469 - added possible_mount_bys() - 3.3.165 ==== libyui-qt-pkg ==== Version update (2.45.14 -> 2.45.15) - Contribution by LelCP: Add support for icon themes (boo#1081517) - 2.45.15 ==== libzypp ==== Version update (17.1.2 -> 17.1.3) - RpmDb::checkPackage: fix parsing localized rpm output (bsc#1076415) - Replace libexpat with libxml - Fix libzypp tests failing with `-Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS` compiler flag (fixes #84) - BuildRequire gpg2 as testcases need it (fixes #84) - version 17.1.3 (0) ==== mbox-importer ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: mbox-importer-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== messagelib ==== Subpackages: messagelib-lang - Add kde389592.patch to fix "Disable Emoticons" option not being remembered (boo#1078174, kde#389592) ==== milou5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: milou5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== mutter ==== Version update (3.26.2+20180127.d32d358a6 -> 3.26.2+20180207.4b2d21ff0) Subpackages: libmutter-1-0 mutter-data mutter-lang - Update to version 3.26.2+20180207.4b2d21ff0: + renderer/x11: Enable GPU memory purge error extension if available (bgo#739178). + cogl/x11/renderer: Silence introspection warning (bgo#739178). + backends/x11: Preserve XI1 XDevice throughout ClutterInputDevice lifetime (glgo#mutter#7). ==== oxygen5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Fix LnF theme data for window decoration ==== oxygen5-icon-theme ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: oxygen5-icon-theme-large - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== parley ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: parley-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== patterns-base ==== Subpackages: patterns-base-32bit patterns-base-apparmor patterns-base-apparmor_opt patterns-base-base patterns-base-basesystem patterns-base-console patterns-base-enhanced_base patterns-base-enhanced_base_opt patterns-base-minimal_base patterns-base-minimal_base-32bit patterns-base-sw_management patterns-base-update_test patterns-base-x11 patterns-base-x11_enhanced patterns-base-x11_opt - fix pattern names packgeand() lines of 32bit patterns (bsc#1079353) - put chrony in base system (bsc#1072351) - fix pattern() provides to use %2d instead of dash to avoid rpm parsing the string as name-version (bsc#1079353) - don't recommend insserv-compat as anything sysvinit is obsolete ==== perl-Image-ExifTool ==== Version update (10.55 -> 10.80) Subpackages: exiftool perl-File-RandomAccess - Update to version 10.80 (changes since 10.55): * See /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Image-ExifTool/Changes ==== php7 ==== Subpackages: apache2-mod_php7 php7-ctype php7-dom php7-iconv php7-json php7-mysql php7-pdo php7-pgsql php7-sqlite php7-tokenizer php7-xmlreader php7-xmlwriter - fixed memory leak in pgsql extension, php function pg_escape_bytea https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=75838 [bsc#1076970] (internal) + php7-pgsql-memory-leak.patch ==== pidgin ==== Subpackages: libpurple libpurple-lang libpurple-tcl - Remove pidgin-crash-missing-gst-registry.patch: is useless now and is potentially harmful. - Merge pidgin-nonblock-common2.patch to pidgin-nonblock-common.patch. ==== pim-data-exporter ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: pim-data-exporter-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== pim-sieve-editor ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: pim-sieve-editor-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== plasma-framework ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: plasma-framework-components plasma-framework-lang plasma-framework-private - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Define property in Units.qml for the Plasma styles * Include cstdlib for std::free * windowthumbnail: Fix the GLXFBConfig selection code * Revert "[Plasma Dialog] Call window effects only if visible" (kde#389352) * [Default Tooltip] Fix sizing (kde#386260, kde#389371) * [Examples] Fix build * parametrize qqc2 version * don't multiply svg sizes by devicepixelratio * [Plasma Dialog] Call window effects only if visible * [Plasma Theme] Guard against invalid KPluginInfo object (kde#389152) * Fix one source of log spam referenced in Bug 388389 (Empty filename passed to function) * [Calendar] Adjust the calendar toolbar anchors * API dox: Use code