Tumbleweed - Review of the week 2022/39

Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers, This week’s been a little different from Tumbleweed as our regular release wrangler, Dominique, has been sick. Therefore I’ve stepped in and picked things up without our usual handovers which made things a little challenging, but I’m proud to be able to say we still released 5 snapshots in the last 7 days, including some pretty big changes. The 5 snapshots (0922..0929 excluding 0924 and 0927) released during this week brought you these larger changes among many many smaller ones: - bind 9.18.7 (Security and minor feature/bug fixes) - libreoffice - nodejs 18 as the default - Mesa 22.2.0 - Kernel 5.19.10 - btrfsprogs 5.19.1 - mariadb 10.9.3 - gnome-shell-extensions 43.0 - libqt5 5.15.16 - perl-Mojolicious 9.27 In the next snapshot (0930) we expect the following fun stuff: - Linux kernel 5.19.12 - Nodejs 18.10 - distrobox 1.4.1 In the staging projects, we currently test submissions like: - distrobox as the default instead of toolbox for the MicroOS Desktop (Staging:C) - KDE Plasma 5.26 (5.25.90 staged, Staging:K) - LLVM 15: breaks all versions of PostgreSQL (Staging:M, almost ready) - bash 5.2/readline 8.2 (breaks tre and also broke tcsh but fix already with these in Staging:A) - fmt 9.0: Breaks ceph and zxing-cpp - gpgme 1.18: breaks LibreOffice - libxslt 1.1.36: breaks daps - util-linux 2.38.1: this also brings a massive package layout change, which will probably take some time to settle. It’s part of the distro bootstrap and we have to be careful not to blow it out of proportion Thanks and have a lot of fun! - Richard
participants (1)
Richard Brown