New Tumbleweed snapshot 20210425 released!

Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on For more information on filing bugs please see Packages changed: NetworkManager (1.30.0 -> 1.30.4) NetworkManager-openvpn (1.8.12 -> 1.8.14) adwaita-icon-theme (40.rc -> 40.0) akonadi-calendar (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) akonadi-calendar-tools (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) akonadi-contact (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) akonadi-import-wizard (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) akonadi-mime (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) akonadi-notes (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) akonadi-search (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) akonadi-server (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) akregator (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) analitza (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ark (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) avahi baloo5-widgets (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) blinken (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) bovo (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) calendarsupport (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) cervisia (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) cups-filters devhelp (40.alpha -> 40.0) dolphin (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) dragonplayer (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) eventviews (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) evince (3.39.2 -> 40.1) ffmpegthumbs (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) fltk gcr (3.38.1 -> 3.40.0) gedit (40.0 -> 40.1) git glib2 (2.68.0 -> 2.68.1) gnome-keyring (3.36.0 -> 40.0) gnome-session (40.beta -> 40.0) gnome-settings-daemon (40.0 -> 40.0.1) gnome-shell-extensions gnome-tweaks (40.beta -> 40.0) grantleetheme (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) gtk-vnc (1.0.0 -> 1.2.0) gtk3 (3.24.27 -> 3.24.28) gtk4 (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) gtksourceview4 gwenview5 (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) iftop incidenceeditor (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) jhead (3.04 -> juk (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) k3b (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kaccounts-integration (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kaccounts-providers (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kaddressbook (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kalarmcal (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kalgebra (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kamera (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kanagram (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kapptemplate (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kate (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) katomic (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kblackbox (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kblocks (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kbounce (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kbreakout (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kbruch (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kcachegrind (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kcalc (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kcalutils (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kcharselect (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kcolorchooser (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kcron (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kde-print-manager (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdeconnect-kde (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdeedu-data (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdegraphics-thumbnailers (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdenetwork-filesharing (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdepim-addons (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdepim-runtime (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdf (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdialog (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kdiamond (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kernel-source (5.11.15 -> 5.11.16) kgeography (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kget (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kgoldrunner (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) khangman (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) khelpcenter5 (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kidentitymanagement (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kig (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kimap (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kio-extras5 (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kio_audiocd (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kipi-plugins (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kiriki (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kiten (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kitinerary (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kjumpingcube (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kldap (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kleopatra (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) klines (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmag (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmahjongg (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmail (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmail-account-wizard (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmailtransport (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmbox (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmime (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmines (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmousetool (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmouth (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kmplot (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) knavalbattle (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) knetwalk (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) knotes (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kolf (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kollision (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kolourpaint (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kompare (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) konquest (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) konsole (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kontact (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kontactinterface (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) konversation (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kopete (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) korganizer (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kpat (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kpimtextedit (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kpkpass (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kqtquickcharts (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) krdc (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kreversi (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) krfb (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kruler (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kshisen (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ksirk (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ksmtp (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kspaceduel (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ksquares (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ksudoku (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ksystemlog (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kteatime (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ktimer (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ktnef (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) ktouch (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kturtle (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kubrick (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kwalletmanager5 (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) kwordquiz (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libgravatar (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libgweather (40.beta -> 40.0) libhandy (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1) libhugetlbfs libiscsi (1.19.0+git.20201217 -> 1.19.0+git.20210208) libkcddb (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkcompactdisc (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkdcraw (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkdegames (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkdepim (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkeduvocdocument (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkexiv2 (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkgapi (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkipi (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkleo (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkmahjongg (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libkomparediff2 (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libksane (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libksieve (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libktorrent (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) libqt5-qtdeclarative libraw libzypp (17.25.8 -> 17.25.9) lokalize (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) lskat (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) mailcommon (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) mailimporter (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) mbox-importer (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) messagelib (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) mobipocket (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) mutter nautilus okular (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) pango (1.48.3 -> 1.48.4) parley (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) pim-data-exporter (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) pim-sieve-editor (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) pimcommon (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) python-gobject (3.40.0 -> 3.40.1) python-hyperframe (6.0.0 -> 6.0.1) python-kiwi (9.23.22 -> 9.23.25) rsyslog (8.2102.0 -> 8.2104.0) rubygem-passenger seahorse (40.alpha -> 40.0) signon-kwallet-extension (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) spectacle (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) step (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) sweeper (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) tracker (3.1.0 -> 3.1.1) tracker-miners (3.1.0 -> 3.1.1) umbrello (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) wireshark (3.4.4 -> 3.4.5) xf86-video-intel (2.99.917+git8674.25c9a2fcc -> 2.99.917.916_g31486f40) yakuake (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) yast2-drbd (4.3.3 -> 4.4.1) yast2-isns (4.3.0 -> 4.4.1) === Details === ==== NetworkManager ==== Version update (1.30.0 -> 1.30.4) Subpackages: NetworkManager-lang libnm0 typelib-1_0-NM-1_0 - Update to version 1.30.4: + Fix crash evaluating match setting properties (CVE-2021-20297). + Fix leak of local route added by NetworkManager for configured addresses. + Fix name of the device autoconnect D-Bus property. + Multiple bugfixes in the initrd generator. + Various minor bugfixes. - Update to version 1.30.2: + Increase the limit of open file descriptors in NetworkManager.service. + Fix hostname lookup via DNS when resolv.conf is managed by systemd-resolved. + Enable WPA3 for Wi-Fi connections with key_mgmt=WPA-PSK. + Fix crash with the IWD Wi-Fi backend. + Avoid logging warning when setting bond option "ad_actor_system=00:00:00:00:00:00". + Update SpecificObject D-Bus property of ActiveConnection after WiFi roaming. + Multiple bugfixes in the initrd generator. + Various minor bugfixes. - Drop NM-restore-MAC-on-release-only-when-cloned.patch: fixed upstream. ==== NetworkManager-openvpn ==== Version update (1.8.12 -> 1.8.14) Subpackages: NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome NetworkManager-openvpn-lang - Update to version 1.8.14: + Add support for the following OpenVPN options: push-peer-info, remote-random-hostname, tls-crypt-v2. + Add --explicit-exit-notify by default when using UDP. + Fix compatibility issues with OpenVPN 2.5.0. + Update translations. ==== adwaita-icon-theme ==== Version update (40.rc -> 40.0) - Update to version 40.0: + No changes compared to 40.rc. ==== akonadi-calendar ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-lang akonadi-plugin-calendar libKF5AkonadiCalendar5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== akonadi-calendar-tools ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-tools-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * It compiles fine with QT_NO_KEYWORDS * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Port foreach * Remove extra ; * Add support for USE_UNITY_CMAKE_SUPPORT compile support * Fix compile on windows by removing unused header ==== akonadi-contact ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-contact-lang akonadi-plugin-contacts libKF5AkonadiContact5 libKF5ContactEditor5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== akonadi-import-wizard ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-import-wizard-lang libKPimImportWizard5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== akonadi-mime ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-mime-lang akonadi-plugin-mime libKF5AkonadiMime5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use auto vs auto * where it's possible * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Modernize code * Allow to use UNITY build * Remove KF5Codecs * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 * Add missing override on destructor ==== akonadi-notes ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-notes-lang libKF5AkonadiNotes5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Make sure that it doesn't compile with foreach ==== akonadi-search ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-search-lang libKF5AkonadiSearch - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Use utf8 for source code - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== akonadi-server ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-server-lang libKF5AkonadiAgentBase5 libKF5AkonadiCore5 libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 libKF5AkonadiWidgets5 libKF5AkonadiXml5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== akregator ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akregator-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * Avoid accidentally generating reserved values of feed IDs * Treat feed IDs as unsigned everywhere (kde#429444) * Fix empty article list after qtbase commit 4796296ed - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Fix Bug 397752 - HTML articles appear very small (kde#397752) * Fix Bug 420520 - tray icon always shown (kde#420520) - Drop upstream patch: * akregator-fix_systray.patch ==== analitza ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: analitza-lang libAnalitza5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove unimplemented methods * Don't use QtTest as include ==== ark ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ark-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * appstream: fix homepage url - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Add destUrl to jobs (kde#408778) * Display confirmation dialog only once when files in archive are modified (kde#382606) * Ark KPart: restore mismatch of componentname and plugin id (kde#429616) ==== avahi ==== Subpackages: avahi-lang libavahi-client3 libavahi-client3-32bit libavahi-common3 libavahi-common3-32bit libavahi-core7 - Add avahi-CVE-2021-3468.patch: avoid infinite loop by handling HUP event in client_work (boo#1184521 CVE-2021-3468). ==== baloo5-widgets ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: baloo5-widgets-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * TagsFileItemAction: add Menu windowflag * Tagging fileitemplugin: use parent Widget as menu parent * Remove unused includes ==== blinken ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: blinken-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Add CC0-1.0 license text * Specify font license according to REUSE spec * Add license markers to docbook * Update license statements in appdata * Add license texts according to REUSE specification * Convert license statements to SPDX * Documentation update ==== bovo ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: bovo-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Add content rating ==== calendarsupport ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: calendarsupport-lang libKF5CalendarSupport5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== cervisia ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: cervisia-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== cups-filters ==== - fix_upstream_issue348.patch fixes foomatic-rip segfaults with 'job-sheets=none,none' but works with 'job-sheets=none' (bsc#1182893) ==== devhelp ==== Version update (40.alpha -> 40.0) Subpackages: devhelp-lang emacs-plugin-devhelp gedit-plugin-devhelp vim-plugin-devhelp - Update to version 40.0: + Updated translations. ==== dolphin ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: dolphin-part dolphin-part-lang libdolphinvcs5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * KFileItemModel: DetailsModeSettings::directorySizeCount forces m_sortDirsFirst * appstream: fix homepage url * Fix crash calling openDirectories() in various cases * Don't re-open already-open URLs when using session-restore feature (kde#434911) - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. - Drop 0001-Update-cached-viewContainer-geometry-every-time-they.patch ==== dragonplayer ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: dragonplayer-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use .in suffix for header file that is passed to configure_file() * Add .in suffix to desktop file that is passed to configure_file() * Build with QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII, missing one due to the version check * Convert license statements to SPDX expressions ==== eventviews ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: eventviews-lang libKF5EventViews5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Display recurrence without main incidence - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== evince ==== Version update (3.39.2 -> 40.1) Subpackages: evince-lang evince-plugin-comicsdocument evince-plugin-djvudocument evince-plugin-dvidocument evince-plugin-pdfdocument evince-plugin-tiffdocument evince-plugin-xpsdocument libevdocument3-4 libevview3-3 nautilus-evince typelib-1_0-EvinceDocument-3_0 typelib-1_0-EvinceView-3_0 - Add 3 patches from upstream (reversed) to remove more synctex related patches in SLE/Leap where texlive is too old (boo#1184093): + 0001-reversed-synctex-Annotate-more-functions-that-wraps-formatting-strings.patch + 0002-reversed-synctex-Sync-against-upstream-synctex.patch + 0003-reversed-cut-n-paste-Annotate-functions-that-wraps-formatting-strings.patch - Rebase patch since meson is used now instead of autoconf: + 0006-reversed-synctex-Update-from-version-1.18-to-1.21.patch - Update to version 40.1: + Avoid changing soname. - Changes from version 40.0: + comics: Add support for RAR v5 archives through libarchive. + Updated appliction help. + unarr: Add error reporting to open function. + Shell: - Add two new shortcuts. - Set page cache size with correct type. + Updated translations. ==== ffmpegthumbs ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ffmpegthumbs-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use FindTagLib from ECM * ecm_qt_install_logging_categories() needs ECM 5.68.0 * Install a logging categories file for kdebugsettings * Handle AV_LOG_TRACE messages at qCDebug() level ==== fltk ==== - explicitly pass -fPIC and -pie via CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to make /usr/bin/fluid an position-independent executable. fltk by default passed -fPIC but not - pie, which breaks our gcc-PIE profil. (bsc#1184122). ==== gcr ==== Version update (3.38.1 -> 3.40.0) Subpackages: gcr-data gcr-lang gcr-prompter gcr-ssh-askpass gcr-viewer libgck-1-0 libgcr-3-1 typelib-1_0-Gck-1 typelib-1_0-Gcr-3 - Update to version 3.40.0: + FEATURE: add hkps:// to keyserver defaults. + gcr/key-mechanism: Port to GTask. + GckCall: Simplify the code by using GTask based implementation. + Updated translations. - Make use of the new gpg_path meson option by passing %{_bindir}/gpg2 as value to it: We know that openSUSE installs gpg2 to this path. Allows to drop gpg2 BuildRequires. - Drop pkgconfig(gtk+-x11-3.0) BuildRequires: no longer needed. ==== gedit ==== Version update (40.0 -> 40.1) Subpackages: gedit-lang python3-gedit - Update to version 40.1: + Use document folder when opening new files. + Huge CPU consumption when a folder with content is deleted. + Updated translations. ==== git ==== Subpackages: git-core git-cvs git-daemon git-email git-gui git-svn git-web gitk perl-Git - Remove deprecated "syslog" option from git-daemon.service (bsc#1185147) ==== glib2 ==== Version update (2.68.0 -> 2.68.1) Subpackages: glib2-lang glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libgio-2_0-0-32bit libglib-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0-32bit libgmodule-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit libgobject-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0-32bit libgthread-2_0-0 libgthread-2_0-0-32bit - Update to version 2.68.1: + Fix a crash in `GKeyFile` when parsing a file which contains translations using a `GKeyFile` instance which has loaded another file previously. + Pin GIO DLL in memory on Windows. + Updated translations. ==== gnome-keyring ==== Version update (3.36.0 -> 40.0) Subpackages: gnome-keyring-32bit gnome-keyring-lang gnome-keyring-pam gnome-keyring-pam-32bit libgck-modules-gnome-keyring - Update to version 40.0: + Update libcap-ng capability handling. + UPdated translations. ==== gnome-session ==== Version update (40.beta -> 40.0) Subpackages: gnome-session-core gnome-session-default-session gnome-session-lang gnome-session-wayland - Add gnome-session-avoid-blocking-when-connecting-dbus.patch: Fix the login delay, avoid the blocking when connecting to ScreenSaver dbus(bsc#1184698 glgo#GNOME/gnome-session#88). - Update to version 40.0: + util: Remove undesired variables from activation environment. ==== gnome-settings-daemon ==== Version update (40.0 -> 40.0.1) Subpackages: gnome-settings-daemon-lang - Update to version 40.0.1: + rfkill: Fix reading /dev/rfkill on newer kernels. ==== gnome-shell-extensions ==== - Remove gnome-shell-classic-session package: From the upstream commit 9a78c7e4, the gnome-classic.session was not used anymore, we can remove gnome-shell-classic-session package now (bsc#1184933). ==== gnome-tweaks ==== Version update (40.beta -> 40.0) Subpackages: gnome-tweaks-lang - Update to version 40.0: + Fix "Fails to recognize GNOME Shell 40.rc running" + Updated translations. - Drop 70.patch: fixed upstream. ==== grantleetheme ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: grantleetheme-lang libKF5GrantleeTheme5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Port to KNewStuff3/KNS3/QtQuickDialogWrapper * UTF-8 is the new default for QTextStream. * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * It compiles fine without deprecated method * Add missing override on destructor ==== gtk-vnc ==== Version update (1.0.0 -> 1.2.0) Subpackages: gtk-vnc-lang libgtk-vnc-2_0-0 libgvnc-1_0-0 - Update to version 1.2.0: + Add API to request fixed zoom level. + Add API to request fixed aspect ratio when scaling. + Add APIs for client initiated desktop resize. + Implement "Extended Desktop Resize" VNC extension. + Implement "Desktop Rename" VNC extension. + Implement "Last Rect" VNC extension. + Implement "XVP" (power control) VNC extension. + Implement VeNCrypt "plain" auth mode. + Implement alpha cursor VNC extension. + Fix JPEG decoding in low colour depth modes. + Update translations. ==== gtk3 ==== Version update (3.24.27 -> 3.24.28) Subpackages: gtk3-data gtk3-immodule-amharic gtk3-immodule-inuktitut gtk3-immodule-thai gtk3-immodule-tigrigna gtk3-immodule-vietnamese gtk3-immodule-xim gtk3-lang gtk3-schema gtk3-tools libgtk-3-0 typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0 - Update to version 3.24.28: + Input: Improve dead key handling. + CSS: Fix rendering of scaled text shadows. + Wayland: Fix matching of accelerators with multiple layouts. + X11: Trap errors from the COW. + Build: Make gtk3-update-icon-cache output reproducible. + Updated translations. - Add gtk3-prevent-g_file_get_basename-return-NULL.patch: + Fix a possible crash in gtk_show_uri (boo#1185082, glgo#GNOME/gtk!3458). ==== gtk4 ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) Subpackages: gtk4-lang gtk4-schema libgtk-4-1 typelib-1_0-Gtk-4_0 - Update to version 4.2.0: + GtkFileChooser: Make the location entry work again. + GtlLabel: Fix tooltips on links. + GtkTextView: Make scrolling work better with renderers. + X11: - Fix damage handling. - Trap errors from the COW. + Wayland: Fix key event matching with mismatched layouts. + Inspector: Allow inspecting Unicode. + Input: - Improve dead key handling. - Regenerate compose sequence table. + Updated translations. ==== gtksourceview4 ==== Subpackages: gtksourceview4-lang libgtksourceview-4-0 typelib-1_0-GtkSource-4 - Add d1ed58b2ab82bd5be55881088fc17ff1527511db.patch: build: disable -Werror for incompatible-pointer-types. Works around build failure with GCC 11. ==== gwenview5 ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: gwenview5-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Partially revert commit "Use Quality level when saving JPEG images" * Set a sane default window size - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * When receiving a list of files as parameters, filter duplicate filenames (kde#434046) * Base scroll speed on text height rather than image row height (kde#297853) * Show quality chooser for other lossy image formats too (kde#431680) * Replace slideshow ServiceMenu by SlideShowFileItemAction (kde#429531) * Allow disabling Bird's Eye View (kde#426105) * Fix zoom with F or middle mouse click caused by the introduction of the spinbox (kde#432075) * VideoViewAdapter: Show video timestamps (kde#414769) * Enable custom zoom values with a SpinBox replacing the static label (kde#157274) - Enable libtiff support ==== iftop ==== - spec-cleaner run (move license to licensedir) * use https for urls ==== incidenceeditor ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: incidenceeditor-lang libKF5IncidenceEditor5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Add time and time zone to EXDATEs of DATE-TIME instances (kde#169336) - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== jhead ==== Version update (3.04 -> - version update to * lot of fuzztest fixes, e. g. CVE-2021-3496 [bsc#1184756] - deleted patches - CVE-2018-17088.patch (upstreamed) ==== juk ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: juk-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Too many changes since 21.03.80, only listing bugfixes: * Improve track sequencing by removing the track sequencing classes. (kde#100356) - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * ensure systray tooltip updates on track change (kde#412009) ==== k3b ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: k3b-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Large directories were not being added to data projects with all their contents * Warn when trying to add folders that contain unsupported filenames (kde#428115) ==== kaccounts-integration ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kaccounts-integration-lang libkaccounts2 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kaccounts-providers ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kaccounts-providers-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * [*cloud] Cancel configuration when window is closed (kde#427200) ==== kaddressbook ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kaddressbook-doc kaddressbook-lang libKPimAddressbookImportExport5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kalarmcal ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-kalarmcal kalarmcal-lang libKF5AlarmCalendar5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Deprecate isWorkingTime() in favour of excludedByWorkTimeOrHoliday() * Use auto vs auto * where it's possible * Improve API documentation * QString::split(..., Qt::SplitBehavior, ...) is already in Qt 5.14 * CLazy/CLang-tidy fixes * Properly include QStringList . Forward declaring it breaks with Qt6 ==== kalgebra ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kalgebra-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kamera ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kamera-lang kio_kamera - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kanagram ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kanagram-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove unimplemented methods/signals * Documentation updates ==== kapptemplate ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kapptemplate-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kate ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kate-lang kate-plugins - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * Fix S&R not recovering from canceled folder search (kde#435689) - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. - Rebase 0001-Defuse-root-block.patch ==== katomic ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: katomic-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Autogenerate categories file * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 ==== kblackbox ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kblackbox-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Add content rating * Use AUTORCC directly * Remove not implemented method or unused signal ==== kblocks ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kblocks-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * remove reference to obsolete part * use kde extension in snap - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * update snapcraft * Remove redundant CMake command * Improve readability of MockSvgItem * Replacing freeze cells for testing should only replace one cell at a time * Clear cache when refreshing positions. * Add test for KBlocksItemGroup::refreshPosition() - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Call updateLayout() also in stopGame() (kde#407244) ==== kbounce ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kbounce-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly ==== kbreakout ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kbreakout-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly ==== kbruch ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kbruch-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Fix copyright * Add license texts according to REUSE specification * Convert license headers to SPDX expressions * Documentation updates * ui.rc files: consistenly use <gui> instead of deprecated <kpartgui> ==== kcachegrind ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kcachegrind-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kcalc ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kcalc-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * tidy up packaging - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * switch to using kde extension in snap * add snap packaging file - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Add missing gmp include dir * Don't enable exceptions * Make knumber a static library * Add missing KCoreAddons linkage * Add missing include * icons: Update with latest version from Breeze theme * Remove not necessary signal (not emitted, not connected) * Add value to bit buttons' tooltips ==== kcalutils ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kcalutils-lang libKF5CalendarUtils5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use autorcc directly * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * It's already in qt5.14 * Remove not implemented method * It compiles fine without deprecated method ==== kcharselect ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kcharselect-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use