markup for described dataUpdated slot signature * [ConfigModel] Set QML context on ConfigModule (kde#388766) * [Icon Item] Treat sources starting with a slash as local file * fix RTL appearance for ComboBox (kde#387558) ==== plasma-nm5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: plasma-nm5-lang plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== plasma5-addons ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== plasma5-desktop ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Implement Tab/Backtab navigation (kde#387316) * [touchpad kcm] No KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain() in kded plugin * [knetattach] Fix i18n calls being made before QApp creation * [Mouse KCM] Check libinput Atom availability before using them (kde#389978) * [Task Manager] Use KFilePlacesModel::isHidden * Improve preview thumbnail quality (kde#376848) * minor optimization: use reserve() * [kwin & plasma-desktop runners] add missing TRANSLATION_DOMAIN definition * Fix kded5 startup warning: * Fix warnings in kded5 startup, due to i18n("") * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 ==== plasma5-integration ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== plasma5-openSUSE ==== Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE - Update to 5.12.1 ==== plasma5-pa ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Support "phone" form factor * Applet: Fix accessing SourceModel from main item (kde#390161) ==== plasma5-pk-updates ==== Subpackages: plasma5-pk-updates-lang - Update translations (boo#1077851) - Fix refresh logic on startup: * 0001-Only-save-the-last-update-timestep-on-success.patch * 0002-Show-that-the-last-check-failed-if-no-updates-availa.patch * 0003-List-known-updates-on-startup.patch - Update to 0.3.1. Changes: * concat the string * reload the cache when the updates had been installed meanwhile manually * Re-check selected packages once any is selected/deselected * Remove Plasma/PopupApplet from desktop file * Add notification about required restart/logout * Fix typo in icon name * Use new breeze icons * Make it compile with GCC < 5 * Simplify the logic a bit * Change the refresh logic and avoid unnecessary calls to the Packagekit Daemon * Add a checkbox to select/deselect all packages * Use native plasma components - Remove patches, now upstream: * 0001-Add-notification-about-required-restart-logout.patch * 0002-Remove-Plasma-PopupApplet-from-desktop-file.patch * fix-typo-in-icon-name.patch * use-new-breeze-icons.patch * use-native-plasma-components.patch * change-refresh-logic.patch * gcc48.diff * add-desktopfile-translations.patch - Add patch to fix relogin/restart notification (boo#951580) * 0001-Add-DefaultEvent-flag-to-fix-notification-for-relogi.patch - Add patch to fix translation of status string: * 0001-concat-the-string.patch - Generate an updated plasma-pk-updates-lang.tar.xz - Add upstream commits: * 0001-Add-notification-about-required-restart-logout.patch * 0002-Remove-Plasma-PopupApplet-from-desktop-file.patch - Add add-desktopfile-translations.patch to translate the name and description of the plasmoid - Update translations to the latest versions from SVN (boo#990362) - Add upstream commits fix-typo-in-icon-name.patch and use-new-breeze-icons.patch - Adjust filelist for the plasmoid appdata, installed with KF > 5.25.0 - Add use-native-plasma-components.patch: fixes problems with dark Plasma themes (boo#953669, kde#359308) - Add translations (plasma-pk-updates-lang.tar.xz) - Add patch change-refresh-logic.patch. This prevents the plasmoid from starting the PackageKit Daemon on a hourly basis. This also prevents unnecessary notifications. (boo#955352) - Change the obsoletes for apper to a higher version number to make sure that it gets removed. Current apper version is 0.9.2 and therefore higher than the version of plasma5-pk-updates - Obsolete apper ==== plasma5-workspace ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Improve appearance of the logout dialog on wayland * Fix Breeze LnF theme data for window decoration * Fix dupe handling in requestAddLauncherToActivities; improve unit test * [Notifications] Let clear entry also clear history * [LauncherTasksModel] Support applications: URLs in requestOpenUrls * [appstream runner] Add missing Messages.sh file and set TRANSLATION_DOMAIN ==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== postfix ==== - bsc#1065411 Package postfix