Any window belongs to All Activities on 20230705
Hi there, Today I've updated from 20230625 to 20230705 and any window on KDE is shown on all activities ! Context menu on any window icon on taskbar , 'Show on activity' sub menu , is set to 'all activities'. Selecting any other activity has no effect. Anyone else uses activities and can confirm ? Should I open a issue on kde bugs ?
:palmface: Looks like it was a transient thing... I rollback to 20230625 to confirm that it was working as intend before the update and I wrote the previous post. Than I rollback again to 20230705 to get a list of updated packages between 20230705 and 20230625 when I realized this time activities are normal again. I can't explain...Never thought a boot could fix such thing, I was sure it was a lib or other KDE component that was updated between. Anyway, never mind.
participants (1)
Miguel Rozsas