openSUSE Feature Requests Review 22.02.2021
Virtual meeting takes place on Mondays 14:00 UTC All meeting minutes can be found here More information: openSUSE TAM Board: Visible to Leap contributors who requested access. Attendees: lkocman, ngompa To Do - Add full support for configuring NetworkManager with YaST during installation Note that this is being filed in response to the recent review of openSUSE Tumbleweed on Linux Unplugged. The fact that YaST cannot configure NetworkManager fully so that configuration persists into the installed environment was noted as a big pain point that doesn't exist in other Linux distributions. - Add openSUSE Leap base containers with DNF and Micro DNF This is a request to backport the opensuse/tumbleweed-dnf and opensuse/tumbleweed-microdnf containers to openSUSE Leap 15.3. It would help with making openSUSE Leap more useful as a drop-in replacement for CentOS/RHEL in the same way that the Tumbleweed flavors make it a drop- in replacement for Fedora. In Progress * 32bit ARMv7 enablement for openSUSE Leap 15.3 Dirk Mueller is looking further into the topic, we'll have a short update on next release team meeting. Special concerns are to maintenance setup. * - DNF for SLE and Leap Next Pending PM feedback. * - add authselect for managing auth stack configuration Neal will reach out to security team. Testing Done * - Upgrade firewalld to version 0.9.0 (or later) to support firewalld policies Currently pending PM feedback. Discussion
participants (1)
Lubos Kocman