should require package system-user-nobody - bsc#1080772 postfix smtpd throttle getting "hello" if no sasl auth was configured ==== powerdevil5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * None ==== prison-qt5 ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== purpose ==== Version update (1.2.1 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: purpose-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * Now part of KDE Frameworks 5 * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 1.2.1: * Too many changes to list here ==== qqc2-desktop-style ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * use the inactive or disabled color group when needed * Apply some C++11 niceties, styling consistency * Add BusyIndicator to the styled controls list * remove flicker when hovering scrollbar * Cache KColorScheme instances ==== ruby-common ==== - generate bundled(rubygem($name)) = $version provides for bundled gems in the vendor directory. ==== ruby2.5 ==== Version update (2.5.0~rc1 -> 2.5.0) Subpackages: libruby2_5-2_5 ruby2.5-stdlib - fix dump-versions.rb: it was picking up system rdoc versions on some source dirs - add reproducible build patches from debian 0003-Mark-Gemspec-reproducible-change-fixing-784225-too.patch 0004-Make-gemspecs-reproducible.patch - drop 316f58076d29dcff053256992d9ec19fed7e698f.patch - no longer bundling bundler - update to 2.5.0 final Ruby 2.5.0 is the first stable release of the Ruby 2.5 series. It introduces many new features and performance improvements. The notable changes are as follows: - New Features - rescue/else/ensure are now allowed to be used directly with do/end blocks. [Feature #12906] - Add yield_self to yield given block in its context. Unlike tap, it returns the result of the block. [Feature #6721] - Support branch coverage and method coverage measurement. The branch coverage indicates which branches are executed and which are not. The method coverage indicates which methods are invoked and which are not. By running the test suite with these new features, you will know which branches and methods are executed, and evaluate total coverage of the test suite more strictly. [Feature #13901] - Hash#slice [Feature #8499] and Hash#transform_keys [Feature [#13583]] - Struct.new can create classes that accept keyword arguments. [Feature #11925] - Enumerable#any?,all?,none? and one? accept a pattern argument [Feature #11286] - Top-level constant look-up is no longer available. [Feature [#11547]] - One of our most loved libraries, pp.rb, is now automatically loaded. You no longer have to write require "pp". [Feature [#14123]] - Print backtrace and error message in reverse order (oldest call first, most recent call last). When a long backtrace appears on your terminal (TTY), you can easily find the cause line at the bottom of the backtrace. Note that the order is reversed only when backtrace is printed out to the terminal directly. [Feature #8661] [experimental] - Performance improvements - About 5-10% performance improvement by removing all trace instructions from overall bytecode (instruction sequences). The trace instruction was added to support the TracePoint. However, in most cases, TracePoint is not used and trace instructions are pure overhead. Instead, now we use a dynamic instrumentation technique. See [Feature #14104] for more details. - Block passing by a block parameter (e.g. def foo(&b); bar(&b); end) is about 3 times faster than Ruby 2.4 by ?Lazy Proc allocation? technique. [Feature #14045] - Mutex is rewritten to be smaller and faster. [Feature #13517] - ERB now generates code from a template which runs twice as fast as Ruby 2.4. - Improve performance of some built-in methods including Array#concat, Enumerable#sort_by, String#concat, String#index, Time#+ and more. - IO.copy_stream uses copy_file_range(2) to copy offload [Feature #13867] - Other notable changes since 2.4 - SecureRandom now prefers OS-provided sources over OpenSSL. [Bug #9569] - Promote cmath, csv, date, dbm, etc, fcntl, fiddle, fileutils, gdbm, ipaddr, scanf, sdbm, stringio, strscan, webrick, zlib from standard libraries to default gems. - Update to Onigmo 6.1.3. - It adds the absence operator. - Note that Ruby 2.4.1 also includes this change. - Update to Psych 3.0.2. - Update to RubyGems 2.7.3. - Update to RDoc 6.0.1. - Switch the lexer from IRB based one to Ripper. This dramatically improves the performance of document generation. - Fix