autorcc directly ==== kcolorchooser ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kcolorchooser-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Enable high DPI support ==== kcron ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kcron-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kde-print-manager ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kde-print-manager-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove unused CMake include * Manually bind width of list item ==== kdeconnect-kde ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kdeconnect-kde-lang kdeconnect-kde-zsh-completion - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * Remove unused Plasma imports in RemoteKeyboard.qml - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Don?t extract QML strings as Java printf strings * [interfaces] Make KConfig linkage public - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * [plasmoid] Use PlaceholderMessage from PlasmaExtras instead of Kirigami (kde#434197) * Fix notifications in the KDE Connect plasmoid (kde#432337) * kdeconnect_daemon: conditionally configure the daemon service to better support the Windows port (kde#412665) ==== kdeedu-data ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Replace QRegExp with QString operations ==== kdenetwork-filesharing ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kdenetwork-filesharing-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * run input user/group names through input validation (boo#1182005, kde#432757) * extract qml i18n as javascript * Port properties plugin to JSON metadata * Remove unused include * use the actual filesharingpage API when appropriate - Drop upstream patch: * 0001-run-input-user-group-names-through-input-validation.patch ==== kdepim-addons ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kdepim-addons-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kdepim-runtime ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kdepim-runtime-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kdf ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kdf-lang kwikdisk - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove unused CMake include * Allow to install po/doctool files * Modernize code * Add CMakePresets.json * Remove not implemented method or unused signal * Fix minor typo * Add missing override * Autogenerate categories file * Make it compile with UNITY cmake support ==== kdialog ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kdialog-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kdiamond ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kdiamond-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly ==== kernel-source ==== Version update (5.11.15 -> 5.11.16) - Revert "rpm/ Fix dependency of kernel-*-devel package (bsc#1184514)" This turned out to be a bad idea: the kernel-$flavor-devel package must be usable without kernel-$flavor, e.g. at the build of a KMP. And this change brought superfluous installation of kernel-preempt when a system had kernel-syms (bsc#1185113). - commit d771304 - rpm/check-for-config-changes: add AS_HAS_* to ignores arch/arm64/Kconfig defines a lot of these. So far our current compilers seem to support them all. But it can quickly change with SLE later. - commit a4d8194 - Linux 5.11.16 (bsc#1012628). - bpf: Move sanitize_val_alu out of op switch (bsc#1012628). - bpf: Improve verifier error messages for users (bsc#1012628). - bpf: Rework ptr_limit into alu_limit and add common error path (bsc#1012628). - ARM: 9071/1: uprobes: Don't hook on thumb instructions (bsc#1012628). - bpf: Move off_reg into sanitize_ptr_alu (bsc#1012628). - bpf: Ensure off_reg has no mixed signed bounds for all types (bsc#1012628). - r8169: don't advertise pause in jumbo mode (bsc#1012628). - r8169: tweak max read request size for newer chips also in jumbo mtu mode (bsc#1012628). - kasan: remove redundant config option (bsc#1012628). - kasan: fix hwasan build for gcc (bsc#1012628). - KVM: VMX: Don't use vcpu->run->internal.ndata as an array index (bsc#1012628). - KVM: VMX: Convert vcpu_vmx.exit_reason to a union (bsc#1012628). - bpf: Use correct permission flag for mixed signed bounds arithmetic (bsc#1012628). - arm64: dts: allwinner: h6: beelink-gs1: Remove ext. 32 kHz osc reference (bsc#1012628). - arm64: dts: allwinner: Fix SD card CD GPIO for SOPine systems (bsc#1012628). - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix uninitialized sr_inst (bsc#1012628). - ARM: footbridge: fix PCI interrupt mapping (bsc#1012628). - ARM: 9069/1: NOMMU: Fix conversion for_each_membock() to for_each_mem_range() (bsc#1012628). - ARM: 9063/1: mm: reduce maximum number of CPUs if DEBUG_KMAP_LOCAL is enabled (bsc#1012628). - ARM: OMAP2+: Fix warning for omap_init_time_of() (bsc#1012628). - gro: ensure frag0 meets IP header alignment (bsc#1012628). - ch_ktls: do not send snd_una update to TCB in middle (bsc#1012628). - ch_ktls: tcb close causes tls connection failure (bsc#1012628). - ch_ktls: fix device connection close (bsc#1012628). - ch_ktls: Fix kernel panic (bsc#1012628). - ibmvnic: remove duplicate napi_schedule call in open function (bsc#1012628). - ibmvnic: remove duplicate napi_schedule call in do_reset function (bsc#1012628). - ibmvnic: avoid calling napi_disable() twice (bsc#1012628). - ia64: tools: remove inclusion of ia64-specific version of errno.h header (bsc#1012628). - ia64: remove duplicate entries in generic_defconfig (bsc#1012628). - ethtool: pause: make sure we init driver stats (bsc#1012628). - i40e: fix the panic when running bpf in xdpdrv mode (bsc#1012628). - ibmvnic: correctly use dev_consume/free_skb_irq (bsc#1012628). - net: Make tcp_allowed_congestion_control readonly in non-init netns (bsc#1012628). - mm: ptdump: fix build failure (bsc#1012628). - net: ip6_tunnel: Unregister catch-all devices (bsc#1012628). - net: sit: Unregister catch-all devices (bsc#1012628). - net: phy: marvell: fix detection of PHY on Topaz switches (bsc#1012628). - net: davicom: Fix regulator not turned off on failed probe (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Fix setting of RS FEC mode (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: nftables: clone set element expression template (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: nft_limit: avoid possible divide error in nft_limit_init (bsc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: fix ingress_ifindex check in mlx5e_flower_parse_meta (bsc#1012628). - net: macb: fix the restore of cmp registers (bsc#1012628). - drm/i915/display/vlv_dsi: Do not skip panel_pwr_cycle_delay when disabling the panel (bsc#1012628). - libbpf: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: arp_tables: add pre_exit hook for table unregister (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: bridge: add pre_exit hooks for ebtable unregistration (bsc#1012628). - libnvdimm/region: Fix nvdimm_has_flush() to handle ND_REGION_ASYNC (bsc#1012628). - ice: Fix potential infinite loop when using u8 loop counter (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: conntrack: do not print icmpv6 as unknown via /proc (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: flowtable: fix NAT IPv6 offload mangling (bsc#1012628). - ixgbe: fix unbalanced device enable/disable in suspend/resume (bsc#1012628). - ixgbe: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ethtool loopback test (bsc#1012628). - drm/vmwgfx: Make sure we unpin no longer needed buffers (bsc#1012628). - scsi: libsas: Reset num_scatter if libata marks qc as NODATA (bsc#1012628). - riscv: Fix spelling mistake "SPARSEMEM" to "SPARSMEM" (bsc#1012628). - vfio/pci: Add missing range check in vfio_pci_mmap (bsc#1012628). - arm64: alternatives: Move length validation in alternative_{insn, endif} (bsc#1012628). - arm64: mte: Ensure TIF_MTE_ASYNC_FAULT is set atomically (bsc#1012628). - Update config files. - arm64: fix inline asm in load_unaligned_zeropad() (bsc#1012628). - drm/i915: Don't zero out the Y plane's watermarks (bsc#1012628). - readdir: make sure to verify directory entry for legacy interfaces too (bsc#1012628). - dm verity fec: fix misaligned RS roots IO (bsc#1012628). - HID: wacom: set EV_KEY and EV_ABS only for non-HID_GENERIC type of devices (bsc#1012628). - Input: i8042 - fix Pegatron C15B ID entry (bsc#1012628). - Input: s6sy761 - fix coordinate read bit shift (bsc#1012628). - net/sctp: fix race condition in sctp_destroy_sock (bsc#1012628). - lib: fix kconfig dependency on ARCH_WANT_FRAME_POINTERS (bsc#1012628). - virt_wifi: Return micros for BSS TSF values (bsc#1012628). - mac80211: clear sta->fast_rx when STA removed from 4-addr VLAN (bsc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Add missing mask for DCN3 (bsc#1012628). - pcnet32: Use pci_resource_len to validate PCI resource (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for add llsec seclevel (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec seclevels for monitors (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for del llsec devkey (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for add llsec devkey (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec devkeys for monitors (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for del llsec dev (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for add llsec dev (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec devs for monitors (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for del llsec key (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: forbid monitor for add llsec key (bsc#1012628). - net: ieee802154: stop dump llsec keys for monitors (bsc#1012628). - iwlwifi: add support for Qu with AX201 device (bsc#1012628). - scsi: scsi_transport_srp: Don't block target in SRP_PORT_LOST state (bsc#1012628). - ASoC: fsl_esai: Fix TDM slot setup for I2S mode (bsc#1012628). - drm/msm: Fix a5xx/a6xx timestamps (bsc#1012628). - ARM: omap1: fix building with clang IAS (bsc#1012628). - ARM: keystone: fix integer overflow warning (bsc#1012628). - powerpc/signal32: Fix Oops on sigreturn with unmapped VDSO (bsc#1012628). - neighbour: Disregard DEAD dst in neigh_update (bsc#1012628). - bpf: Take module reference for trampoline in module (bsc#1012628). - gpu/xen: Fix a use after free in xen_drm_drv_init (bsc#1012628). - net: axienet: allow setups without MDIO (bsc#1012628). - ASoC: max98373: Added 30ms turn on/off time delay (bsc#1012628). - ASoC: max98373: Changed amp shutdown register as volatile (bsc#1012628). - xfrm: BEET mode doesn't support fragments for inner packets (bsc#1012628). - iwlwifi: Fix softirq/hardirq disabling in iwl_pcie_enqueue_hcmd() (bsc#1012628). - arc: kernel: Return -EFAULT if copy_to_user() fails (bsc#1012628). - lockdep: Add a missing initialization hint to the "INFO: Trying to register non-static key" message (bsc#1012628). - remoteproc: pru: Fix loading of GNU Binutils ELF (bsc#1012628). - ARM: dts: Fix moving mmc devices with aliases for omap4 & 5 (bsc#1012628). - ARM: dts: Drop duplicate sha2md5_fck to fix clk_disable race (bsc#1012628). - ACPI: x86: Call acpi_boot_table_init() after acpi_table_upgrade() (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: idxd: fix wq cleanup of WQCFG registers (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: idxd: clear MSIX permission entry on shutdown (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: plx_dma: add a missing put_device() on error path (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: Fix a double free in dma_async_device_register (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: dw: Make it dependent to HAS_IOMEM (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: idxd: fix wq size store permission state (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: idxd: fix opcap sysfs attribute output (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: idxd: fix delta_rec and crc size field for completion record (bsc#1012628). - dmaengine: idxd: Fix clobbering of SWERR overflow bit on writeback (bsc#1012628). - gpio: sysfs: Obey valid_mask (bsc#1012628). - Input: nspire-keypad - enable interrupts only when opened (bsc#1012628). - mtd: rawnand: mtk: Fix WAITRDY break condition and timeout (bsc#1012628). - AMD_SFH: Add DMI quirk table for BIOS-es which don't set the activestatus bits (bsc#1012628). - AMD_SFH: Add sensor_mask module parameter (bsc#1012628). - AMD_SFH: Removed unused activecontrolstatus member from the amd_mp2_dev struct (bsc#1012628). - commit d57ad55 ==== kgeography ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kgeography-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * Fix crash when "Wait for validation" is not enabled (kde#435555) - Drop 0001-Fix-crash-when-Wait-for-validation-is-not-enabled.patch - Add patch from upstream to fix a crash when the user disables the "Wait for validation" option (kde#435555): * 0001-Fix-crash-when-Wait-for-validation-is-not-enabled.patch - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Update zaire2006.kgm changes made on capital city of Sankuru (formerly Lodja> now LUSAMBO) and the Kasaï central province name (formerly Lulua) * Documentation updates ==== kget ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kget-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Transfers are created stopped by default. (kde#352262) * Add desktop file Comment entry (kde#351952) ==== kgoldrunner ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kgoldrunner-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Autogenerated now * Remove not implemented method or unused signal * Fix compile * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 ==== khangman ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: khangman-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove unimplemented methods/signals * Documentation updates ==== khelpcenter5 ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: khelpcenter5-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Update old visualdict images * increase cmake version as for other kde apps * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 ==== kidentitymanagement ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kidentitymanagement-lang libKF5IdentityManagement5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Fix Bug 430398 - cmake searches unused dependency (kde#430398) ==== kig ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kig-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - stop owning directories provided by filesystem rpm (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Prevent crash during construction of circle by three points (kde#430884) * doc: delete an delivered file by error * Documentation updates ==== kimap ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kimap-lang libKF5IMAP5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * It compiles fine with QT_NO_KEYWORDS * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Modernize code * Port foreach * Add missing override on destructor ==== kio-extras5 ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kio-extras5-lang libkioarchive5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Skip the openEXR optional dependency for Leap builds - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * smb: do not assume rename files are different based on name (kde#430585) * nfs: Do not set UDS_CREATION_TIME (kde#318821) ==== kio_audiocd ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kio_audiocd-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove unused include ==== kipi-plugins ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kipi-plugins-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kiriki ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kiriki-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly ==== kiten ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders kiten-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * radselect: Add option to display radicals in decreasing frequency order (kde#431866) * Set KStatusNotifierItem status to Active (kde#132476) * Fix addItem() group name in ConfigDictionarySelector::updateWidgets() (kde#418108) * Set initial focus on the search bar on startup (kde#427077) * radselect: Properly fetch kanji stroke count from kanjidic (kde#385070) ==== kitinerary ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKPimItinerary5 libKPimItinerary5-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * KItinerary doesn't build as a unity build, so don't even try that - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kjumpingcube ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kjumpingcube-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Remove useless fprintf on stderr. (kde#335565) ==== kldap ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kldap-lang libKF5Ldap5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kleopatra ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kleopatra-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== klines ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: klines-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly ==== kmag ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmag-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kmahjongg ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmahjongg-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Use memberfunction-pointer overloads of KStandardGameAction/KStandardAction ==== kmail ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmail-application-icons kmail-lang ktnef - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * Disable export to pdf when we don't have message - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Add icon for "move to" * Add more missing include * Add missing includes (CI happy ?) * Add missing override + const'ify pointer * It seems that this include is missing * Remove duplicate option - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kmail-account-wizard ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmail-account-wizard-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kmailtransport ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmailtransport-lang libKF5MailTransport5 libKF5MailTransportAkonadi5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kmbox ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * These repo doesn't have i18n =>not necessary * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Use std::unique_ptr ==== kmime ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmime-lang libKF5Mime5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * It compiles fine with add_definitions(-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS) * Port foreach * It's already in qt5.14 * Properly include QStringList . Forward declaring it breaks with Qt6 * Add missing override on destructor ==== kmines ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmines-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Remove not implemented method or unused signal ==== kmousetool ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmousetool-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kmouth ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmouth-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * ui.rc files: consistenly use <gui> instead of deprecated <kpartgui> * Port QRegExp to QRegularExpression ==== kmplot ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kmplot-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Update screenshots * Fix minor typos * GUI l10n fixes * Documentation updates ==== knavalbattle ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: knavalbattle-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Autogenerate categories files * Increase Qt/kf5 dependencies to 5.12/5.68 * Remove unimplemented method or not used signal * Doc: Dump releaseinfo number * Fix a misspelled * Documentation updates ==== knetwalk ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: knetwalk-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 * Add new configuration option to the docs * Add option to reverse mouse button mapping ==== knotes ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: knotes-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Fix Bug 431126 - KNotes cannot be configured using the GUI (kde#431126) ==== kolf ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kolf-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Make the bridge of hole 18 in Classic a bit longer (kde#303152) * Remove not implemented method or unused signal ==== kollision ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kollision-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly ==== kolourpaint ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kolourpaint-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Don't grab/release keyboard to get key events. Use setFocus() instead (kde#405991) ==== kompare ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kompare-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Add the diff homepage address to the docs (kde#430908) * Convert license statements to SPDX expressions ==== konquest ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: konquest-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Remove not implemented method or unused signal ==== konsole ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Always sort the profiles by name in 'File -> New Tab' * Fix crash in ProfileSettings; clone selected profile settings to new profile * Unmaximize terminal before moving to new tab * ProfileSettings: use generateUniqueName() when creating new profiles * ProfileManager: remove some fallback-profile-related code * Don't edit the Fallback profile, instead create a new one * Clean up some more "favourite profile"-related code - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kontact ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kontact-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Fix duplicate actions - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Fix Bug 434644 - UI problem (kde#434644) * Use autorcc directly * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Add missing override on destructor * Pedantic * Remove unused include ==== kontactinterface ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kontactinterface-lang libKF5KontactInterface5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Add explicit/override remove not necessary Q_REQUIRED_RESULT * Properly include QStringList . Forward declaring it breaks with Qt6 * Clean includes * Remove unused include ==== konversation ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: konversation-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Use qdbus-qt5 in konversation scripts - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Add patch to allow using the konversation scripts on openSUSE * 0001-Use-qdbus-qt5-on-openSUSE.patch (boo#1184826) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Consider # a valid channel name (kde#404072) ==== kopete ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kopete-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove unused include ==== korganizer ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: korganizer-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Add time and time zone to EXDATEs of DATE-TIME instances (kde#169336) - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. - Rebase 0001-Look-for-designer-qt5-on-openSUSE.patch ==== kpat ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kpat-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Added several Freecell game variants: * Use AUTORCC directly * Add new game type called Baker's Dozen * Include KDE*Settings as first, as they can set global cmake config * Use memberfunction-pointer overloads of KStandardGameAction/KStandardAction * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 ==== kpimtextedit ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kpimtextedit-lang libKF5PimTextEdit5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * Don't add empty QChar - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kpkpass ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKPimPkPass5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * This package doesn't have i18n * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Use KDE_INSTALL_MIMEDIR instead of custom XDG_MIME_INSTALL_DIR * Use non-deprecated KDE_INSTALL_CMAKEPACKAGEDIR ==== kqtquickcharts ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== krdc ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: krdc-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Fix upscaling artifacts in VncView (kde#432759) * Fix crash when closing a tab. (kde#398878) * VNC: accept the wheel event (kde#432484) * Unpress modifiers on focusOutEvent in VncView (kde#329951) ==== kreversi ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kreversi-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Organize all source files in src/ subdir ==== krfb ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: krfb-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * We depend against kf5.68 => depend against qt 5.12 ==== kruler ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kruler-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== kshisen ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kshisen-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Support BUILD_TESTING ==== ksirk ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ksirk-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Autogenerate categories file ==== ksmtp ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ksmtp-lang libKPimSMTP5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use auto vs auto * where it's possible * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Remove extra ; ==== kspaceduel ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kspaceduel-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly * Add missing override on destructor ==== ksquares ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ksquares-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use AUTORCC directly ==== ksudoku ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ksudoku-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove not implemented method or unused signal * Documentation updates * fix Windows build ==== ksystemlog ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ksystemlog-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== kteatime ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kteatime-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove ';' after Q_UNUSED * Add FATAL_ERROR * Rename variable + const'ify pointer * Replace Anonymous with Custom ==== ktimer ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ktimer-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Allow to install po/doctool files * Use Q_EMIT ==== ktnef ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ktnef-lang libKF5Tnef5 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use auto vs auto * where it's possible * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * It's already in qt5.14 * Properly include QStringList . Forward declaring it breaks with Qt6 ==== ktouch ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: ktouch-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove unimplemented methods/signals * Fix the year * GUI l10n fixes * Documentation updates * Translation for the Catalan autogenerated lesson file * Fix visual artifacts in new versions of QT ==== kturtle ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kturtle-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use autorcc directly * doc: punctuation and a GUI sync * Documentation updates * GUI l10n fixes * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 ==== kubrick ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kubrick-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Autogenerate categories file * Remove not implemented method * Documentation updates * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 ==== kwalletmanager5 ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kwalletmanager5-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Add CMakePresets support * Increase mini cmake version + allow to install po file too * Add missing override * Not necessary now * Convert license statements to SPDX expressions * Autogenerate categories file * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 * Remove unused include ==== kwordquiz ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kwordquiz-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Documentation updates * GUI l10n fixes * Port away from KNS::DownloadDialog * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 * Port KNS method ==== libgravatar ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5Gravatar5 libgravatar-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use auto vs auto * where it's possible * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Remove duplicate entry ==== libgweather ==== Version update (40.beta -> 40.0) Subpackages: gweather-data libgweather-3-16 libgweather-lang typelib-1_0-GWeather-3_0 - Update to version 40.0: + Fix possible uninitialized variable in location entry. + Updated translations. ==== libhandy ==== Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1) Subpackages: libhandy-1-0 libhandy-lang typelib-1_0-Handy-1_0 - Update to version 1.2.1: + hdydeck and hdyleaflet: - Skip the unfolded allocation phase if there are no visible children, fixing a crash. - Fix the reverse child order. + hdyheaderbar: stop force centering an expanded title when loose. + hdyflap: fix shadow glitches on flap child resizes. + hdypreferenceswindow: - give the window the .preferences style class. - make the search results page's margins adaptive. + demo: fix a memory leak in the view switcher demo. + meson: avoid trailing slashes in directories if package_subdir is empty. ==== libhugetlbfs ==== - Hardening: Link as PIE (bsc#1184123). ==== libiscsi ==== Version update (1.19.0+git.20201217 -> 1.19.0+git.20210208) - Update to version 1.19.0+git.20210208: * test-tool: Change command_is_implemented from a global variable into an argument * test-tool: Move a logging statement into write_residuals_test() * test-tool: Add default clauses in recently modified switch statements * test-tool, residuals: Rename struct residuals_test_data members * test-tool: Add overwrite check for all test cases * test-tool: Change write residuals tests overwrite check according to FCP-4 * test-tool: Refactoring residuals write tests * test-tool: Allow CHECK CONDITION in response to overflow/underflow * .travis.yml: Multiple changes * test-tool: add simple REPORT LUNS test * init: fix Wformat on 32-bit platforms ==== libkcddb ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5Cddb5 libkcddb-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Set language to C (English) * Remove copy of option BUILD_TESTING, already done by KDECMakeSettings ==== libkcompactdisc ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5CompactDisc5 libkcompactdisc-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== libkdcraw ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== libkdegames ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libkdegames-lang libkf5kdegames6 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. - Drop upstream patch: * 0001-Add-missing-module-identifier-to-qmldir.patch - Rebase libkdegames-bnc793185.patch ==== libkdepim ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5Libkdepim5 libkdepim-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Add license here too * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Modernize code * Use non-deprecated KDE_INSTALL_CMAKEPACKAGEDIR * Remove KF5Codecs * Add missing override on destructor ==== libkeduvocdocument ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Don't include QtTest as it includes all QtCore includes ==== libkexiv2 ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== libkgapi ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKPimGAPICalendar5 libKPimGAPIContacts5 libKPimGAPICore5 libKPimGAPITasks5 libkgapi-lang sasl2-kdexoauth2 - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * This package doesn't have i18n * Port foreach(...) * QString::split(..., Qt::SplitBehavior, ...) is already in Qt 5.14 * Remove extra ';' * First attempt to fix bug 328616 (kde#328616) * Fix clazy warnings * Google tasks are all-day tasks ==== libkipi ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5Kipi32_0_0 libkipi-data - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== libkleo ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5Libkleo5 libkleo-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Avoid RTTI mix-ups by exporting KeyListModelInterface (kde#415168) ==== libkmahjongg ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5 libkmahjongg-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Add missing <memory> include for std::unique_ptr * Use non-deprecated KDE_INSTALL_CMAKEPACKAGEDIR * Install CamelCase forwarding headers ==== libkomparediff2 ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libkomparediff2-5 libkomparediff2-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== libksane ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5Sane5 libksane-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== libksieve ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libksieve-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Fix Bug 423189 - Cannot make default script active (kde#423189) ==== libktorrent ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5Torrent6 libktorrent-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Add pre-commit hook for clang-format * Add .gitignore file * Add .git-blame-ignore-revs file * Run clang-format * Add trailing comma to enums * Add clang-format target * Convert some old-style connects * raise peer max metasize (torrent file) size to 100mib * Fix PeerID for new versioning ==== libqt5-qtdeclarative ==== - Add patch to fix build with GCC 11 (boo#1185100): * 0001-Include-limits-to-fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch ==== libraw ==== - Hardening: link as PIE (bsc#1184123). ==== libzypp ==== Version update (17.25.8 -> 17.25.9) - Add missing includes for GCC 11 (bsc#1181874) - Fix unsafe usage of static in media verifier. - Solver: Avoid segfault if no system is loaded (bsc#1183628) - MediaVerifier: Relax media set verification in case of a single not-volatile medium (bsc#1180851) - Do no cleanup in custom cache dirs (bsc#1182936) - ZConfig: let pubkeyCachePath follow repoCachePath. - version 17.25.9 (22) ==== lokalize ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: lokalize-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Allow opening .pot files from file manager * autogenerate categories file * Fix the dead links in the docs * ui.rc files: consistently use <gui> instead of deprecated <kpartgui> * Port away from deprecated QAtomicInteger::load() * Port away from Qt's ::endl * Port away from deprecated QString enums * Use more nullptr ==== lskat ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: lskat-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Update link to homepage * Update url to screenshot * Add missing to remove qt5_resource * Use AUTORCC directly * Fix includes ==== mailcommon ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5MailCommon5 mailcommon-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== mailimporter ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5MailImporter5 libKF5MailImporterAkonadi5 mailimporter-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Remove not implemented method * Use auto vs auto * where it's possible * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * QString::split(..., Qt::SplitBehavior, ...) is already in Qt 5.14 ==== mbox-importer ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: mbox-importer-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Fix close dialogbox - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use git commit hook * run git clang-format * Pedantic ==== messagelib ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: messagelib-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Fix BUG 435431 Edit menu (Variables submenu) doesn't work as advertised (kde#435431) * It's debug not warning - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Fix Bug 434392 - message/global type, can't view it, must be associated to kmail --view (kde#434392) * Fix Bug 430678 - Allow to only enable specific external images (kde#430678) * Fix[messagecomposer]: Do copy all mail headers instad of reference them. (kde#427091) ==== mobipocket ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Fix wrong calculation of thumbnail index. ==== mutter ==== Subpackages: libmutter-8-0 mutter-data mutter-lang - Rebase mutter-SLE-bsc984738-grab-display.patch and mutter-SLE-bell.patch. ==== nautilus ==== Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-nautilus libnautilus-extension1 nautilus-lang - Update Use the right value in gio command (bsc#1185026). ==== okular ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: okular-lang okular-spectre - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 21.03.90: * Signature: Don't show "Reason: Not Available" if there's no signing reason * Open the signed document on the page with the new signature * Slight improvement to signature look&feel * partest: Fix one test interfering with the next * Don't call i18n before constructing QApplication * Fix valgrind warning about uninit variables - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Fix a bug with zoom levels on cropped pages (kde#342003) * conf: Fix layout warnings * Fix playing RichMedia annotations (kde#434962) * Fix white background flashing up when using Invert Lightness/Luma (kde#431372) * If FB has multiple authors, show them all * Add a few more formats supported by qimageformat plugins (kde#434888) * Update screenshots in metadata - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * Switch to existing document in new tab by default (kde#432942) * Enhance FictionBook support: book annotation, text-author for the cite, section subtitles (kde#340134) * Make ESC key leave fullscreen (kde#366276, kde#417337, kde#269677) * Use more standard cmake functionality to search for discount (kde#431311) * Fix Table Selection polluting clipboard history (kde#402110) - Enable build the mobile ui for Okular ==== pango ==== Version update (1.48.3 -> 1.48.4) Subpackages: libpango-1_0-0 libpango-1_0-0-32bit typelib-1_0-Pango-1_0 - Update to version 1.48.4: + Include docs in the dist tarball. + Include gi-docgen in the dist tarball, too. + win32: Fix 'Cursive' fallback. + Fix placement of marks in vertical text. + Cache metrics for the current font. + Improve letterspacing with combining marks. ==== parley ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: parley-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Fix segfault on quit (kde#420302) * Fix build with old KNewStuff versions (kde#432798) - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Port away from KNS::DownloadDialog * Don't include QtTest as it includes all QtCore includes * Port KNS method * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 * Fix location for file open dialog * Port KNS3::standardAction method * Remove unused include * Remove deleteLater from ParleyDocument * Fix segfault when leaving statistics main window (kde#420302) ==== pim-data-exporter ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: pim-data-exporter-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - Changes since 21.03.80: * Return zip error * Fix mem leak found by asan * do not extract strings from autotests - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use autorcc directly * Increase version * Fix includes (scripted) * QString::split(..., Qt::SplitBehavior, ...) is already in Qt 5.14 * Don't copy empty exporteddata information file (kde#429895) * Add missing override ==== pim-sieve-editor ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: pim-sieve-editor-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== pimcommon ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: libKF5PimCommon5 libKF5PimCommonAkonadi5 pimcommon-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== python-gobject ==== Version update (3.40.0 -> 3.40.1) Subpackages: python38-gobject python38-gobject-Gdk python38-gobject-cairo - Update to version 3.40.1: + Fix tests with glib 2.68. + Fix a regression with marshalling partial() objects. ==== python-hyperframe ==== Version update (6.0.0 -> 6.0.1) - update to 6.0.1: - Added support for Python 3.9. - Added type hints. ==== python-kiwi ==== Version update (9.23.22 -> 9.23.25) - Bump version: 9.23.24 ? 9.23.25 - Update zypp.conf architecture setting Make sure the architecture is set as parameter in the zypp.conf file used for building the image. This is needed to allow differentiation between host arch and image arch for cross image build environments - Added option to set the image target architecture The option --target-arch allows to set the architecture used to build the image. By default this is the host architecture. Please note, if the specified architecture name does not match the host architecture and is therefore requesting a cross architecture image build, it's important to understand that for this process to work a preparatory step to support the image architecture and binary format on the building host is required and is not considered a responsibility of kiwi. There will be a followup effort on providing a plugin for kiwi which should be used to manage the needed binfmt settings for cross arch image builds - Added openssl to the core requires openssl is used in kiwi to construct a password hash if the plaintext password feature for user settings is used. This Fixes bsc#1184128 - Bump version: 9.23.23 ? 9.23.24 - Decommission obsolete code reaching EOL Use the @decommissioned decorator to raise for API methods that a over the obsoletion period - Added mypy call to tox target For the tox unit_pyX targets, mypy static type checking is now called prior tests. This references Issue 1644 - Complete strong typing for API methods Added required code changes to let mypy pass when running from the toplevel kiwi namespace. This now finally Fixes #1644 - Bump version: 9.23.22 ? 9.23.23 - Added optional script hook After the bootstrap phase a script is executed in a chroot process which allows to add/modify system settings prior the completion of the system installation. This helps users for example with custom package manager settings and Fixes #1763 as well as Fixes #1782 - Update documentation Add information about new volume filesystem_check attribute - Allow to enable volumes for filesystem check The new attribute <volume ... filesystem_check="true|false"/> allows to change the default value for the fs_passno field in the generated fstab file. By default kiwi sets "0" in this field and leaves it up to the user to customize this as appropriate via script code. Coding changes to the fstab file via scripts are not very user friendly and with respect that systemd takes over control and generates checkers depending on the value of fs_passno it would be good if there is a way to explicitly specify if checks to the filesystem are wanted or not. Therefore the new attribute now exists. If set to: true this results in a value of "2" for the fs_passno field. Please note the root/boot and efi entries are excluded from this setup. This Fixes #1728 ==== rsyslog ==== Version update (8.2102.0 -> 8.2104.0) - Upgrade to rsyslog 8.2104.0: * new contributed module imhiredis * new built-in function get_property() to access property vars * mmdblookup: add support for mmdb DB reload on HUP * script bugfix: empty array in foreach() improperly handled * imjournal bugfixes (handle leak, empty file) * new contributed function module fmunflatten * test bugfix: some tests did not work with newer TLS library versions * some improvements to project CI ==== rubygem-passenger ==== Subpackages: