New Slowroll update 20241225T0324 released!

Please note that this mail was generated by a script. A collection of maintenance updates was released for Slowroll. Released 90 packages: * ansible * avfs * bbswitch * bstone * chromium * crash * dbus-broker * dpdk * eekboard * facetimehd * gasket-driver * gnome-shell-extensions * gstreamer-plugins-good * hdjmod * hyprgraphics * hypridle * hyprland * hyprlang * kf6-extra-cmake-modules * kf6-kwindowsystem * kubetui * libcanlock * libqt6xdg * libzypp * lvm2 * lxqt-wayland-session * mpg123 * msr-safe * ncurses * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed * opa-fmgui * ovpn-dco * pcfclock * python-httpx * python-mkdocs-material * python-pytest-testinfra * python-respx * python-urllib3 * python-vdirsyncer * qimgv * qmlpluginexports * qt6-3d * qt6-charts * qt6-coap * qt6-connectivity * qt6-datavis3d * qt6-graphs * qt6-grpc * qt6-httpserver * qt6-location * qt6-lottie * qt6-mqtt * qt6-multimedia * qt6-opcua * qt6-positioning * qt6-qt5compat * qt6-quick3d * qt6-quick3dphysics * qt6-quickeffectmaker * qt6-quicktimeline * qt6-remoteobjects * qt6-scxml * qt6-sensors * qt6-speech * qt6-tools * qt6-translations * qt6-virtualkeyboard * qt6-wayland * qt6-webchannel * qt6-webengine * qt6-websockets * qt6-webview * qtdeclarative-imports-provides * river * rpcs3 * rtl8188gu * scap-security-guide * sdbus-cpp * sdl12_compat * sqlite3 * strawberry * sysuser-tools * tp_smapi * v4l2loopback * vendor-reset * vhba-kmp * virtualbox * xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland * xpadneo * xtables-addons
participants (1)