a significant amount of bugs that existed over ten years. - Add support for new Ruby syntax from the latest versions. - Update supported Unicode version to 10.0.0. - Thread.report_on_exception is now set to true by default. This change helps debugging of multi-threaded programs. [Feature #14143] - IO#write now receives multiple arguments [Feature #9323] For details see: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/v2_5_0/NEWS https://github.com/ruby/ruby/compare/v2_4_0...v2_5_0 - switch to https urls ==== samba ==== Version update (4.7.3+git.30.54c196e5d35 -> 4.7.5+git.37.6d30796c515) Subpackages: libdcerpc-binding0 libdcerpc0 libndr-krb5pac0 libndr-nbt0 libndr-standard0 libndr0 libnetapi0 libsamba-credentials0 libsamba-errors0 libsamba-hostconfig0 libsamba-passdb0 libsamba-policy0 libsamba-util0 libsamdb0 libsmbclient0 libsmbconf0 libsmbldap2 libtevent-util0 libwbclient0 samba-client samba-dsdb-modules samba-kdc samba-libs samba-python samba-winbind - Update to 4.7.5; (bsc#1080545); + smbd tries to release not leased oplock during oplock II downgrade; (bso#13193); + Fix copying file with empty FinderInfo from Windows client to Samba share with fruit; (bso#13181); + build: Deal with recent glibc sunrpc header removal; (bso#10976); + Make Samba work with tirpc and libnsl2; (bso#13238); + vfs_ceph: Add fs_capabilities hook to avoid local statvfs; (bso#13208); (bsc#1075206); + Kerberos: PKINIT: Can't decode algorithm parameters in clientPublicValue; (bso#12986); + ctdb-recovery-helper: Deregister message handler in error paths; (bso#13188); + samba: Only use async signal-safe functions in signal handler; (bso#13240); + Kerberos: PKINIT: Can't decode algorithm parameters in clientPublicValue; (bso#12986); + repl_meta_data: Fix linked attribute corruption on databases with unsorted links on expunge. dbcheck: Add functionality to fix the corrupt database; (bso#13228); + Fix smbd panic when chdir returns error during exit; (bso#13189); + Make Samba work with tirpc and libnsl2; (bso#13238); + Fix POSIX ACL support on HPUX and possibly other big-endian OSs; (bso#13176); - Update to 4.7.4; (bsc#1080545); + s3: smbclient: Implement 'volume' command over SMB2; (bso#13140); + s3: libsmb: Fix valgrind read-after-free error in cli_smb2_close_fnum_recv(); (bso#13171); + s3: libsmb: Fix reversing of oldname/newname paths when creating a reparse point symlink on Windows from smbclient; (bso#13172); + Build man page for vfs_zfsacl.8 with Samba; (bso#12934); + repl_meta_data: Allow delete of an object with dangling backlinks; (bso#13095); + s4:samba: Fix default to be running samba as a deamon; (bso#13129); + Performance regression in DNS server with introduction of DNS wildcard, ldb: Release 1.2.3; (bso#13191); + vfs_zfsacl: Fix compilation error; (bso#6133); + "smb encrypt" setting changes are not fully applied until full smbd restart; (bso#13051); + winbindd: Fix idmap_rid dependency on trusted domain list; (bso#13052); + vfs_fruit: Proper VFS-stackable conversion of FinderInfo; (bso#13155); + winbindd: Dependency on trusted-domain list in winbindd in critical auth codepath; (bso#13173); + repl_meta_data: Fix removing of backlink on deleted objects; (bso#13120); + ctdb: sock_daemon leaks memory; (bso#13153); + TCP tickles not getting synchronised on CTDB restart; (bso#13154); + winbindd: winbind parent and child share a ctdb connection; (bso#13150); + pthreadpool: Fix deadlock; (bso#13170); + pthreadpool: Fix starvation after fork; (bso#13179); + messaging: Always register the unique id; (bso#13180); + s4/smbd: set the process group; (bso#13129); + Fix broken linked attribute handling; (bso#13095); + The KDC on an RWDC doesn't send error replies in some situations; (bso#13132); + libnet_join: Fix 'net rpc oldjoin'; (bso#13149); + g_lock conflict detection broken when processing stale entries; (bso#13195); + s3:smb2_server: allow logoff, close, unlock, cancel and echo on expired sessions; (bso#13197); + s3:libads: net ads keytab list fails with "Key table name malformed"; (bso#13166); (bsc#1067700); + Fix crash in pthreadpool thread after failure from pthread_create; (bso#13170); + s4:samba: Allow samba daemon to run in foreground; (bso#13129); (bsc#1065551); + third_party: Link the aesni-intel library with "-z noexecstack"; (bso#13174); + vfs_glusterfs: include glusterfs/api/glfs.h without relying on "-I" options; (bso#13125); ==== solid ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5Solid5 libKF5Solid5-lang solid-imports solid-tools - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * unset maintainer * [UDisks] Only ignore non-user backing file if it is known (kde#389358) * [UDisks] Ignore non-user mounts (kde#379516) * [UDisks Device] Show loop device with their backing file name and icon ==== sonnet ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5SonnetCore5 libKF5SonnetCore5-lang libKF5SonnetUi5 - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Find Aspell dictionaries on Windows * Fix compilation of just the UI-less host tools ==== speech-dispatcher ==== Version update (0.8.7 -> 0.8.8) Subpackages: libspeechd2 python3-speechd speech-dispatcher-module-espeak - Update to version 0.8.8 * Add German translation, thanks to Chris Leick for the patch * Fix some spelling mistakes, thanks to Paul Gevers for the patch * Some slight code improvements ==== step ==== Version update (17.12.1 -> 17.12.2) Subpackages: step-lang - Update to 17.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-17.12.2.php - Changes since 17.12.1: * None ==== syntax-highlighting ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) Subpackages: libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5 libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5-lang - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * Fix C# var regex * Support for underscores in numeric literals (Python 3.6) (kde#385422) * AppArmor: Fix style * Highlight Khronos Collada and glTF files * Fix ini highlighting of values containing ; or # characters * AppArmor: new keywords, improvements & fixes ==== system-config-printer ==== Subpackages: python3-cupshelpers system-config-printer-applet system-config-printer-common system-config-printer-common-lang system-config-printer-dbus-service udev-configure-printer - Do not recommend dbus(com.redhat.NewPrinterNotification) as this would pull in desktop applets also on a server installation (boo#1081691) ==== systemd ==== Subpackages: libsystemd0 libudev1 libudev1-32bit systemd-32bit systemd-bash-completion systemd-sysvinit udev - Re-enable systemd-firstboot It's used by the installer and also by JeOS. - Import commit 0987985db5a5797db8dc708e67166d329fa74858 1293c0056 core: use id unit when retrieving unit file state (#8038) (bsc#1075801) 596b2b241 Revert "vconsole-setup: add SUSE specific settings for font/keyboard in sysconfig" 0b595da04 Revert "locale-setup: handle locale at boot time well" 2a181fc6f insserv-generator: make it build with meson 7b0401da4 build-sys: don't build networkctl if networkd is disabled b1e0a348d fileio: include sys/mman.h f1fa784cb meson: update header file to detect memfd_create() 8838ba7ec meson: define _GNU_SOURCE to detect copy_file_range() (#7734) - Disable systemd-firstboot I don't think there's any use case for it currently. - Drop unused code dealing with tmp.mount Commit "Don't ship /usr/lib/systemd/system/tmp.mnt at all (bsc#1071224)" forgot to delete this chunk of code which is no more needed. - Make systemd-timesyncd use the openSUSE NTP servers by default Previously systemd-timesyncd used the Google Public NTP servers time{1..4}.google.com ==== systemsettings5 ==== Version update (5.12.0 -> 5.12.1) Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang - Update to 5.12.1 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.1.php - Changes since 5.12.0: * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.0 * Fix crash when searching ==== threadweaver ==== Version update (5.42.0 -> 5.43.0) - Update to 5.43.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.43.0.php - Changes since 5.42.0: * None ==== tracker ==== Version update (2.0.2 -> 2.0.3) Subpackages: libtracker-common-2_0 libtracker-control-2_0-0 libtracker-miner-2_0-0 libtracker-sparql-2_0-0 tracker-lang typelib-1_0-Tracker-2_0 typelib-1_0-TrackerControl-2_0 - Update to version 2.0.3: + build: - Improvements in meson support. - Remove stale dependencies after Tracker miners split. + tests: - Many fixes to functional tests. - Remove old checks for maemo-specific features. + libtracker-miner: Small code improvements. + libtracker-sparql: use gint32 to unpack 'i' GVariant format. + Updated translations. - Drop tracker-nb-translations.patch: Fixed upstream. - Minor spec-clean, use autosetup and make_build macros. ==== tracker-miners ==== Version update (2.0.3 -> 2.0.4) Subpackages: tracker-miner-files