ruby2.7-rubygem-passenger rubygem-passenger-apache2 - passenger failed to start when values in locations.ini were empty. However, we kept those values empty in previous versions of passenger (< 6.0.8). Since that is no longer working, we now set them to a non existent path (%{_libdir}/passenger/%{version}/ignore) which seems to satisfy passenger. ==== seahorse ==== Version update (40.alpha -> 40.0) Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-seahorse seahorse-lang - Update to version 40.0: + Fix paint issue when unlocking empty login keyring (boo#1179003). + pgp: - Properly fix keyserver registration. - Add unit tests for PGP keyserver code. * build: Unbreak build using vala 0.48.x. * ci: Add minimal style checks to the CI. * Several code cleanups. * Updated translations. - Drop 153.patch: fixed upstream. ==== signon-kwallet-extension ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - No code change since 20.12.3 ==== spectacle ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: spectacle-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * fix lookup of ComparableQPoint keys in QMap (kde#430942) * Don't translate property name (kde#431557) * PlatformKWinWayland: avoid recursion in readData (kde#428636) ==== step ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: step-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * Use KDE_INSTALL_MIMEDIR instead of custom XDG_MIME_INSTALL_DIR * operator+/- is disabled for QFlags in qt6 ==== sweeper ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: sweeper-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Changes since 20.12.3: * We depend against kf5.68 * it's a private member * Use debug categories * Modernize CMakeLists ==== tracker ==== Version update (3.1.0 -> 3.1.1) Subpackages: libtracker-sparql-3_0-0 tracker-data-files tracker-lang typelib-1_0-Tracker-3_0 - Update to version 3.1.1: + Better error handling during database initialization. + Implemented tracker_sparql_connection_update_array_async over TrackerBatch, resulting in lower memory usage. + VAPI updates. + Updated tracker_sparql_connection_update_array docs. + Leak and double free fixes. ==== tracker-miners ==== Version update (3.1.0 -> 3.1.1) Subpackages: tracker-miner-files tracker-miners-lang - Update to version 3.1.1: + Block gstreamer nvcodec decoders. + Fall back if no modification date is found. + Handle new poppler enum value. + Be more robust with broken EXIF GPS metadata. + Test suite improvements. + Updated translations. ==== umbrello ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: umbrello-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes since 20.12.3, only listing bugfixes: * codegenerators: python: Do not create files for classes that has containers (kde#432854) * Fix 'Not all Umbrello global settings are saved to the resource file' (kde#430720) * Address 'It shall be possible to nest folders in packages' : (kde#430593) * Fix for 'Nested folders are not loaded properly' (kde#430323) * Fix for 'Crash on exit with tabbed diagrams enabled' (kde#430322) * umbrello/version.h - Increase XMI_FILE_VERSION to 1.7.0 to reflect major change in XMI attribute order. (kde#363582) * Fix for 'Callback message in sequence diagram cannot be resized' (kde#429794) ==== wireshark ==== Version update (3.4.4 -> 3.4.5) Subpackages: libwireshark14 libwiretap11 libwsutil12 wireshark-ui-qt - Wireshark 3.4.5: * CVE-2021-22207: MS-WSP dissector excessive memory consumption (boo#1185128, wnpa-sec-2021-04) * Fix TShark not printing GeoIP information * FIx TShark error when piping to "head" * Fix missing parts of ASCII representation in Packet Bytes pane * Fix dissection of NDPE attribute of NAN packet * Fix TECMP: reserved flag interpreted as part of timestamp * Fix DNS IXFR/AXFR multiple response * Fix File too large issue - drop patches: * cmake_3-20_compatibility_1.patch * cmake_3-20_compatibility_2.patch * wireshark-0008-move-glib.patch ==== xf86-video-intel ==== Version update (2.99.917+git8674.25c9a2fcc -> 2.99.917.916_g31486f40) - Update to 2.99.917.916_g31486f40 * latest fixes from git - supersedes U_i810-multidef-fix.patch, n_fix-build-on-i686.patch ==== yakuake ==== Version update (20.12.3 -> 21.04.0) Subpackages: yakuake-lang - Update to 21.04.0 * New feature release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 21.03.90 - Update to 21.03.90 * New feature release - No code change since 21.03.80 - Update to 21.03.80 * New feature release - Too many changes to list here. ==== yast2-drbd ==== Version update (4.3.3 -> 4.4.1) - stop packaging docdir, it only contained the license which is now in licensedir (bsc#1184897) - spec file cleanups - 4.4.1 - 4.4.0 ==== yast2-isns ==== Version update (4.3.0 -> 4.4.1) - stop packaging docdir, it only contained the license which is now in licensedir (bsc#1184897) - spec file cleanups - 4.4.1 - 4.4.0

On 4/26/21 10:00 PM, Dominique Leuenberger wrote:
Packages changed: kernel-source (5.11.15 -> 5.11.16)
I'm confused by the kernel packages versions. kernel-default is still 5.11.15 but kernel-kvmsmall and kernel-vanilla are 5.11.16 (see below). Ciao, Michael. # zypper clean -a ; zypper ref -f # zypper info kernel-kvmsmall kernel-default kernel-vanilla Loading repository data... Reading installed packages... Information for package kernel-kvmsmall: ---------------------------------------- Repository : openSUSE Name : kernel-kvmsmall Version : 5.11.16-1.1 Arch : x86_64 Vendor : openSUSE Installed Size : 103.8 MiB Installed : No Status : not installed Source package : kernel-kvmsmall-5.11.16-1.1.nosrc Summary : The Small Developer Kernel for KVM Description : [..] Source Timestamp: 2021-04-22 10:30:16 +0000 GIT Revision: e06d321f0fedc62f2ae9fe030f6d2413efc15633 GIT Branch: stable Information for package kernel-default: --------------------------------------- Repository : openSUSE Name : kernel-default Version : 5.11.15-1.2 Arch : x86_64 Vendor : openSUSE Installed Size : 198.4 MiB Installed : Yes Status : up-to-date Source package : kernel-default-5.11.15-1.2.nosrc Summary : The Standard Kernel Description : [..] Source Timestamp: 2021-04-16 16:47:34 +0000 GIT Revision: 64fb5bf155e202fa4188e204689cce6c85ea05cc GIT Branch: stable Information for package kernel-vanilla: --------------------------------------- Repository : openSUSE Name : kernel-vanilla Version : 5.11.16-1.1 Arch : x86_64 Vendor : openSUSE Installed Size : 198.2 MiB Installed : No Status : not installed Source package : kernel-vanilla-5.11.16-1.1.nosrc Summary : The Standard Kernel - without any SUSE patches Description : [..] Source Timestamp: 2021-04-22 10:30:16 +0000 GIT Revision: e06d321f0fedc62f2ae9fe030f6d2413efc15633 GIT Branch: stable

On Tue, 2021-04-27 at 15:49 +0200, Michael Ströder wrote:
That's due to a very 'fun' issue. Essentially, all kernel-* packages are built off from the same kernel-source package, so are supposedly always in sync. I checked in kernel-source 5.11.16 on 2021-04-25 19:25:57, which resulted in it being part of Snapshot 20210425. Unfortunately, something really rare (and bad) happened: kernel-default failed to build. Not, because the package is broken, but the build just stalled, until OBS shut it down and marked the package as failed. For openQA, there is nothing in place that sees this as a blocker - we do not try to build any kmp for example (which would very quickly have stopped the snapshot). I had seen it shortly after 0425 went out and have manually triggered a rebuild of kernel-default, which succeeded and snapshot 0426 will have the kernels back in sync (openQA on this snapshot looks good so far, 5 more tests in progress, then it should be publishable) Cheers, Dominique

On 4/27/21 3:54 PM, Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar wrote:
Thanks for your explanation and all your work on this. No real issue. I was simply confused and wondering whether there's something wrong in my setup. Ciao, Michael.

On 4/26/21 10:00 PM, Dominique Leuenberger wrote:
Packages changed: kernel-source (5.11.15 -> 5.11.16)
I'm confused by the kernel packages versions. kernel-default is still 5.11.15 but kernel-kvmsmall and kernel-vanilla are 5.11.16 (see below). Ciao, Michael. # zypper clean -a ; zypper ref -f # zypper info kernel-kvmsmall kernel-default kernel-vanilla Loading repository data... Reading installed packages... Information for package kernel-kvmsmall: ---------------------------------------- Repository : openSUSE Name : kernel-kvmsmall Version : 5.11.16-1.1 Arch : x86_64 Vendor : openSUSE Installed Size : 103.8 MiB Installed : No Status : not installed Source package : kernel-kvmsmall-5.11.16-1.1.nosrc Summary : The Small Developer Kernel for KVM Description : [..] Source Timestamp: 2021-04-22 10:30:16 +0000 GIT Revision: e06d321f0fedc62f2ae9fe030f6d2413efc15633 GIT Branch: stable Information for package kernel-default: --------------------------------------- Repository : openSUSE Name : kernel-default Version : 5.11.15-1.2 Arch : x86_64 Vendor : openSUSE Installed Size : 198.4 MiB Installed : Yes Status : up-to-date Source package : kernel-default-5.11.15-1.2.nosrc Summary : The Standard Kernel Description : [..] Source Timestamp: 2021-04-16 16:47:34 +0000 GIT Revision: 64fb5bf155e202fa4188e204689cce6c85ea05cc GIT Branch: stable Information for package kernel-vanilla: --------------------------------------- Repository : openSUSE Name : kernel-vanilla Version : 5.11.16-1.1 Arch : x86_64 Vendor : openSUSE Installed Size : 198.2 MiB Installed : No Status : not installed Source package : kernel-vanilla-5.11.16-1.1.nosrc Summary : The Standard Kernel - without any SUSE patches Description : [..] Source Timestamp: 2021-04-22 10:30:16 +0000 GIT Revision: e06d321f0fedc62f2ae9fe030f6d2413efc15633 GIT Branch: stable

On Tue, 2021-04-27 at 15:49 +0200, Michael Ströder wrote:
That's due to a very 'fun' issue. Essentially, all kernel-* packages are built off from the same kernel-source package, so are supposedly always in sync. I checked in kernel-source 5.11.16 on 2021-04-25 19:25:57, which resulted in it being part of Snapshot 20210425. Unfortunately, something really rare (and bad) happened: kernel-default failed to build. Not, because the package is broken, but the build just stalled, until OBS shut it down and marked the package as failed. For openQA, there is nothing in place that sees this as a blocker - we do not try to build any kmp for example (which would very quickly have stopped the snapshot). I had seen it shortly after 0425 went out and have manually triggered a rebuild of kernel-default, which succeeded and snapshot 0426 will have the kernels back in sync (openQA on this snapshot looks good so far, 5 more tests in progress, then it should be publishable) Cheers, Dominique

On 4/27/21 3:54 PM, Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar wrote:
Thanks for your explanation and all your work on this. No real issue. I was simply confused and wondering whether there's something wrong in my setup. Ciao, Michael.
participants (3)
Dominique Leuenberger
Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar
Michael Ströder