tracker-miners-lang - Update to version 2.0.4: + build: Allow building tracker repo as a meson subproject. + libtracker-common: Rename to libtracker-miners-common. + libtracker-miners-common: Whitelist arm_fadvise64_64, getegid and getegid32 syscalls. + tracker-extract: - Add GExiv2-based extractor module for RAW files. - Blacklist gstreamer modules via plugin instead of via feature. - Blacklist video4linux2 gstreamer plugin. - Use enumerations for EXIF values. - Fix image pixel density conversions. + tracker-miner-fs: Avoid setting rdf:types on empty files. + meson: dependency check fixes. + Updated translations. - Drop tracker-miners-nb-translations.patch: Fixed upstream. ==== unar ==== - add unrar_wrapper.py (https://github.com/openSUSE/unrar_wrapper) that provides the basic backwards compatibility with unrar [fate#323896] - unar now obsoletes non-free unrar - run spec-cleaner ==== unixODBC ==== - bsc#1062860: Don't install postgres example driver psqlODBC package should be used instead of the example driver provided by unixODBC (libodbcpsql.*). It is unmaintained. ==== unzip ==== Subpackages: unzip-doc - Add CVE-2018-1000035.patch: Fix a heap-based buffer overflow in password protected ZIP archives (CVE-2018-1000035 bsc#1080074) ==== xdm ==== - switch from SUSEfirewall2 to firewalld: /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/xdmcp --> /usr/lib/firewalld/services/x11.xml; only handle Xserver TCP/UDP ports 6000-6063; XDMCP port 177 will be handled by firewalld package itself and pushed upstream by firewalld maintainers (boo#1082033) - xdm.tar.bz2/Xstartup * reverted workaround for DISPLAY being set to 'null', since the bug is supposed to be fixed properly in gdm now (bsc#1068016) ==== xf86-video-vesa ==== Version update (2.3.4 -> 2.4.0) - Update to version 2.4.0 * Nothing terribly exciting, but enough bug fixes to justify a release. - supersedes u_Enable-DefaultRefresh-by-default.patch ==== xfs ==== - fixed build (looks like a manual page has been dropped) ==== yast2-control-center ==== Version update (4.0.0 -> 4.0.1) Subpackages: yast2-control-center-qt - Fixes to way icons are displayed (boo#1081517) - 4.0.1 ==== yast2-firewall ==== Version update (4.0.14 -> 4.0.15) - Fixed "default_zone" in rnc file. (bnc#1013047) - 4.0.15 ==== yast2-network ==== Version update (4.0.14 -> 4.0.15) - Virtualization Bridge Proposal: Do not propose network interfaces without link as bridgeable (bsc#1062596, bsc#1072951). - 4.0.15 ==== yast2-packager ==== Version update (4.0.39 -> 4.0.41) - Added textdomain in order to activate translation (bnc#1081365). - 4.0.41 - Added product renames for the SDK and the Toolchain module (bsc#1080913) - 4.0.40 ==== yast2-storage-ng ==== Version update (4.0.97 -> 4.0.108) - adapted to callback improvements in libstorage-ng (bsc#1070459 and many others) - 4.0.108 - Added missing textdomain calls (bsc#1081454) - 4.0.107 - AutoYaST: fix support to create multiple volume groups (bsc#1081633). - 4.0.106 - Added missing ptable type conversion (fate#323457) - 4.0.105 - Changed default partition table from MSDOS to GPT (fate#323457) - 4.0.104 - ensure partition name changes during the proposal process are taken properly into account (bsc#1078691) - 4.0.103 - Use sysconfig storage file to read the default value for mount_by (bsc#1081198). - Partitioner: allow to configure default value for mount_by. - 4.0.102 - Do not take into account unformatted DASDs as a possible target for installation (bsc#1071798). - Partitioner: do not show unformatted DASDs, since they cannot be partitioned or used in any other way. - AutoYaST: guess which filesystem type should be used for a given partition/logical volume when it is not specified in the profile (bsc#1075203). - Special handling for mount options for / and /boot/* in the partitioner (bsc#1080731) - 4.0.101 - Partitioner: bring back traditional list of mount points for both installation and installed system (bsc#1076167 and bsc#1081200). - Partitioner: bring back traditional behavior of the "Operating System" and "Data" roles during installation (bsc#1078975 and bsc#1073854). - 4.0.100 - Special handling for mount options for / and /boot/* (bsc#1080731, bsc#1061867, bsc#1077859) - 4.0.99 - Ensure that there is always selected item in table, if it is not empty (bsc#1076318) - 4.0.98 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org
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Ludwig Nussel